Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1310 Monarch Snake の Wonderful Frog Grass and the Moon

"It doesn't matter, the Miracle Seed is a very precious item, not to mention it has such an important meaning to the Monarch Snake."

"So no matter what the final result is, I would like to thank you for your generosity on behalf of Froggrass." Joyce said very moved.


"Then let me ask Monarch Snake for you." My beloved didn't chat with Joey, since he had decided to help Joey and Froggrass in his heart, he didn't hesitate.

"Monarch Snake, come out and I'll discuss something with you." The beloved took out the poke ball and released the Monarch Snake.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake looked at his lover with curiosity and questioning in his eyes.

"Monarch Snake, it's like this, when I came to Big City before, didn't I tell you a story about a "sewer monster"——"

"After the 'unable to' evolve Frog Seed was adopted by Ms. Joy, I have been working hard to find a way to evolve the Frog Seed all these years."

"The froggrass we met in Xiaolu and Yaoyao's doubles match tonight is the original frog seed, which has evolved through Miss Joey's unremitting efforts.

However, due to the congenital lack of evolutionary genes in the froggrass, it is already the limit to evolve to the froggrass.

And in order to further evolve into the ultimate Miaowahua, it is necessary to fuse a miracle seed to make up for the missing evolutionary genes in the body.

Didn't the old frog give you a miracle seed before he passed away? The miracle seed is the only relic that the old frog left to you. I know it is very important to you.

But now the Miracle Seed is just a relic for you, but for Froggrass it is a chance to change fate and regain a new life, so I would like to ask you if you would like to help Froggrass. "

"Of course, you know that I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, so this matter depends entirely on your own wishes, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

The good man said to the king snake.

"Wum—Master, I want to think about this matter, can I give you an answer tomorrow?"

After hearing what her beloved said, the Monarch Snake first frowned, and was very embarrassed at first, but then gradually relaxed.

"Of course, it doesn't matter, you think about it,

No matter what decision you make, I will respect your opinion. "

Without giving Joey a chance to speak, the beloved nodded directly and said.

The egoism in the lover's character is very obvious. Although he sympathizes with Froggrass and Joey very much, he cares more about his Pokmon's thoughts.

"Thank you, Mr. Beloved..." Joey didn't think there was anything wrong with what Beloved and the Monarch Snake did, and still thanked him very sincerely.

Without getting too entangled in the matter of Froggrass, Liangren handed over all the Pokmon to Joey for recovery and then went upstairs.

Back in the room, Liangren took Slowly, Lucario, Mini Dragon... a few "boy papers" into the bathroom to take a bath.

Outside, the monarch snake climbed to the edge of the window sill, looking at the neon lights of the city.

Big City is very similar to Violet City. Both are a bustling city facing the sea, with row upon row of skyscrapers and dazzling neon lights at night.

Before Fangyuan was tamed by her beloved, it was still a rattan snake, and every day when the night lights came on, it would look at the dazzling neon lights of Zijin City from the east bank of the Fangyuan River.

Bigge City is different from Purple Corydalis City, there is no "Fangyuan River" outside Bigge City to prevent it from approaching

Since following my beloved, the days of suffering and darkness have passed, there are trainers who care about themselves, and companions who care about themselves...

Even though looking back on the first half of his life, the days of darkness and suffering accounted for eighty-nine out of ten, but it was because of the twelve out of ten days now.

Monarch Snake found that the memory of the miserable life that occupied a large proportion of the first half of his life had become very blurred before he knew it.

"Yeah, the vine snake that once hid in the bushes on the bank of the Fangyuan River and watched the neon lights of Violet City at night has grown into the monarch snake it is today."

"Because of Master, I don't need to look forward to the neon lights of the city anymore, because now I am already in the neon lights of the city, and I have become the most beautiful neon light..."

Thinking of this, Monarch Snake also felt very warm in his heart.

Now it is not only surrounded by bright and shining lights, showing itself on the beautiful stage and passionate competition field, but now it has not only realized its own dream, but also become the object of others' longing.

Facing Magneto, Froggrass... this kind of Pokémon who also has a rough life experience, it has enough power to encourage and help them.

"There was an old frog in the most difficult days before, and now I have an owner. Thinking about it carefully, I am actually very lucky. Not only did fate not abandon me, but it favored me..."

Looking at the neon lights of the city from the window sill, Monarch Snake gradually showed a grateful smile on his frowning and pensive face.

Using the vine whip, he took out the miracle seed left by the old frog from the vine clothes and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes. The eyes of the monarch snake became as soft as moonlight...

At the moment, like the monarch snake, staying by the bedside to watch the moon in the night sky, there are also Joyce and the frog grass.

After returning to the dormitory after work, Joey Zha helped Froggrass to clean his body, took a bath and put on his pajamas, and just quietly stayed in front of the window to watch the moon.

Tonight's moon is bright and clean, like a bright and clean mirror. Froggrass is looking at the moon longingly, as if it has seen the scene of itself evolving into Frogflower from the moon.

When he was still the seed of the frog, he was abandoned by the trainer because he could not evolve, and then lived alone in the city sewer for more than ten years.

Compared with the rattan snake who was accompanied by the old frog in the darkest trough, the frog seed has always been alone. Nothing interesting happened in the dark city sewer, and its life has always been dark.

No one confides in the pain in his heart. In those years, he has been immersed in the sadness of being abandoned by his trainer. In addition to the resentment towards his own trainer, he also resents himself.

Hate myself for not being able to evolve. If I could evolve, then I wouldn't be abandoned by the trainer. The trainer who abandoned me at the beginning was certainly very hateful, but it was also because I didn't live up to expectations.

After living alone in the sewer of Big City for more than ten years, although it was rescued and adopted by Joey, it already has obsessions.

Although it has been adopted by Joey for so many years, and it has evolved from the frog seed to the froggrass, it always has a deep sense of uneasiness in its heart.

Froggrass Bliss always feels that if he can't evolve into the final form of Frogflower, Joey will one day abandon it ruthlessly like the first trainer.

It will return to the dark city sewer again, this time it may not be more than ten years, and it is possible that it will spend the rest of its life alone in the city sewer.

In the end, no one knows and no one cares about dying of old age in the city sewer. It is afraid and disturbed, so it desires to evolve, and it must evolve...

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