Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1330 Hei Luga vs Lucario (4)

"Hei Lujia!!" Seeing Hei Lujia being blown out and ruthlessly falling to the ground, Huo Yan was very worried.

Today's professional five-star promotion match, although it is actually an exhibition match with a well-set script, but the benefactor in front secretly gave him a lot of room to play.

Lucario built up enough confidence for him with his own "worry", but now that Lucario suddenly ruthlessly smashed this confidence in his heart and let him see clearly the cruel reality behind it, Huo Yan seemed to be Somewhat unacceptable.

But even he, the protagonist, was immersed in it, so looking back at the game just now, no one in the audience outside the court could see that the beloved had let go of the game.

But right now the game is not completely over yet, although Hei Lujia was sent flying by the wave guide wind killing array, he was not hit head-on by the skill after all.

He Lujia, who was thrown to the ground, clenched his teeth and got up from the ground tremblingly. A pair of dark red eyes stared at Mega Lucario resolutely.

Hei Lujia was already at the end of his strength, and the lover saw that the time was almost up, so he didn't procrastinate any longer.

"Lucario, get rid of it, rush over and use the wind kick!!" My beloved waved his hand to give Lucario the final order.

Without Hei Lujia's strength to maintain, the clumps of flames formed by the flame vortex on the field were all extinguished at this moment, leaving behind a piece of scorched black steaming ground.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" megalucario, ignoring hei lujia's unyielding gaze, and two waveguide whirlwinds wrapped around his feet.

With a "bang" kick, Lucario seemed to be wearing a pair of high-speed sneakers, his body disappeared into a gust of wind, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Heluga.

"Hei Lujia, use Resurrection." Seeing the sudden appearance of Mega Lucario, Huo Yan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted in panic.

"Bang—" But when Huo Yan issued the command, it was not Heluga who responded first, but Mega Lucario's violent kick.

Mega Lucario, who rushed in front of Hei Lujia, raised his right leg and pulled it back, as if drawing a bow and nocking an arrow, and then kicked Hei Lujia in front of him violently.

"Woohoo!!" At the most critical moment, Hei Lujia, who was unwilling to lose the game like this, was also forced out of his full potential.

When Mega Lucario's wind kick was approaching, Helujia also obeyed Huo Yan's instructions and used the resurrection at the last moment.

The name of Resurrection sounds like a recovery skill like self-healing,

But in fact it is a one-stroke fighting skill.

When using a skill, the lower your current blood volume and the worse your state, the stronger the resurrection attack will be.

At this moment, Hei Lujia was already at the end of his crossbow and in a state of residual blood, and the one move of resurrecting the dead broke out, and the damage of the skill was so high that even Huo Yan himself looked stupid.

Just as the strong wind kicked Hei Lujia's body, energy light bullets appeared out of thin air on Hei Lujia's waist like the stone slab of Arceus, the creation beast.

There is no thread perforation in the middle of the energy light bullets, but these energy light bullets are like a string of rosary beads, running according to a fixed trajectory, turning into a circle to protect Helujia.

When Mega Lucario's gale kick was approaching, this ring of energy light bullets was also directly triggered and activated.

The ring suddenly expanded outward——


With a loud impact and explosion, Heluga fell to the ground again, the ground under him cracked into a pit, and Mega Lucario, who was attacking with his face protruding, was directly thrown out.

In the midair, a white light flashed on Lucario's body, and he even quit the Mega evolution directly.


The situation on the field of competition is changing rapidly. If one is not careful, the side that had the absolute upper hand at one moment may seize the opportunity to complete a headwind comeback in the next moment.

This is the situation on the field at the moment. Lucario Mega evolved in the battle song, and he used a waveguide breakthrough to resolve Helujia's flame siege, and a waveguide wind killing array directly disabled Helujia.

Hei Lujia was already at the end of his strength. He thought that Liangren and Lucario could end the game with one move, but he didn't expect Hei Lujia to explode at the last moment.

In the state of residual blood, the next move was to bring the dead back to life, not only the "heavy" Lucario, but even directly hit it out of the Mega evolution state.

For this result, Huo Yan, the person involved, was dumbfounded, and the audience outside the venue even exclaimed one after another.

"Lucario, are you alright——" Liangren didn't pay attention to the exclamation of the fans outside the stadium, but asked Lucario who was beaten into the air in a 'worried' manner.

The power of resurrecting the dead in a state of residual blood is already amazing, not to mention fighting against steel.

Lucario, who is a steel elf, was hit by a fighting move, and Lucario's injury was definitely not light in theory.

"Aww——" Lucario tremblingly stood up from the ground amidst his lover's 'worried' call.

It seems that Lucario was indeed "severely injured" after being hit by Hei Lujia's last-minute resurrection burst.

However, when the fans and audience outside the stadium were worried about the lover and Lucario, the dialogue between the lover and Lucario through the fetter link was another style of painting.


Beloved: "Lucario, how are you? Are you all right?"

Luca: "It's okay, it's okay, although I didn't expect Heluga to have a wave of explosion in the end, but at the last moment, I used the waveguide shield to block the damage."

Beloved: "It's good that you're fine, but you still have to pretend to be seriously injured on the surface. In addition, in the next match, you'll fall to the ground and admit defeat after a while."

Luca: "Are you really going to lose the next game? With my current state, if the Pokmon on the opposite side are only at the level of Heluga just now, I think I can push them to the whole team."

Beloved: "Okay, I know you are wronged, if there is a game for you to play next time, I will definitely let you enjoy it, and you can obediently follow the script I said for tonight's game."

Luca: "Good job."



Regarding tonight's promotion match (exhibition match), in order to give Huoyan enough space and opportunities to show his strength, the highlight of Liangren's script is on Lucario, Mini Dragon and Monarch Snake.

First of all, in the Beloved team, the three pets are relatively weak. If they want to complement Huo Yan's strength with acting, then the 'protagonist' can only be the three of them.

After all, it is no secret that Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, and Tiejiabei are Heavenly Kings.

In the previous exhibition match in Kona, a small town near the port, Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, Tiejiabei and Kona's main force were evenly matched and sometimes even had the upper hand.

As a result, it has only been more than a month since he came to Big City to fight Huo Yan, who didn't even have quasi-king-level strength. As a result, his Heavenly King-level elves were inseparable from Huo Yan's elite-level Pokémon.

No matter how stupid the audience is, they will think it's fake, and if they are really accused of playing a match-fixing match, then not only will he not be able to earn his reputation, but he will even be scolded.

Therefore, for the script arrangement of tonight's "Exhibition Match", 6v6 was set as 3v3 by the beloved, so that the weaker mini dragons, as well as Lucario and Monarch Snake suppressed their strength to accompany Huo Yan's elves to act.

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