Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1313 Successful evolution, Joey's thanks! !



After burying the miracle seeds into the flower buds, the flower buds on the back of the frogweed began to emit emerald green fluorescence, and then the emerald green fluorescence spread to the whole body——

Ryoto, Joey, Nanako, and Monarch Snake, who were watching from the side, also held their breath and did not make a sound.

Wash the tendons and cut the marrow, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality! ! !

Froggrass fused with miracle seeds, whose body was transformed by miracle power, first twitched and trembled, with a very painful expression on its face.

But after a while, the painful and tense expression of Froggrass slowly eased, and then the painful expression turned into a relaxed and happy expression.

The emerald green fluorescence that spread to the whole body of Froggrass slowly faded away, just when the three people on the side thought that the transformation of the miraculous power was about to end.

Sudden! !

"Chi—" Under the surprised gazes of the three people on the side, a soft white light suddenly burst out from the body of the frog grass.

"This is..." Nanako looked at the scene in front of her, opened her mouth wide, with a very surprised expression.

As a Pokémon trainer, both Nanako and Ryoto are very familiar with this white light. This is the evolutionary light that only appears when Pokmon evolves.

"Miss Joey, what's the grade of Frogweed?" My beloved lowered his voice and asked Joey, who turned to the side.

"Ah! Froggrass is now level LV.41, Mr. Liangren, what do you mean..." Hearing what the beloved said, Joey's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

"It should be right—"

"Under normal circumstances, the froggrass LV.32 can evolve into the final form of the frogflower. The reason why the froggrass did not evolve is because the evolution gene in the body is missing."

"Now the missing evolutionary genes in the froggrass have been supplemented after the fusion of the miracle seeds, so the froggrass has also evolved now."

Looking at the Froggrass shrouded in the light of evolution in front of him, Liangren nodded and said with a smile.

I don't know if it's because of the lack of evolutionary genes before and the lack of evolution. The evolution time of the froggrass this time is also extremely long.

Under normal circumstances, it only takes about 20 seconds to complete the evolution of Pokémon, but at present, it took more than a minute for the froggrass to finally complete the evolution.

"Dana—" the soft and bright light of evolution dissipated.

A huge toad Pokémon with blue-green skin, more than two meters tall, and a huge flower supported by a palm tree trunk appeared on the field.

This Pokémon, which is seven or eight points similar to the frog grass, is the final evolution of the frog grass: the frog flower.

"Froggrass... No, I should call you Frogflower now." Looking at the Pokémon that had completed evolution in front of him, Joey wept with joy.

"Dana~Dana~" Seeing Joey covering his face and crying, two vine whips protruded from the back of Miaowahua under the style, and gently wiped away the tears on Joey's face like hands.

"Miss Joey, don't cry, you should be happy that Frog Flower has completed its evolution." Nanako stepped forward to comfort Joey's shoulder.

"Congratulations, Frog Flower, you have finally realized your dream and evolved!!" Looking at the Frog Flower in front of him, whose aura is much stronger than before, the beloved is also sincerely happy for her.

"Dana~Dana~" Miaowahua nodded, two rattan whips stretched out from under the flower column, one was gently wrapped around the wrist of the beloved, and the other was wrapped around the vine protruded by the monarch snake strip.

Looking at the Beloved and the Monarch Snake, Miao Frog's eyes are full of gratitude. It understands that if it is not for the generosity of the Beloved and the Monarch Snake, it will not be able to evolve.

"Mr. Liangren, I really don't know how to thank you. If it weren't for Mr. Liangren who generously gave me the miracle seed, Miao Frog Flower doesn't know how long it will take to realize the evolution of my wish!!"

"Thank you so much—" Wiping away the tears on his face, Joey, who calmed down under Nanako's comfort, bowed solemnly to his beloved.

"You're welcome. With the improvement of strength, the miracle seed is actually not very useful to the Monarch Snake. Being able to help Miao Frog Flower can be regarded as the last bit of value of the miracle seed."

The beloved waved his hand and helped Joey to get up.

"It can't be said that, although the Miracle Seed is not very useful to the Monarch Snake, it is a precious treasure worth tens of millions.

However, Mr. Liangren, you just gave it to us, but I have nothing to repay Mr. Liangren. "

"Mr. Beloved, wait a moment." Joyce, who was full of guilt, suddenly thought of something, and left a sentence.

She didn't even care about the newly evolved Miaowahua, turned around and ran in haste.

After a while, Joyce ran over panting again with a small box,

"Are you..." My beloved looked at Joey with some doubts and asked.

"This is the "Water Attribute Z Pure Crystal" that I accidentally obtained from the overlord Pokémon in the pond on the hills when I went to the Alola region with Froggrass to find miracle seeds some time ago."

"Mr. Liangren and Monarch Snake, you two gave me the precious miracle seed, and I don't have anything to thank you for."

"My dear, you must accept it~" Saying that, Joey Chun not only offered the box containing the water attribute Z pure crystal with both hands, but also bowed deeply sincerely.

"Miss Joey, you don't have to do this. The Miracle Seed can help the Frog Flower. The Monarch Snake and I are very happy. We didn't think about asking for any reward." The beloved shook his head and explained.

"Of course I know that Mr. Liangren is willing to give us the precious miracle seeds. This is because of your kindness and enthusiasm, Mr. Liangren, but for us who accept your help, there is no way to regard your help, Mr. Liangren, as a Of course."

"This Z pure crystal is not paired with a Z bracelet, so there is no way to use it for display, and its value is far inferior to the miracle seed sent by Mr. Liangren."

"But this Z pure crystal is indeed something that I can get a little bit of at hand, so please don't refuse, Mr. Liang Ren, and accept the gratitude from me and Miao Frog Flower." Joey said sincerely.

"Dana~Dana~" Miaowahua said pleadingly.

"Miss Joey, Miaowahua, you don't have to do this, I just accept it—" the beloved lifted up the bowed Joey, and took the small box containing Z pure crystal under the expectant eyes of the other party.

"Thank you Mr. Beloved, Monarch Snake..." Seeing her Beloved accept her thank you gift, the guilt on Joey's face eased a bit.

As she said, without a Z bracelet, just a pure Z crystal is not worth the "miracle seed".

So even though the beloved accepted the thank you gift from her, Qiao Yizhen's gratitude to the beloved and the Monarch Snake did not weaken in the slightest.

Because even if the gift she gave in return was worth as much as the miracle seed, Joey would still be grateful to her husband.

Not to mention that "miracle seeds" are very important to Froggrass, and it is an opportunity to change fate.

It's just that the lover and Monarch Snake are eager to help when they learn that she and Froggrass are in trouble, which is worthy of her and Frogflower's heartfelt thanks.

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