Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1336 Fire Elf vs Mini Dragon (2)

"Mini dragon, use high-speed movement again." Seeing the fire elf approaching, Liang Ren hurriedly ordered the mini dragon to retreat to avoid it.


"Swish..." The light rain in the sky "rustled" non-stop, and the streamlined body of the miniature dragon on the field, which received instructions from the lover, also quickly passed through the rain curtain.

"Bang!!" Using high-speed movement twice in a row, the speed of the miniature dragon increased a lot. The fire elf slammed into it with a slam attack, and the miniature dragon successfully avoided it.

"Fire elf, keep chasing." Huo Yan didn't feel discouraged because an attack failed, but continued to direct the fire elf to launch an attack.

"Mini dragon, move flexibly." Seeing the fire spirit rushing towards him again, the lover still did not choose to fight head-on, but let the mini dragon dodge.

Huo Yan: "Fire Elf, speed up."

Beloved: "Mini dragon, use the sand-pull."

The fire spirit sped up and chased towards the mini dragon, and the beloved also responded quickly, asking the mini dragon to use the skill 'sand removal'

The miniature dragon didn't master the skill of pulling the sand, but the miniature dragon who heard the command of the beloved did not have any doubts or confusion.

While speeding up and running away, it inserted its tail like a shovel into the rain-soaked field, and picked up a large piece of wet mud and threw it at the fire elf who was chasing after it at an accelerated pace.

"Fire spirit, get out of the way!!"

"Bang——" the fire elf was very flexible, and it was not hit by the mud clods thrown by the miniature dragon after receiving Huo Yan's reminder.

However, Liangren was not disappointed with this result, after all, his purpose from the very beginning was to interfere and intercept.

The fire elf was obstructed by the mud, and the mini dragon with two layers of high-speed movement buff was superimposed, and now it managed to distance itself from the fire elf.

Huo Yan: "Fire elves..."

Beloved: "Miniature Dragon..."

At the beginning, I saw the mini-dragons from the third echelon of the Liangren faction challenge the fire elves. No matter whether they were ordinary audiences or fans of Liangren outside the field, they didn't have much hope for the mini-dragons to win.

It's just that he didn't expect that at the beginning of the game, Liangren established an advantage first, and then chose to play it safe, and handed over the right to take the initiative to attack to Huo Yan and Fire Elf.


The good man turned a game that did not have any advantage into a game with an advantage.

Careful viewers will find that the situation on the field at this moment has unknowingly evolved into a chasing battle that is exactly the same as that of Lucario and the fire elves in the previous round.

However, in the last game, Lucario was not in good condition and wanted to make a quick decision, but the fire elf, who was in good condition, relied on mastering the recovery skill of praying, so he intended to spend a long time with Lucario war.

And right now, the court also unknowingly evolved into a chase.

But the roles of attacking, defending, hoping for a quick victory and wanting to delay the consumption have changed.

Just now, the fire elf fought with Lucario, and his condition was not perfect, and his strength was weakened by the rainy environment on the field at the moment.

Another reason is that recovery moves such as "Prayer, Self-Recovery" are different from "Liquid Circle, Photosynthesis" which can be used multiple times in a game.

There are special rules and restrictions in the dark. In a short period of time in a game, the prayer skill can only be used once.

The state is not perfect, the strength is weakened by the rain, and there is no way to perform the prayer skill to restore physical strength. All these reasons are the reasons for the fire elves to want a quick victory.

On the other hand, Liangren and Mini Dragon, although they did not master recovery skills, faced the fire elves whose condition was continuously weakened by the rain.

Even if the physical strength of the two parties is being consumed at the same time of 1:1, the lover and the mini dragon are willing to consume it with the fire elf, because no matter whether it is in good condition or with residual blood, under such a disparity in strength, the probability of the mini dragon winning is very low .

But if the fire spirit is also turned into a state of residual blood, even if the damage of the mini dragon is very low, it can be called frosted, and there is a chance to defeat the fire spirit.

The straw never breaks the camel's back, but not necessarily if it's the last straw.



"Come on, Huo Yan...Come on, Huo Yan..."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."



The chasing battle on the field intensified. After superimposing two layers of high-speed movement buffs, the speed of the miniature dragon was not slow at all, and every time it was about to be overtaken by the fire elves, it would use 'sand blowing' or a tornado to intercept it.

This chase lasted for nearly five or six minutes. The fire elf, who was much stronger than the mini dragon, just couldn't catch up with the mini dragon, let alone deal damage.

"Fire elf, stop chasing, stop now—" Seeing that the fire elf had been unable to catch up with the mini dragon, and his condition was getting worse and worse as the body temperature dropped in the rainy environment, Huo Yan hurriedly called the fire elf to stop.

"Pusi~" The fire elf who was still running wildly on the field, after receiving Huo Yan's order, arched his back and straightened his legs, stopped and did not continue to chase.

However, Huo Yan and the fire elves gave up chasing, and Liangren's side would not just give up this opportunity. He saw the fire elves' paws on the ground, sliding out of four long grooves, and then stopped.

Liang Ren's eyes flashed, and he raised his hand without hesitation to order the mini dragon to launch a counterattack.

"Mini dragon, now, use electromagnetic waves." Liangren shouted loudly.

"Yiyou~" The miniature dragon is not like the fire elf. The fluffy hair becomes heavy after being wet by the rain, which affects the movement. The miniature dragon with fine and smooth scales walks through the rain curtain very sensitively and quickly.

Lightning drift against the wet ground on the belly, a 180° drift around the corner, watching the beautiful movements of the mini dragon, Huo Yan and the audience outside the court have not yet reacted.

I saw electric light flickering on the small pointed horn in front of the miniature dragon's forehead, and a slender electric arc seemed to be shot by a slingshot.

"嗤啦——" The golden arc shuttled through the rain curtain at high speed without any cover, like a miniature electric flood.

The Fire Elf, who had just arched his back and braked his feet, hadn't even reacted when it was hit by the electromagnetic wave from the miniature dragon.

"Chi Chi..." The hair was wet by the rain, the water conducts electricity, and the electromagnetic waves wrapped around the fire elf's body penetrated through this layer of hair defense and penetrated into the fire elf's body effortlessly.

Originally, the temperature drop in the rain made the fire elf feel very uncomfortable, but now it was hit by electromagnetic waves, and the fire elf's body stiffened and twitched suddenly as if it was convulsed by the rain.

"Fire spirit!!" Seeing that the fire spirit was paralyzed by the electromagnetic wave, Huo Yan's expression turned ugly for a moment.

Although he had given thousands of instructions to the fire elf, Huo Yan himself was very energetic in his heart so that he would not slack off.

But he didn't expect his lover's ability to seize opportunities to be so powerful. He only showed a slight flaw on his side, and he was caught by his lover and beat him up.

After continuous chasing and raining for a long time, the state of the fire elf has fallen to the bottom, and now he is paralyzed by the electromagnetic wave. Even Huo Yan feels exhausted in his heart at this moment.

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