Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1325 Survival logic and logical contradiction

The audience takes their seats, and the contestants arrive one after another——



As it gets closer and closer to the official start of the 19:30 "Promotion Night", the atmosphere in the 10 competition venues in the Big City City Arena has become more and more lively.


When the time reached 19:30, the lights of the 10 competition venues in the city arena were all turned off, and all the spectators who were full of people in the venue who were whispering and chatting with the people around them also fell silent for the first time.


In the center of the dimly lit venue, countdown numbers presented by holographic projections began to beat under the excited attention of the audience.

And in the audio equipment of the venue, the English broadcast sound of the digital countdown was also transmitted synchronously.


Watching the beating countdown numbers and the English countdown broadcast reverberating in the arena, the audience sitting in the auditorium outside the venue also counted down together in a low voice or silently in their hearts.


As the last number of the countdown ended, the lights of all venues were suddenly turned on simultaneously.

The spectators who were stimulated by the strong light squinted their eyes and then opened them, and then turned their gazes to the field below. The referees and game commentators were all in place.

"Ho Ho Ho... Dear viewers and friends, good evening, I am the commentator of venue X tonight ×××

After waiting for three days, tonight finally officially ushered in the "Night of the Promotion Competition"

I believe everyone already knows by now that tonight there will not only be a match between the star trainer Mr. Mu Muliang and our popular signing trainer Huo Yan in the Big City City Arena.

At the same time, trainers from Big City, Yanbeila City, and all surrounding towns who are about to advance to the next level are gathered, so tonight our Big City City Arena will be the most bloody, lively, and joyous ocean——

So please enjoy yourself! ! ! "



Following the brief introduction of the game commentator,

The audience in the venues burst into cheers like a tidal wave.

"...Then I announce that tonight's "Promotion Night" will officially begin, and the players who will be on the stage next will win nine consecutive victories in the sub-venue and advance from a sporadic trainer to a professional one-star competition. "

"Please cheer for our upcoming contestants as much as you want."



The "Night of the Promotion Competition" officially started. Although the Big City City Arena is not as grand as the Golden City City Arena, the warm atmosphere at the scene is not lost at all.

Amidst the narration of the game commentator and the cheers of the audience, the players also officially appeared on the stage to start tonight's game.

Liangren, Nanako, Huo Yan, and the leaders of the competition department of the Big City City Arena who accompanied them, the lounge where they stayed was in the position where the perspective of the main venue No. 1 was well prepared.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows made of one-way see-through glass, everyone in the lounge can condescendingly watch the ongoing games in the No. 1 main venue.

Because it is the No. 1 main venue where Liangren and Huoyan will be playing, it is also a promotion match. Even if the players who are the first to play in this venue, the starting ranks are all at the professional 1-star level.

Although all the contestants tonight are the foil of Liang Ren and Huo Yan, the city arena in Big City is doing a lot of publicity with great fanfare, making the stage so grand.

In the eyes of my beloved and the others, these trainers are a foil, but in the eyes of these participating trainers themselves, it is a great opportunity for them to fight for fame with all their strength.

The survival logic of Pokémon professional trainers, whether it is traveling to the gym to collect badges to participate in the league conference, or playing games in the city arena...

In fact, they are all turning their own strength into money, fame, and social status.

However, with the continuous development of the entire industry, more and more people are pouring into this industry. There are really not many people who can really turn Pokémon trainers into a job to support themselves and a stable career that can settle down.

Before getting the initial Pokémon and officially debuting as a Pokémon trainer, I believe that all children dream of becoming a powerful and respected Pokémon master one day.

But when dreams meet bread and hobbies become jobs.

Enthusiasm slowly fades amid fierce competition and the pressure of survival, and there are really very few people who truly remain true to their original intentions and grow together with trainers and Pokémon.

Nowadays, in the industry of Pokémon professional trainers, there are really as many trainers as there are crucian carp crossing the river, and the competition between them is really like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge.

It becomes very difficult to stand out. Many trainers can travel with a relaxed and happy mood in the early days, but as they grow older, they experience life pressure.

There are very few people who are willing to put all their eggs in one basket and become a professional trainer. Most of them work part-time, earning bread while working and incubating their dream of being a trainer.

Outdoor travel live broadcast, UP owner who shared content of Pokémon training dry goods on the short video platform, entered the professional trainer team, and analyzed Pokémon battle tactics theory...

As more and more people enter the industry of professional trainers, although the competition in this industry has become more and more fierce, the content of this industry has also become more and more abundant.

However, the survival logic of Pokémon professional trainers, the simplest, most basic, and most mainstream logic of transforming "strength" into "money, fame, status..." has not changed.

And becoming stronger is not an easy task, because there is a very big contradiction behind the profession of trainer.

That is a very hardworking and self-disciplined trainer. It is actually very easy to make him stronger and better, but it is not so easy to help Pokémon become stronger.

Because the process of training and nurturing Pokémon is like an educator or a teacher, although most people have the genes to be good teachers in their bones.

But in fact not everyone is suitable to be a teacher and can be a good teacher.

To become outstanding, one must be very focused, and precisely because of being too focused, many excellent people are not good at expressing and teaching others.

As for the profession of Pokmon trainer, the improvement of the trainer's own quality and the strengthening of Pokmon's strength are indispensable.

Therefore, the trainer and the Pokmon are sometimes separated. It is very, very difficult to make both of them do a good job without losing the chain.

It is precisely for this reason that Pokémon battle theorists put forward the theory that 50%+50%=100% trainers and Pokmon have a clear division of labor and perform their duties.

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