Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1329 Hei Luga vs Lucario (3)

"Hei Lujia, use the flame vortex!!" Huo Yan did not defend passively. After resisting Lucario's first wave of offensive, he directed Hei Lu to strengthen his strength and launch a counterattack without hesitation.

As a trainer who specializes in fire-type Pokémon, Huo Yan always believes that offense is the best defense.

"Woohoo—" Da Qingtian increased the fire attribute power in his body, and opened his mouth at this moment to spit.

As if the hot oil had been ignited by a match, the scorching hot and viscous flame, like a surging river, roared and rushed towards Lucario on the opposite side of the field, trying to engulf it.

Mountain fires burned forests, sparks started a prairie fire, and the fires intertwined with bright white, bright orange, and crimson turned into a huge swirling pocket, enclosing Lucario in it.



The flames were raging, watching this dangerous scene on the field, Liangren's fans couldn't help but let out a worried exclamation.

Previously, Bone Charge was used as a ground-type move, and it had a very obvious restraint effect on the fire-type Hei Lujia.

But if you really want to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the attributes between the two Pokmon on the field, the advantage of the evil + fire attribute Heluga is obviously higher than that of the fighting + steel attribute Lucario.

At this moment, Lucario was besieged by the monstrous fire released by Heluga. Not only the audience who supported his lover outside the field were worried about it, but even Nanako who was watching the game in the lounge was also terrified.

But under the close-up of the off-site photographer's lens, the lover and Lucario, who are the parties involved, actually didn't have too obvious fear and worry on their faces.

However, in order to release the water and show the strength of Huo Yan and Hei Lujia, Liangren and Lucario still tacitly showed a nervous look on their faces.

In order to further set off the strength of Helujia, when Lucario was about to be completely surrounded by the fire, one person and one pet exchanged a look.

"It's about time, Lucario~"

Mobilize the super-evolution wave energy filled to the point of explosion in the body, and then condense into a seven-color energy light ball in the palm of your hand.

"Burn your fighting spirit and unleash all your strength, Mega Evolution!!!" Following the order of the lover, the energy ball held up by him disintegrated and exploded silently.

The colorful energy planetesimals are like fireflies that gather together and then disperse in a herd.

The energy star turned into a flowing rainbow and rushed into the monstrous fire,

Then it was injected into Lucario's body surrounded by the flame vortex.

Surrounded by bright white, bright orange, and crimson fires, a soft white light of evolution suddenly flashed.

Through the flames and the light of evolution, Lucario's body swelled and became taller and taller.

A seven-color double-edged dart and a genetic spiral Mega evolution pattern flashed above the encirclement of flames. Before the audience took a closer look, the situation on the field changed suddenly.

"Lucario, waveguide's big breakthrough!!" On the right-hand side of the arena, the good man swept away the previous decline, and shouted vigorously to Lucario, who had completed the Mega evolution in the flames.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " the center of arena that is shrouded in monstrous flames suddenly blew up a gust of wind.

The wind helped the fire. Although the flames on the field became more and more violent, as the source of the wind, the flames that besieged Lucario were pushed away by the waveguide wind released from him.

Originally, the monstrous flames turned into an upside-down vortex funnel that covered Lucario, but now it was blown away by the waveguide airflow. From the perspective of the audience outside the venue, it seemed like a golden lotus blooming in the flames.

Shocked, the faces of the audience outside the venue turned red and their eyes lit up.

With the monstrous flames as the background, Mega Lucario's waveguide sensory body floats in the air behind his head, and the flaxen fluffy tail behind him also looks extraordinarily light and elegant in the scorching air waves caused by the flames.

If Mega Lucario is paired with a vigorous appearance BGM at this moment, then the victory of this game is basically 100% stable.



Lucario turned on the Mega evolution and exploded with full strength. Liangren's side has indeed "rediscovered self-confidence", but Huo Yan and Hei Lujia, who are the opponents, feel the huge pressure as heavy as a towering mountain.

"Hei Lujia, use jet flames." Huo Yan didn't dare to drag on any longer, and hurriedly ordered Hei Lujia to launch an attack before his momentum was completely defeated by his beloved.

"Woohoo——" Hei Lujia also understood that after Lucario Mega evolved, there was a gap in strength between him and Mega Lucario.

After all, the big brother Charizard in one's own team has also mastered the power of Mega evolution. He often competes with Charizard and knows how terrifying the strength will be after Mega evolution.

"Boom!!" After receiving the trainer's order, Heluga did not hesitate, and opened his mouth to shoot a terrifying pillar of fire towards Mega Lucario.

The increase of sunny days and the energy supplement of the flame vortex along the way.

The diameter of the fire column, which was originally as thick as a bucket, changed from the thickness of a bucket to the thickness of a water tank when the flight path was halfway through.

In the face of Huo Yan and Hei Lujia's pre-emptive and strong attacks, the good man who had given the opponent enough opportunities to display his strength did not choose to hold back at this time.

"Lucario, use the waveguide wind to kill the formation." Liangren waved his hand, and it was the first time that Lucario used one of his two tricks in a formal competition.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" and a strong waveguide hurricane blew out.

The air flow was half a meter away from the mouth, as if a large piece of glass mirror was suddenly shattered and turned into pieces of translucent glass wind blades.

At this moment, under the lights of the venue and the arena, under the light of the flame vortex and jet flames played by Hei Lujia, the waveguide wind blade in "Birdguide·Wind Killing Array" is dyed red, like a red mirror of the scorching sun.

Pieces of shattered 'scorching sun red mirrors' refracted dreamlike crystal light, as if the scales on the body of the hurricane dragon, occasionally collided with each other under the chaotic movement, making a beautiful and pleasant light sound like wind chimes.


"Jingle Bell……"


Tear off the gorgeous camouflage, revealing the destructive essence of the wind blade, and under the traction of the hurricane, instantly twisted the water tank-thick jet flame that Heluga shot into scattered sparks.

"Yin Ang!!!"

The Hurricane Dragon, whose scales were dyed red by the flames, continued to attack Hei Lujia with an angry roar, after breaking through the flame-spraying attack.

"Hei Lujia, get out of the way." Huo Yan shouted anxiously.

However, the attack speed of "Boguide Wind Killing Formation" is very fast, and as one of Lucario's two major killing moves today, it is not so easy to dodge.


"Bang!!!" Hei Lujia just jumped sideways to avoid the frontal impact of the "Hurricane Dragon", but unexpectedly, the "Hurricane Dragon" suddenly came and swung its tail.

Hei Lujia didn't expect that there was a hidden change in Lucario's attack, and he was caught off guard, and it was blown away solidly.

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