Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1324 Three days later, the night of the promotion match! !



In the afternoon, Liangren signed up for the "tourist mode".

Although there is no bonus after winning the game in the tourist mode, compared to the fact that there is no match at all under normal circumstances, the tourist mode is undoubtedly more suitable for lovers.

And has been signing up to participate in the tourist mode of the game, Ryoto has gradually gained experience, and can judge the opponent's strength before the opponent enters the field and has not released the Pokémon.

This principle is 'Wang Qi', everyone has their own breath or waveguide.

The strong and the weak, the high-ranking and the ordinary people, have different backgrounds, different living environments, different strengths and social status, and there are also great differences in the aura or waveguide in their bodies.

After Liang Ren established a bond with Slow Beast and Lucario, with the help of the superpower perspective and waveguide perception, he "looked forward" and judged the strength of the opponent on the field.

If the strength is very strong, then he will send the three first-tier aces of Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Tiejiabei to the next game. If the opponent's strength is relatively not very strong, then he will send Monarch Snake and Lucario play.

If the opponent's strength is weak, then Liangren's side will send mini dragons to play.

Because before the opponent releases the Pokémon, Ryoto has already had a rough judgment on its strength, and the Pokémon he sends off, no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, can finally play a game to his heart's content.

For example, when the beloved sent Bi Diao, the opponent sent a novice-strength Pokémon, or the beloved sent a mini dragon, but the opponent released an elite-level Pokémon, basically it rarely happened.

My beloved, he relied on his precise predictions, and his Pokémon not only had a great time playing the game, but also gained a lot of experience from each game.

Especially the little one, the miniature dragon, as a "champion species" with a noble bloodline, its strength is also improving rapidly in this moderately stressful game.

The use of skills is becoming more and more skillful and spiritual, and the cooperation with my beloved in battle has become more and more tacit...

The improvement visible to the naked eye on the mini dragon not only made Liang Ren very happy and satisfied, but also made the audience who came to the arena to watch his game full of surprise and shock.


three days,

The level of the miniature dragon has also been raised by 3 levels, from LV.20 when it first arrived in Big City to LV.23.

When Liangren brings Pokmon to the city arena to play games every day, and the strength of the mini dragon is rapidly improving, the promotion of the "Promotion Night" event at the Big City City Arena is also in full swing.

Three days is not long or short. In the face of strong execution, the "Promotion Night" event has completed the pre-competition campaign.

Because the prize money for the competition has been doubled, the trainers in Big City, whether they are 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, or 4-star, only those trainers who have won nine consecutive victories and can participate in the promotion competition have signed up to participate in this competition. Promotion night event at City Arena.

Many people who did not meet the nine-game winning streak also took advantage of the three days before the start of the competition to come to the city arena to participate in the qualifying competition, intending to hit the nine-game winning streak before the promotion night.

Because Liang Ren released the news three days in advance in the dynamic video updated on "Sun Daily".

The promotion night event held by Big City City Arena also attracted the attention of trainers from many other islands in the Orange Islands.

Like Yangbeila City, which is closer to Big City..., many trainers rushed to Big City to sign up for the promotion night event.

Three days passed in a flash, as the sun sank into the mountains in the west and the sky above Big City's urban arena exploded with festive fireworks.

The "Promotion Night" event, which has been publicized for three days, officially kicked off amidst the excited discussions of the spectators who lined up outside the arena to check tickets.

Although the scale of tonight's "Promotion Night" has become larger and more trainers will participate in the promotion competition, the real protagonists tonight are Liangren and the contracted trainer Huo Yan from the Big City City Arena ~

The spectator ticket checking line outside the arena is getting longer and longer, and the number of trainers entering the arena at the player entrance channel has increased several times than usual.

Huge hydrogen balloons with colorful streamers hanging around the square are flying high in the air, and a group of specially domesticated Bobos are circling in a group. The TV crews with interview microphones and cameras are busy in the crowded square. walking through.

Looking at the bustling scene in the square outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows made of one-way perspective glass, Ryoto and Nanako became emotionally infected and gradually became excited.

As the real protagonist of tonight's "Promotion Night", Big City City Arena sent a special car to the Pokémon Center to pick him up and Nanako before it was dark.

When the leader of the City Arena in Big City entertained the two of them for dinner, Liangren also met his opponent in tonight's game, the one from Red Lotus Island in the north, who specializes in fire elves, and whose ace fire-breathing dragon masters Mega evolution. Huo Yan.

Huo Yan is not very old, he is a strong young man in his early twenties who likes to go shirtless. Just like his name, Huo Yan has hair color like a raging flame.

When he first met the other party, the beloved guessed that Huo Yan's personality should be very hot and arrogant, but unexpectedly, he was rarely wrong about this point.

Although the other party's personality is very warm and cheerful, he is not hot, and at the same time he is not arrogant. When he first met, he took the initiative to greet his beloved, very polite and polite.

Because tonight's promotion match was specially arranged for him by Big City City Arena, which signed Huoyan, to enhance his reputation.

The purpose and idea are good, and in the long run, it will be beneficial to Huoyan's future development, but this does not change the fact that tonight's game is a game of disparity in strength between the two sides for Huoyan. Race to win hope.

In order to take care of the face of Huo Yan, the person concerned, about the order of appearance of the Pokmon of the two sides in the game, how the beloved let the water go without a trace, and how to let Huo Yan have more opportunities to show in the game...

After Huo Yan left, many arrangements for the details of the competition were discussed and coordinated by the person in charge of the city arena and his beloved.

Zeng Liangren's attitude towards the game is that he will go all out at any time.

However, with the rapid improvement of his strength and his fame, although his principle of not playing counterfeit games has always existed, but because he is often invited to participate in this kind of exhibition games, Liangren gradually accepts the arrangement of a little bit of water in the games.

Liangren doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. Compared with understanding it as hypocrisy, Liangren thinks that this should be from the youthful sharpness to the mature mentality of keeping a low profile and hiding with a knife.

The stronger the strength, the higher the status, the more mature the person..., not only will he not be full of aggressiveness in his interactions with others, but he will be more willing to take care of the feelings of those who are weaker than himself.


After staying for a while in the lounge arranged by the person in charge of the arena, the "Promotion Night" competition officially started outside.

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