Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1317 Lucario's Super Opportunity

"How about... Is the experience obtained from the energy projection practice "Waveguide Cultivation Method" shared and transmitted to you?" My beloved looked at Lucario expectantly and asked.

Hearing his beloved's words, Mega Lucario also gradually disengaged from the joy of increasing strength in his body, and then carefully perceived the changes in his "cultivation level" in his body.

"Aww——" opened his eyes, Lucario shouted excitedly to his lover.

Just now it felt carefully and carefully. In addition to the enhancement of the waveguide power in the body, there are also some more experience memories of practicing the "Birdguide Cultivation Method" in its mind.

In general, strength + memory = cultivation

The Mega Lucario energy projection in the super energy space transmits to Lucario not only the power of the waveguide generated by running the waveguide practice method, but also all the memories during the practice of the waveguide practice method.

According to this point, the beloved can basically be sure that the Mega Lucario energy projection in the super energy space can share the cultivation base obtained by practicing the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" with Lucario.

The energy projections in Liangren's super-energy space are no longer simply machines that produce super-evolutionary wave energy, but also clones that can hang up and practice.

Compared with before, its value has skyrocketed geometrically.

"Aww—not only that, the cultivation experience of the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" transmitted by the energy projection, many experience skills are more subtle than my own, and the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" works more smoothly than mine."

Mega Lucario said to his beloved in shock.

But for Lucario's words, the beloved was not too surprised.

"Because it is an energy projection avatar, there is no need to worry about being too aggressive and bold in cultivation, which will cause the power to go wrong and go crazy."

"And there is Super Personality No. 2 on the side, guiding the energy projection practice just like I use the "bond link" visual sharing to supervise your training, and many details can be corrected in time. "

"So when you practice the "Waveguide Cultivation Method" through energy projection, it makes sense for the energy to flow more smoothly, and to master a lot of experience and little skills that you don't know about." Liangren explained with a smile.

This is like his super personality No. 2, although all his ability to think and calculate comes from his lover, although he has no emotion, no independent thinking ability, and no creative ability unique to intelligent life.

But the super personality can perform high-precision calculations like a supercomputer, and she can do this in theory, but in practice she can't do it at all.

Therefore, as a good person, he will creatively put forward various ideas and formulate various plans, such as:

‘Through the deduction of the waveguide practice method through the fire god music festival dance, strengthening Bi Diao’s strong chest muscle characteristics to offset the defense reduction brought about by the courage of burning ambition...

Exercise and retain the exclusive control ability of the miniature dragon molt and magical scales by being controlled, and help the monarch snake understand the atmosphere of plants by drinking plant dew for a long time...’

Liangren often comes up with some very creative plans, and then the super personality conducts data calculation analysis on the feasibility of the plan, and perfects the plan through deduction.

Although the super personality is not a real personality, he is the most useful tool man with irreplaceable value in the eyes of his lover.

Now that Lucario also has such a useful avatar tool as 'energy projection', he is also very happy in his heart.

"Maybe in addition to gradually "Waveguide Practice Method", the next time Lucario does some new project training, you can also let the super personality first experiment on the Mega Lucario energy projection, and wait until you get a safe model Then let Lucario practice."

"In addition, maybe it's not just Mega Lucario's projection, Mega Bidiao's energy projection, if you want to, it can also help Bidiao hang up training..."

Thinking about it, Liangren seems to have opened up a new world, a world of 'opening' that can quickly improve the strength of his Pokmon in the true sense.

"Hoooo—" The experiment was over, the energy supply of the super evolution wave was withdrawn, and Lucario also exited the Mega evolution form.

On the side of the super personality, because it has just been discovered that the Mega Lucario energy projection can run the "Waveguide Practice Method", so the waveguide cultivation level accumulated in the Mega Lucario energy projection is not very much.

After finishing the experiment just now, the poor cultivation in Mega Lucario's energy projection body has been completely transmitted and shared with Lucario.

Of course, just because Mega Lucario's energy projection body has only a small amount of cultivation, after receiving this part of the cultivation transmitted from the energy projection, Lucario's strength and cultivation did not increase much.

Of course, through the experiment just now, it can be confirmed that Mega Lucario's energy projection can help Lucario cultivate like a hang-up clone, and then share the cultivation base transmission with Lucario. This is already a very exciting thing. Surprise thing too.

After the experiment, the beloved suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and once again separated a consciousness into the super space.

In the outer room, Lucario happily ran to the Monarch Snake.

"Aww—Sister Snake, brother master said that with this energy projection avatar, the practice effect of "Waveguide Cultivation Method" has increased by 9 times compared to before!!" Lucario said happily.

"Umu——Xiaolu, this time you really took off and surpassed me. With this energy projection avatar to help you hang up and practice, I dare say you can break through to the Heavenly King level ahead of me 100%!!"

Looking at the lively and active Lucario in front of him, Monarch Snake's expression at the moment seemed somewhat complicated.

Once upon a time, Lucario was much stronger than it, and after it caught up and worked tirelessly, the Monarch Snake finally caught up with Lucario.

Some time ago, I first established a "bond link" with my beloved at the grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant in Yanbeila City——

Immediately afterwards, it completed the training of the four grass-attribute moves of "Strong Whip, Sun Flame, Flying Leaf Storm, Hardened Plant".

Later, because of the little Magneto, the Monarch Snake untied the long-buried heart knot and made a breakthrough in strength, and the Monarch Snake really caught up with Lucario.

Plus the experiment of "Flower Dew, Plant Atmosphere", and the "Water Attribute Z Pure Crystal" that I just got from Joey this morning.

Both Beloved and the Monarch Snake are confident in breaking through the Heavenly King Level ahead of Lucario, but they didn't expect the situation to change suddenly.

The Mega Lucario energy projection in Liangren's super energy space can actually help Lucario hang up and practice, and then share the cultivation base transmission with Lucario.

Compared with before, Lucario's efficiency in practicing the "Waveguide Practice Method" has directly increased by more than 9 times, which makes Monarch Snake's mood very complicated.

However, everyone is a Pokémon under the good man's hands. As close companions and relatives, Lucario suddenly got such a big opportunity, and Monarch Snake is still very happy for him in general.

It's just that now that Lucario has such a clone that can train and practice 24 hours a day, it will not be so easy for the Monarch Snake to catch up with or even surpass Lucario.

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