Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1315 Lucario's Placing On-Hook Avatar

The consciousness projection separated by the beloved in front of him and the super space where the super personality No. 2 is located are formed by the "super evolution wave" awakened by the coincidence of the lover's superpower talent.

The energy projections of these Mega Pokémon in the super energy space are formed by absorbing the power released by the Pokmon Mega when it evolves. of.

According to the previous research on Liangren and super personality, these elf energy projections are like perpetual motion machines, which can help run endlessly without fatigue and generate super evolution wave energy.

With these super-evolutionary energies, Liangren can evolve Pokémon Mega without the help of "keystones and keystones", and bear most of the energy consumption of Mega evolution.

From the "Super Power Celebration" in Jinhuang City, the super-evolution wave talent was initially awakened by taking the wisdom psychic liquid. In the Nibi Gymnasium, I watched Xiaogang's steel snake Mega evolution fully activated and projected the first projection of the Mega steel snake. .

Afterwards, Fangyuan and his party, the Mega Evolution Invitational Tournament in Violet City...

Up to now, Liangren's super power space has projected the energy projections of Big Steel Snake, Flame Chicken, Silly Hippo... Gyarados, a total of 23 Mega Pokémon.

Because the energy projections of these 23 Mega Pokmon generate super-evolution wave energy tirelessly and endlessly, and Liangren has only two Pokémon Bi Diao and Lucario who can use the super-evolution wave to perform Mega evolution.

Although there are still half of the energy projections of Mega Pokémon that have not been collected, but in terms of current output and consumption, the energy of the super evolution wave is completely enough.

Therefore, after the energy of the super-evolution wave is sufficient, the beloved and the super-power personality no longer care about the energy projection.

The existing Mega Pokémon energy projections in the space, Super Personality No. 2 keeps them running, and because the energy of the super-evolution wave is completely sufficient on Liangren's side, he does not deliberately collect the energy projections of Mega Pokémon.

It's just that I didn't expect that after such a long time, during the process of helping my beloved to perfect the "Waveguide Cultivation Method", the super personality discovered that the energy projection of Mega Lucario in the space can run the waveguide practice method.

My beloved is not stupid. When he saw the super personality smiling and saying this discovery, he understood the huge value hidden behind this discovery.

Super personality No. 2 will be so excited, obviously Mega Lucario's energy projection operation "Waveguide Cultivation Method" is not just as simple as being able to operate.

Because these Mega Pokémon energy projections in the space are generating energy like a perpetual motion machine.

The good man speculates that the Mega Lucario mentioned by the super personality can practice the "Waveguide Cultivation Method", which means at a deeper level:

Mega Lucario, an assembly-line machine that originally only produced the initial product of super-evolution waves, is now loaded with the mode of "Waveguide Cultivation Method" and assigned a special task to practice the Waveguide Cultivation Method...

"You mean to say that the Mega Lucario energy projection, which originally only generated super-evolutionary waves, can generate waveguides after performing the "Waveguide Practice Method"~"

Looking at Super Personality No. 2 with a smile on the corner of his mouth, the beloved opened his somewhat dry mouth and asked back in shock.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." The super personality snapped his fingers and said.

"Hiss!!!" Although he had already guessed this result, but after receiving a positive reply from Super Personality No. 2, Liangren couldn't help but gasped.

Mega Lucario energy projection can run the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" to continuously generate waveguide power. For this point, the beloved can think of two benefits.


If Mega Lucario can't share experience and cultivation with his beloved Lucario, although the usefulness of Mega Lucario's energy projection will be greatly reduced.

But it can also act as a waveguide power bank to help Lucario supplement the waveguide consumption.


If Mega Lucario can share experience and cultivation with his beloved Lucario, it would be a bit scary, because this is equivalent to Lucario having an extra clone to help him cultivate.

Although it is not like Uzumaki Naruto in "Naruto", who uses the "multiple shadow clone technique" to separate multiple clones for training at the same time, but Mega Lucario's energy projection is better than fatigue, and can be practiced 24 hours a day .

You must know that even if Lucario usually trains very hard, because of other trainings every day, the time for practicing "Bird Guide Cultivation Method" is less than 3 hours a day.

Now that there is suddenly an additional "Placing and Hanging Clone" that can be used 24 hours a day to help him practice, Lucario's strength improvement speed is believed to be raised to a very terrifying height.

Knowing the powerful effect of the second possibility, my beloved hurriedly asked Super Personality No. 2 for confirmation.

"Number two, can the experience and cultivation obtained from Mega Lucario's energy projection practice "Waveguide Cultivation Method" be transferred to Lucario?" My beloved asked nervously.

"Number one, I understand what you mean." The super personality suspended cross-legged in mid-air fell down, with his hands calmly wrapped around his chest.

"Actually, I just discovered that Mega Lucario Energy Projection can practice the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" and generate waveguides.

Whether it is possible to transfer the cultivation base to Lucario, because I haven't tested it yet, so I can't guarantee it. "

"However, since the super evolution waves produced by these Mega Pokémon energy projections in the space can be transmitted to Lucario for Mega evolution.

I think the waveguide energy, experience, and cultivation level generated by Mega Lucario's projection operation waveguide cultivation method should also be shared with Lucario.

And after my deduction and calculation, the probability of success of this conjecture is as high as 80%." Faced with the question of the beloved, Super Personality No. 2 also gave his own calculation data.

"Probability is just a probability. Even if the probability is as high as 99.9%, as long as it has not been verified by practice, it will never be 100% certain that it will work."

"Let's verify it first." Liangren said to Super Personality No. 2.

"OK~" Super Personality No. 2 nodded readily and agreed.

The beloved who has received super personality recovery also withdraws this consciousness projection out of the super space and returns to the outer body.

"Lucario, come out and do an experiment with me." My beloved threw Lucario's precious ball and said.

"Bang ~ ouch~" The baby ball opened, and Lucario, who had a vigorous figure, also appeared in the room.

Bi Diao went for a drive, Dumbbeast and Iron Armor went shopping with Nanako, and the two guys, Mini Dragon and Magneto, were also taken out by Nanako to increase their knowledge and experience.

When I returned to the room just now, my beloved planned to study the water-attribute Z pure crystal he had just obtained from Joey, so only the monarch snake was left outside by the beloved.

At this moment, when he saw his beloved release Lucario and said that he would conduct some experiments, the Monarch Snake, who was blowing wind on the window sill, also looked over curiously.

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