Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1316 Cultivation Sharing Transmission Experiment

"Lucario, just now I discovered that the energy projection of your Mega evolution in the super energy space can run the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" to generate the power of a waveguide."

"Now you accompany me to do an experiment to see if the energy avatar can share the experience and cultivation in your body with you when you undergo Mega evolution."

Looking at the curious Lucario and the Monarch Snake, Ryoto briefly explained.

"Aww—can you help me practice? Yes, yes." Hearing what his beloved said, Lucario was overjoyed.

It's not a novice who doesn't understand anything. When the beloved made this discovery, Lucario understood the value of it.

If the energy projection in Liangren's super energy space can run the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" and can share the cultivation base transmission with it, then it is equivalent to having an additional clone that hangs up.

From now on, it no longer has to worry about being too busy with training every day, and has no time to do meditation on waveguide practice. With such a clone placed on the phone, its growth rate of cultivation will be unprecedentedly improved.

If the growth of the waveguide cultivation method for 1 hour of practice is quantified as a value of 1, Lucario currently spends about 3 hours a day doing waveguide cultivation method meditation.

Therefore, Lucario's waveguide repair for a day increases to 3

And if the energy avatar in Liangren's super energy space can share and transmit the experience and cultivation base generated by the operation waveguide practice method to it.

Then Lucario will have an extra clone that can keep practicing 24 hours a day, and the cultivation level of the waveguide can increase by 24 numerical points every day.

Plus Lucario's 3 points of cultivation from his daily meditation practice.

3+24=27, 27÷3=9

If the next experiment can confirm this conjecture, then the growth and improvement speed of Lucario's waveguide practice method will suddenly increase to 9 times compared with the previous one.

Some time ago, I followed the mini dragon to clear the wild, and Lucario's level has been raised from LV.48 in the mid-term of the quasi-king to LV.49 in the late-term of the quasi-king, which is a proper late stage.

At this stage, what is linked to the depth of Lucario's strength is no longer fighting cultivation, but the strength of the waveguide in his body, which is the waveguide's cultivation——

Therefore, even if Lucario's waveguide cultivation at this stage is doubled, he believes that his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes and improvements, let alone a terrifying 9-fold increase.

Now Lucario is already in the late stage of quasi-Uranus King, if the next experiment can be successful, maybe it will only take a few months for Lucario to break through to the level of Uranus King in one fell swoop.

Knowing the pros and cons of this, not only the hearts of my beloved and Lucario are burning, but even the Monarch Snake next to me is also feeling excited.

"Lucario, let's get started." Seeing that Lucario couldn't wait any longer, the beloved also directly started the experiment of energy avatar sharing and transmission.

"Aww—" Lucario also nodded excitedly.

This so-called "cultivation transfer sharing" experiment is actually not complicated. Under normal circumstances, the Mega Pokmon energy projection in Liangren's super energy space has no connection with the Pokmon under Liangren's hands outside.

Even the energy projection of Mega Lucario is formed by the energy released by the beloved when scanning Lucario Mega evolution.

The only connection between the two is that the energy projection in the super space will generate super evolution wave energy like a tireless machine, and then supply it to Lucario for Mega evolution.

Because all the energy produced is the super-evolution wave, the Mega Lucario energy projection in Liangren's super-energy space is not substantially different from other Mega Pidao, Mega Gyarados....

Although the names and appearances are different, they are essentially machines that produce super-evolutionary waves.

However, after the super personality discovered that Mega Lucario could practice the "Waveguide Cultivation Method", Ryoto suddenly discovered that these energy projections are different from each other.

He even guessed that the energy projections in the super energy space, allowing them to continuously produce super evolutionary waves, is only a basic ability, and the most correct way to open it is to practice on-hook.

Of course, whether it is an energy-generating machine or a training avatar placed on-hook can only be concluded after the experiment.

"Are you ready?" My beloved looked at Lucario and asked.

"Aww - I'm ready." Lucario responded.

"Okay, let's start." After receiving Lucario's reply, the lover didn't hesitate to mobilize the super evolution wave in the super energy space to help Lucario start the Mega evolution.

In the room, with a burst of dazzling light of evolution and Mega evolution's single-edged darts and colored gene spiral energy pattern spreading, Lucario also completed Mega evolution.

"Hoo hoo..."

The waveguide body in the back of the head floated in the air, and the warm but not violent waveguide wind spread in all directions, and the bed curtain in the room was blown and swayed.

After the evolution of Mega, although Lucario is still obedient to his lover, his personality has also changed from lively and well-behaved to cold and handsome——

Without any words at the moment, Mega Lucario looked at his lover calmly like a cold-faced bodyguard, waiting for him to show.

There is no hesitation on the lover's side, just like continuing to send super evolution waves to maintain Lucario's Mega evolution. Let Mega Lucario's energy projection in the super energy space, transfer and share the experience gained from running the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" in the body to the Mega Lucario outside.

Except for the sound of the conversation between the lover and the super personality, in the super space that had been silent all the time, there was a long howl of a lone wolf screaming at the moon at this moment.

"Wow——" Mega Lucario's energy projection raised its head and let out a howl, and the waveguide body behind its head floated in the air.

The originally empty eyes, I don't know if it is because of the connection with Lucario outside, now there is a little more agility of intelligent life.

After the lover ordered the transmission and sharing of experience and cultivation bases, a light blue energy began to burst out from Mega Lucario's energy projection.

The super-evolution waves generated by the energy projections in the space are dreamy and colorful energy, and when mobilized and used by the beloved, they will show a brilliant golden color.

And the light blue energy emerging from the Mega Lucario energy projection in front of me is also very familiar to my lover, this is the power of waveguide~

"Boom—" The energy gushing out of Mega Lucario's projection turned into a beam of energy and shot straight into the sky.

There is no concept of front, back, up, down, left, or right in the super energy space, any direction is the entrance and exit.

With the thought of the beloved, this waveguide power has appeared out of thin air in the outer Mega Lucario through the connection of Mega evolution.

Because the energy produced by the Pokémon projection in the super space has no individual identification, the super evolution wave can make Bi Diao, Lucario... all Pokmon that can Mega evolve evolve.

And right now, the power and cultivation acquired by Mega Lucario's energy projection operation "Waveguide Cultivation Method" does not conflict with the power in Lucario's body.

The new cultivation power entered the body, and was easily assimilated and fused by the original waveguide in Lucario's body.

"Wow——" Feeling the strengthening of the waveguide in his body, the cool and aloof Mega Lucario couldn't help but let out a long and happy howl.

"How about Lucario, in addition to the power of waveguide, has the experience obtained from the energy projection practice "waveguide cultivation method" been shared and transmitted to you?" My lover hurriedly asked.

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