Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1328 Hei Luga vs Lucario (2)

Seeing that Hei Lujia was not sent flying by the counter-attack shield immediately with his ruthless strength, the lover also didn't have the heart to wrestle with the other party in a boring way.

"Lucario, use the bone to charge." The beloved's right hand hanging on the side of the body drew a circle in mid-air, accompanied by the command in his mouth, and his arm swung forward like a guillotine.

"Aww——" Behind the severely dented energy shield, Lucario's dark red eyes looked at Heluga with a ferocious expression through the translucent energy shield, and the corners of his mouth curled up when he received his beloved's order. Nice arc.

"Oops, Hei Lujia, step back quickly." Huo Yan's expression on the opposite side of the field changed drastically.

"Woohoo—" Feeling the panic and anxiety in the trainer's tone, Heluga, who was about to fight Lucario to the end with his head firmly on the energy shield, also prepared to retreat tactically.

It's just that it didn't expect that the energy protection shield that was full of counter-shock power just now, wishing to bounce it off, suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Hei Lujia, who was angrily and unwilling to choose a tactical retreat, not only failed to borrow strength from the counterattack shield, but instead stepped on the ground, staggered, and rushed towards Lucario with his teeth and claws open.

However, Lucario did not open his arms to embrace it, but split his palms and pulled it to the sides, and an energy rod bone like a long stick was formed instantly.

A little cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon! ! !

The corner of Lucario's mouth raised slightly to lock Heluga's weak abdomen, and he smashed out the stick bone in his hand.

"Howling!!!" Hei Lujia, who was hit hard in the abdomen, curled up into a prawn in pain, his eyes widened and he let out a howl of pain, and the corners of his mouth were dripping with saliva.

Bone Charge, also known as Bone Stick Luan Da or Bone Bash, is a ground-based move that is effective against fire-type Pokémon like Heluga.

The two sides had only fought for two rounds, and he was the first to attack. Unexpectedly, in the end, not only did they not get any advantage, but they were hit hard by the other side.

"Hei Lujia..." Huo Yan shouted anxiously.

"Woo~" is the main Pokémon bred by Huo Yan's key training, and it didn't simply lose its fighting ability just like that.

He turned around and landed in a somersault. Although Hei Lujia still had a look of pain on his face, Hei Lujia also took the shortest time to adjust and return to the fighting state.

"Huo Yan... Huo Yan..."

"Huo Yan... Huo Yan..."

"Hei Lujia...Hei Lujia..."

"Hei Lujia...Hei Lujia..."

Seeing that Huo Yan and Hei Lujia were at a disadvantage,

The fans of Xi Huoyan who were watching the match also erupted into cheers like a tsunami.

However, Huo Yan and Hei Lujia, the parties involved in the battle, did not relax. When the fans cheered for him, Liangren's side had already launched an offensive again.

"Lucario, rush over, continue to charge with bones!!!" My beloved gave Lucario a chase order.

Bone Charge is a ground-type move, and it has a very obvious restraint effect on the fire-type Heluga. Compared with fighting-type moves, the ground-type Bone Charge is undoubtedly easier to deal damage.

"Aww——" Lucario, who had received the order from his lover, kicked his legs, holding the energy bone stick in one hand, and at the same time rushed towards Heluga with a burst of strides.

But when he saw Lucario attacking aggressively, Huo Yan didn't dare to be careless at all, and immediately ordered Helujia to deal with it.

"Hei Lujia, use Hell Spike!!" Huo Yan shouted at Hei Lujia.

Although he was severely injured by Lucario's bone charge just now, He Lujia not only did not feel afraid of it, but was inspired to be bloody and ruthless.

Dark red fierce eyes stared at Lucario, who was attacking with a stick, and Heluga licked his paw with his tongue, and then the surface of the paw also showed faint purple fluorescence.

Youguang suddenly elongated and turned into sharp energy claws.

Immediately afterwards, Hei Lujia also rushed forward and slapped Lucario with his claws.





With horizontal strokes, vertical chops, and direct strikes, Lucario's bone charge is very powerful, but Heluga's claws wrapped in purple evil energy are also very tricky and sharp.

No matter from which angle Lucario attacks, he will eventually be blocked by Heluga's claws. Of course, no matter how Heluga's hell stab attacks, it will also not be able to break through Lucario's stick shadow defense.

The energy claws collided with the energy bone rods, and the two sides "ping-pong-pong" fought back and forth many times, but neither of them caused substantial damage to each other.

But despite this, the audience outside the court was still infected by the fierce confrontation between the two sides on the court, bursting into bursts of cheers and cheers.



Although they planned to release water during the battle so that Huo Yan and Hei Lujia had more opportunities to show their strength, but in order not to appear too obvious and deliberate, Liang Ren and Lucario's offensive was also very fast and fierce.

Using Bone Charge to fight Heluga's Hell Spike, Liangren created a scene where the two sides were evenly matched in melee combat and it was difficult to distinguish the winner.

Seeing that the fire was about to start, Liangren chose to retreat to create a distance, allowing Lucario and Heluga to engage in a long-range firepower confrontation.

"Lucario, pull back and open the distance, and use wave missiles to attack." The beloved gave instructions to Lucario.


"Heluga, use "Sunny Sky". Seeing Lucario retreating, Huo Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he immediately gave Heluga an order.

"Woohoo——" Hei Lujia withdrew his claws and jumped to the ground, then raised his head and spit out a golden light bullet towards the sky.

"Bang~" The energy light bombs burst and bloomed in the sky like fireworks, as if the dark clouds covering the sun were pushed away, and the scorching sunlight shot down like thousands of golden arrows.

Under the weather boost, the body is bathed in sunlight, and the fire attribute power in Hei Lujia's body has also been greatly enhanced.

The joyful feeling of increased power made Heluga couldn't help but want to let out a long howl, but he still suppressed his desire, because Lucario's attack had already hit him.

"Boom boom boom..." Retreating to open the distance, Lucario moved his position flexibly while pointing his palm at Heluga, and then fired waveguide energy bombs one by one.

Fortunately, Hei Lujia is also a Pokmon who is good at speed and special attack. Facing Lucario's waveguide combo attack, Hei Lujia saw the opportunity and kept dodging.

The three wave missiles were attacking Hei Lujia in the shape of "pin", and Hei Lujia avoided the double-team attack of the two wave missiles by relying on his posture that became lighter and more vigorous after bathing in the sun.

Facing the last wave missile that was impossible to hide from, without waiting for the trainer's order, Hei Lujiata responded on the spot with his own combat quality.

A somersault slowed down the speed of the body's fall, and then he opened his mouth to spit out a pillar of fire, blasting at the last wave missile that Lucario fired.

Fire—\u003e\u003c?? Waveguide

"Bang bang!!!" The two attacks collided in the air and exploded. The strong wind blew the nearest Helujia back several meters before stopping.

The audience outside the arena was also stimulated by the strong light and loud sound from the skill collision and explosion, and their adrenaline soared.

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