Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1337 Fire Elf vs Mini Dragon (3)

The battle wasn't over yet, no matter how tired Huo Yan was, he couldn't just admit defeat.

The good man imitated the guerrilla tactics of him and the fire elves in the last game, and what he can do now is to learn the good man's tactics in the last game, so that the mini dragon bites the mini dragon tightly and does not relax.

Waiting for a chance to come back in the entanglement and confrontation.

"Fire elf, use high-speed star attack." Seeing that the fire elf was hit by the electromagnetic wave and fell into paralysis, Huo Yan took the initiative to direct the fire elf to attack before the mini dragon launched an attack.

"Porsi—" The fluffy hair was wetted by the rain and smeared into a ball, and the body turned into a heavy and slow fire elf, squatting on the spot without moving, the black jewel-like eyes locked on the mini dragon, and opened its mouth directly to shoot out a string of golden dragons. Star Darts.


"Mini dragon, use the tornado." When Huo Yan launched an offensive, Liangren also gave the mini dragon an orderly response order.

His physical strength has bottomed out, he can't perform another prayer to recover, and his strength is so great that it is weakened by the rainy environment. At this moment, the situation on the field, the beloved and the mini dragon have an advantage.

So compared to the apprehension at the beginning, now he seems much calmer.


"Huhu~" After receiving the instruction from the lover, the miniature dragon flicked its tail, and a tornado instantly formed out of thin air, and then roared forward.

"Puff puff puff..." The star dart hit by Zan shot, as if it had encountered an iron wall and was bounced off, and then shot into the wet and soft ground with a 'puff puff'.

The state of the fire elf has bottomed out, and he is confident that he can intercept the fire elf's high-speed star with a tornado move. After the mini dragon used the tornado, he immediately started the next step.

My beloved still didn't attack, and slowly and calmly let the mini dragon use the auxiliary skill "pray for rain", so that the rain clouds that had gradually faded and were about to disperse gathered over the arena again.



The old round of praying for rain + the new round of praying for rain, with the addition of the two, the rain on the field has also become heavier and heavier.

"Mr. Liangren is too difficult to deal with. As an attacker, when you are an attacker, you can find a gap and go straight in. If you catch a small flaw, you can magnify it infinitely, causing trouble for your opponent and establishing an advantage for yourself—"

"But the role switches to the defensive side,

But he was so safe and cautious, his defense was impeccable and he did not give the opponent any chance to take advantage of it. "

"Is this the difference between a super genius and us ordinary people?" Huo Yan sighed helplessly as he watched the rain on the field get heavier and the fire elf was drenched.

At this moment, Liangren didn't know what Huo Yan was thinking. Seeing that he was distracted at such a critical moment, Liangren commanded the mini dragon to attack without any hesitation.

"Mini dragon, keep a safe distance, pay attention to your position, and then use continuous dragon's wrath attacks." Liangren waved his hand and gave instructions to the mini dragon.

"Yiyou——" In the dark and blurry rain, the miniature dragon moved quickly after receiving the instruction from the lover.

While keeping a safe distance and moving flexibly to avoid being hit by the fire elves' skills, incarnate as the pea shooter in "Plants vs. Zombies" and continuously shoot balls of dragon flames at the fire elves.

"Fire elf, get out of here." Huo Yan shouted anxiously towards the fire elf.

"Porsi~" Huo Yan issued the command, and the fire elf on the field did respond in accordance with the command, but at this moment, it was in a bottomless state, covered with a thick blanket wet with water, and its body fell into a paralyzed state.

Seeing the attack of the miniature dragon coming, the fire elf really wanted to dodge, but at the moment it was completely unable to do what it wanted to do.

A donkey rolled sideways, and it was very difficult to escape the attack of a dragon flame fireball, but the mini dragon didn't have only one dragon's wrath.

Although it dodged one, the fire elf was covered in a thick layer of mud when it turned over and rolled on the ground, which made its movements even more sluggish.

The speed and sensitivity were once again reduced, and the only remaining hope of the fire elves in this game was now also extinguished.

Facing the dragon's wrath who swished through the air, the fire elf who had turned into a mud monkey was simply a target.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Hit by the serial dragon flame fire bomb, the fire elf was also beaten back and forth.

"Fire Spirit!!" Huo Yan shouted helplessly with anxiety written all over his face.

"Bang——" Facing the trainer's shout, the fire elf couldn't respond anymore, and was hit by the dragon flame fireball again, and it fell directly to the ground and lost its fighting ability.

Ding, experience +370

Ding, picked up attack talent value +1

Ding, pick up special attack attribute value +1


"Mini dragon, stop." Before the referee could make a decision, after seeing a cloud of experience mist floating on the fallen fire elf, and two attribute coins, one red and one white, exploded, Liangren's side also Called to stop the miniature dragon that was about to continue attacking.

"Yiyou~" The miniature dragon stopped after hearing the order from his lover.

It is not an easy task to defeat the strong with the weak. Even though the fire elves have already fought once and are not in a very good state, after this match, the physical strength of the mini dragon has been exhausted.

However, as a member of Liangren's third echelon, Mini Dragon was able to defeat the fire elves. It can be said that it has successfully completed the task assigned to it by Liangren in tonight's game.

"The fire elves have lost their ability to fight, and the miniature dragon will win this game." At this time, the referee at the side of the field also decisively announced the result of the game after judging that the fire elves were no longer capable of fighting.

"Mini dragon... mini dragon..."

"Mini dragon... mini dragon..."

"Mini dragon... mini dragon..."



At the beginning, I thought that there was no hope of winning, but I didn't expect that after a hard fight, the mini dragon actually miraculously won the victory.

At this moment, after the referee announced the result of the game, both ordinary audience and fans outside the court also gave the warmest cheers to the Mini Dragon.

"The red team please send out the third Pokémon that is ready to play." After Huo Yan took back the Pokémon from the defeated Fire Elf, the referee on the sidelines also reminded.

"Nine Tails, I'll leave it to you for the next game." Huo Yan said without any delay, and decisively released the Pokémon that was about to appear next.

"Woo—" the baby ball opened, and a fox Pokémon with a soft and elegant figure and nine tails hanging behind it appeared on the field.

After touching the ground with its paws, it found that the ground was full of dirty wet mud. Nine Tails, who loves cleanliness, raised his head and looked at the miniature dragon, his long and narrow eyes were full of danger.

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