Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1338 Mini Dragon vs 9 Tails

"Mini-dragon, can you still fight?" Liangren asked the mini-dragon on the field instead of paying attention to Kyuubi's dangerous gaze.

Although the mini-dragon has successfully completed the task, it can be said that it has no chance of winning against Huo Yan's Nine Tails in its current state, but the beloved respects the mini-dragon's own ideas.

"Yiyou~ I want to fight, I can still fight!!" The miniature dragon replied very resolutely.

"Okay~" Hearing Mini Dragon's reply, the beloved was not surprised.

As the child of the champion Kuailong, with blazing dragon blood flowing in his body, the arrogance and belligerence of Mini Dragon can be said to be no less than that of the seniors in the team.

"Yiyou!!" Turning his head to look at the powerful Kyuubi who exudes a terrifying aura, the mini dragon was not only not afraid, but took the initiative to provoke it.

Of course, the price of doing this is to make the dangerous light in the narrow and long eyes of Nine Tails on the opposite side become stronger.

"Nine Tails... Nine Tails..."

"Nine Tails... Nine Tails..."





The two Pokémon were in place, and the audience outside the venue burst into enthusiastic cheers.

At this moment, except for the two sides on the field and the referees on the sidelines who were not affected by the cheers, everyone else, including the trainers who watched the live broadcast of the game online, were infected by the atmosphere of the scene.


"The game begins." Seeing that the trainers and the two Pokémon on both sides are ready to fight, the referee also raised the green signal flag in his hand and decisively announced the start of the game.

"Mini Dragon, use Praying for Rain!!" Hell's difficulty started, and Liangren didn't dare to take it too seriously. As soon as the referee on the sidelines gave the signal to start the game, he gave the order for Mini Dragon first.

To deal with fire-attributed Pokémon, praying for rain, which can turn the weather into rain, is definitely very effective. This can be seen from the last match with the fire elves.

But looking at Nine Tails opposite,

Liangren, who had just given orders for the mini dragon, knew in his heart that this game was not as simple as he thought.


"Kyuubi, use Sunny Sky!!" Liangren had just issued an order to pray for rain for the mini-dragon, and Huo Yan on the opposite side immediately asked Nine Tails to use Sunny Sky.

"Woo~" On the other side of the arena, Kyuubi, who has not moved since his feet touched the ground, is now dancing with a soft and slender tail behind him, staring at the gloomy sky with bright red pupils.

Accompanied by a sound of fox chirping, a golden ball of light was also thrown into the sky above the arena.

Weather skills contain very advanced meteorological rules, which are very difficult to comprehend and learn, and the difficulty of subsequent training will rise to a large level.

Under normal circumstances, if the strength difference between the two Pokémon is not very large, then the weather skills used can basically be offset.

However, the difference between Mini Dragon and Nine Tails obviously does not meet the requirement of "there is not much difference in strength".

"——? Boo?——"


The white mist, the dazzling golden light ball, and two energy bombs that affect the weather exploded in the sky above the battlefield, and then began to compete with each other for sovereignty.

Nine-Tails is much stronger than Mini Dragon. Although it does not activate the hidden feature of awakening "Sunshine", it has the innate ability to manipulate and manipulate the weather with the hidden feature of Sunshine.

So at this moment, two weather energy balls exploded in the sky above the arena. After the two began to compete for the dominance of the weather, in the blink of an eye, the "Prayer for Rain" on the Mini Dragon's side was defeated.


The clouds cleared and the fog cleared, and the battlefield was shrouded in dark clouds. At this moment, the sun was projecting down like thousands of golden arrows.

In sunny weather, although the strength of the mini dragon will not be suppressed, the strength of the opposite Nine Tails has been greatly increased.

"Woo..." The energy of the fire element increased, and Nine-Tails raised its head and let out a happy cry.

Seeing the aura on Kyuubi's body soaring rapidly, the lover's heart sank completely to the bottom.

"The strength gap between the two sides is too great. Let alone winning, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the Mini Dragon to cause damage to Nine Tails. It seems that we have to lower our psychological expectations."

While thinking in this way, Liangren quickly gave instructions to the mini dragon: "Mini dragon, use high-speed movement."

"Yiyou——" the mini-dragon also knew how strong Kyuubi was, and it would be very difficult for him to fight this game, so it also responded with 12 points of energy.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." A glint of blue light emerged from the surface of the fine and smooth scales, and the miniature dragon resolutely transformed into a flexible and slippery 'little loach' and moved quickly on the field.

On the opposite side, Nine Tails was still squatting in a noble and elegant posture, with nine fox tails dancing behind him, and a pair of bright red long and narrow eyes looked at the miniature dragon very interestingly.

"Nine Tails, use your supernatural powers!!" Huo Yan, who was on the opposite side of the arena, didn't intend to give the mini dragon a chance to do something. He decisively directed Nine Tails to launch an attack.

"Woo~" Nine tails let out a high-pitched fox cry, the powerful power sealed in its nine tails lifted the seal, and the invisible supernatural power distorted the air, turning into chains and winding towards the mini dragon.

"Oops!!" Seeing the skills that Kyuubi used, the alarm bells rang out on Liangto's side, and he yelled "Oops" in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, the miniature dragon, which was moving flexibly and quickly at high speed, was directly caught in mid-air by Kyuubi's supernatural power.

"Yiyou—" The twisted and changing supernatural power constantly squeezed the miniature dragon's body, because it was a mental attack. At this moment, the miniature dragon not only felt the strong squeeze of the body, but also felt as if its head was being pricked by thousands of tiny cotton needles .

The miniature dragon that was lifted into the air struggled and twisted its body, screaming in pain.

Originally, Ryoto had already lowered his expectations. He didn't have any hope of winning, and he didn't even want to cause harm to Kyuubi. He only wanted the mini dragon to paralyze Kyuubi with electromagnetic waves.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yan, the Nine-Tails, was so difficult to deal with. First, he defeated the mini dragon's praying for rain with a sunny day, and now he used his supernatural power to directly hang and beat the mini dragon.

"Nine Tails, throw the miniature dragon into the air, and then use big characters to explode!!!" Huo Yan was not polite, and aggressively ordered Nine Tails to launch a more violent attack.

When Kyuubi controlled the mini dragon with magical power, Liangren knew that the game was over, and now hearing Huo Yan's order, Liangren did not hesitate at all, and decisively raised his hand to signal that he would admit defeat.

"Wait, I admit defeat—" Liangren shouted at the referee.

"Kyuubi, stop—" Hearing the lover admit defeat, Huo Yan on the other side of the field also asked Jiuwei to stop attacking.

"The blue player admits defeat. The winner of this round is the red player Huo Yan's Kyuubi." Kyuubi used magical powers to control the miniature dragon. At this time, the referee on the sidelines also raised the flag to announce the end of the game. result.

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