Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1309 Miracle Seed, Beloved's Decision! !

Although precious props like "miracle seeds" have to be bred.

Pokémon don't need to be over 10,000 years old like soul beasts, but their strength must at least reach the level of a king and be able to initially control the power of nature.

Of course, it is not impossible for Pokémon of lower strength to breed such precious props, but the probability is pitifully low, and it can be said that it is infinitely close to zero.

And compared to the Pokémon of the Heavenly King level that can control the power of nature, the cost of breeding and producing props is very small——

If it is a grass-type elf, it only needs to bear a seed, bred and washed with strength for a few years, and this seed can be transformed into a "miracle seed"

Pokémon whose strength has not reached the level of a heavenly king and the standard of controlling the power of nature, to breed a prop, the probability is very low, and the price is even more astonishing.

Like the aforementioned "miracle seeds, preemptive claws, dragon teeth, sharp beaks, beautiful scales..."

If the Pokmon's strength is sufficient, the price is to grow a seed, lose a claw toe, lose a tooth, and pull out a scale...

But if the Pokmon's strength is not enough, if you want to produce such a prop, it will only be "exploded" like a lottery after death.

As mentioned earlier, this 'explosion rate' is very low, it can be said that it is infinitely close to zero! !

In addition, "miracle seeds" are different from "sharp beaks and dragon teeth". There are many strong trainers who specialize in flying and dragon-type Pokmon, just like Long Shidu alone accounts for two.

But trainers who are good at cultivating grass-type Pokémon, whose strength has reached the peak of the king level, and who can master the power of nature are really rare in the Pokémon world.

"And I'm just an ordinary elf nurse at the Pokémon Center in Big City, without any big background.

Want to get a "miracle seed"... hey! ! "As she spoke, Joy herself couldn't help sighing.

"Actually, about Miss Joey, you have heard about this wonderful frog seed from my mouth called Xiaozhi before~"

"Ah! Mr. Xiaozhi, is it Mr. Xiaozhi who rescued the Frog Seed from the sewer with me?" Qiao Yi asked in surprise when he heard what his beloved said.

"Hmm... that's what you called Mr. Xiaozhi.


"After hearing the story about the "Sewer Monster" told by Xiaozhi, I feel very sympathetic to Miss Joey, your experience and encounter with this wonderful frog seed~"

"Because the experience of my monarch snake in the early years is very similar to that of your frog grass, Miss Joey.

Monarch Snake has a congenital disability. Although it is not unable to evolve like Frog Grass, it cannot comprehend and learn skills. "

"In the early years, when the monarch snake was still a rattan snake, it was abandoned by two trainers one after another. The second trainer even brought it from the Hezhong area to the distant Fangyuan area and abandoned it in the wilderness..."

After hearing the words of his beloved, Joey, who was depressed because of the matter of the frog grass, had surprise written all over his face at this moment.

It was as if a person who was complaining about his miserable life experience suddenly heard another person talk about a more miserable life experience than his own.

"I didn't expect that your Monarch Snake, Mr. Liangren, is so powerful now and so charming on the stage, but he had such an experience in the past." Joey couldn't help but sighed.

"Yeah, Monarch Snake was indeed very difficult in the early years.

So I sympathize with Miss Joy, your froggrass, and as a trainer, I can also understand Miss Joey's urgency to help the froggrass realize its evolutionary wish. "

"Thank you, Mr. Beloved~" Joey said.

The beloved waved at Joey——

"In addition, Miss Joy, you said just now that the froggrass needs to be fused with a miracle seed to make up for the lack of evolutionary genes in the body and obtain the possibility of re-evolution."

"Actually, I just happen to have a "miracle seed" on hand." Myoto said as he threw a bomb.

"Ah!! What!!!" Hearing what his beloved said, Joey's face was full of surprise.

"Mr. Goodman..." After being surprised, Joey opened his mouth, with an expression on his face that he wanted to say but was too embarrassed to speak.

Nanako, who was very sympathetic to Froggrass, kept silent at this moment and did not interrupt.

Sympathy is sympathy, if it is a small favor within her power, she will definitely do her part.

But precious props like "miracle seeds" worth tens of millions were given to Joey just out of sympathy. Nanako is not as good as the Virgin Mary.

Especially this "miracle seed" belongs to the beloved, not to her.

At all times, she puts the interests of her lover first. This is Nanako's gentle, considerate and virtuous character.

So although Joey and Froggrass are in desperate need of a miracle seed, and the beloved just happens to have it, Nanako will not make the words to persuade the beloved to give it to each other.

She has never interfered with her beloved's decision-making, let alone made decisions for her beloved, and she can't do anything that would harm her beloved's interests.

Seeing Joey, who hesitated to speak, and Nanako who remained silent beside him, a smile appeared on Ryoto's face.

He doesn't have as many thoughts as Nanako, with his current wealth, he doesn't pay much attention to a "miracle seed".

Ordinary Pokémon props like this are the product of reaching the level of a heavenly king and mastering the power of nature.

Therefore, after the Pokémon breaks through the Heavenly King level, such props are basically useless, unless it was a champion-level Pokémon that bred the miracle seed in the first place.

In addition, the miracle seed in my beloved's hand was condensed by the old frog with all the energy and vitality in his body under the strong desire before he died, because he had a strong worry about the rattan snake.

The old frog wants to give this miracle seed as a reward to his husband, and only asks him to treat the rattan snake kindly.

Although Lao Wa's heart is very precious and heavy, but if you really want to analyze the quality of miracle seeds, it is actually much worse than ordinary miracle seeds on the market.

The miracle seeds bred by normal Heavenly King-level Pokémon that master the power of nature basically become invalid after breaking through the Heavenly King-level.

However, the miracle seed condensed by the old frog is much less effective, and it has already failed when the strength of the monarch snake reaches the LV.40 gymnasium level.

Now that the strength of Monarch Snake has reached the mid-stage quasi-king, the miracle seed left to it by the old frog can no longer increase its strength, and it is more of a relic to commemorate the old frog.

"I sympathize with the froggrass, and I can understand Miss Joey's desire to help the froggrass evolve.

If this miracle seed is just an ordinary Pokémon item, no matter how precious it is, I will give it to you without hesitation.

However, this miracle seed was a gift to Monarch Snake when a close relative passed away. For Monarch Snake, this miracle seed is not as simple as a power-enhancing prop.

So, although I intend to give you the miracle seed, I cannot make this decision for the Monarch Snake.

Of course, I will tell the Monarch Snake about the froggrass later, if it is willing, then I will naturally have no problem. "

The lover first talked about his own difficulties, and then said it to Joey.

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