Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1314 Water attribute Z pure crystal, new discovery of super personality! !



After the matter with Joey and Bulbawa was over, Ryoto asked Slowmon to accompany Nanako to go shopping, while he himself went back to the room of the Pokémon Center.

This time, he sent the "miracle seed" to Joey to help the froggrass make up for the missing evolutionary genes in his body. He really just sympathized with Joey and the froggrass, because the experience of the froggrass was similar to that of the monarch snake in his early years.

Miracle seeds are currently of no practical use to Monarch Snake, and with his current net worth, a "miracle seed" is really no big deal.

Of course, this miracle seed is a relic left by the old frog to the Monarch Snake, which is indeed of great significance, but the lover did not ask the Monarch Snake to do so, and the final result is also because the Monarch Snake figured it out.

As Monarch Snake himself said, there are many ways to remember the old frog.

The red-fleshed pomelo tree that Laowa and Laowa like to eat is planted in the yard of the house. Laowa is now buried in the cemetery in the western suburbs of Rainbow City. He can visit him whenever he is free.

But if this miracle seed can really change the fate of the froggrass, it can be regarded as the true value of the miracle seed.

At the same time, the life that the old frog has terminated can be considered to be continued in another way.

No matter what, the beloved and the Monarch Snake sent the Miracle Seed, and they really didn't think about asking Joey to return it.

But in the end, I got a Z pure crystal from Joey, and my lover was still very pleasantly surprised, because of his acquired superpower talent: "Mega Evolution Wave", it can be said that he has mastered the power of Mega evolution.

Ryoto has always had a very strong interest in the Z-movement, which is as famous as the evolution of Mega.

The first time I saw the power of Z-moves was in the Zijin City Arena in the first half of the year.

At that time, the trainer named Xi Lan had just returned from a trip to the Alola region, and the opponent had the power of fighting Z in his hands. Fierce Fist

The second time I saw the power of Z skills was when I applied for early graduation from Jinhuang Middle School, and then participated in the professional five-star promotion competition in the Jinhuang City Arena.

At that time, Hiroshi, who was his opponent, used the Z powerful bracelet to activate the advanced power of the electric attribute Z pure crystal, and together with Pikachu, he used "million volts"

And the third time I saw the power of the Z move,

Not long after the time has passed, it was at the Flower Rest Festival and Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest in Yangbeila City.

In the final stage, the contestant Yoko suddenly exploded, and her Pokémon Lan Manhua used the grass-attribute Z-movement "Gorgeous Colorful Flowers"

After the grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant, and before leaving Yangbeila City, Ryoto had a 1v1 battle with Yoko, and felt the power of the grass Z move up close.

After witnessing the power of Z-moves three times in a row, Ryoto became more and more interested in Z-moves. He even planned to travel to the Alola region when he had time in the future.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was still traveling in the Orange Islands, since he got a Z pure crystal from Joey by chance, and it was also a water attribute that the Monarch Snake just needed.

Paying and harvesting, one drink and one peck, as if it had been arranged in the dark.

As for what Joyce said:

"The Z pure crystal needs to be paired with the Z bracelet to be able to use it. Without the Z bracelet, if it is pure Z pure crystal, it is not worth as much as the miracle seed he gave away."

The beloved doesn't care much about this, and in his opinion, the value of the Z pure crystal is much higher than the miracle seed at present.

When the strength reaches the middle stage of the quasi-king, the miracle seed left by the old frog to the monarch snake is not very effective, and if the power of the Z pure crystal is activated, it will greatly increase the Pokmon at any stage.

Of course, the problem facing us at the moment is that without the matching Z bracelet, the pure Z crystal obtained by my beloved is useless at all.

However, this conclusion is only theoretical. If you study the principle behind it, without the Z bracelet, you may not be able to use the power of the Z pure crystal——

And to study the principle and mechanism behind this magical power, a beloved person with a superpower personality is very good at it.


Back in the upstairs room of the Pokémon Center, the beloved took off his shoes and lay down on the bed, creating a consciousness to enter the super energy space between the eyebrows.

"Number two, I have a good thing here..." As soon as he entered the super-power space, the beloved said to super personality No. 2 excitedly.

But before the lover finished speaking, the super personality directly interrupted his words, and said to the lover very excitedly:

"No. 1, you came just in time. I found something interesting. I believe you will be interested."

"Oh, what's new for you." Originally, he wanted to say that he had just obtained a water attribute Z pure crystal, but after hearing what the super personality said, he suddenly became interested.

The super personality is an existence similar to the second personality born after the fusion of his superpower talent and his memory. It has no emotion and no real independent consciousness. To Liang Ren, it is like a supercomputer in the brain. .

Most of the time, he will use the powerful computing power of the super personality to perfect the training plan he formulated, conduct feasibility analysis of some skill improvement plans...etc.

During this period of time, the training of his Pokémon came to an end temporarily, and the super personality returned to a long-term fixed job arranged by his beloved before: helping Lucario perfect the "Birdguide Cultivation Method"

The improvement and perfection of the waveguide practice method is a very tedious and long-term process step by step.

Although Liangren often helps to collect "cultivation cheats" through various channels such as the alliance database and the Internet for the super personality to use as a reference for perfecting and improving the waveguide cultivation method.

Lucario's current waveguide cultivation method will be updated and upgraded every other week. At present, Super Personality No. 2 has achieved great results in this work.

But for all kinds of achievements, the super personality has always been very flat, and has always been in the attitude of "basic exercises don't 6". This is the first time my lover has seen him so excited.

"Number One, if I tell you that the Mega Lucario energy projection in the super energy space can also practice the "Waveguide Cultivation Method", what do you think of the value of my discovery?"

In the endless colorful space, this young man who is exactly the same as his beloved in figure, appearance, and clothing, opened his only colorful eyes that are different from his beloved, and asked his beloved with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You mean that the Mega Lucario energy projection in this space can carry out the operation and practice of "Waveguide Cultivation Method"?" Hearing the words of Super Personality No. 2, the beloved opened his mouth wide and his eyes were full of shock.

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