Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1507 is full of doubts, summoned by my beloved! !

"Brother Liangren, I..." The girl stared at the large group of western lions and sea otters in the sea ahead, then turned her head to glance at her lover, her pretty face flushed, and she was so excited that she couldn't speak for a moment.

Having been together for a long time, the lover naturally knows what the girl is thinking at the moment. It is nothing more than seeing such a group of beautiful and powerful Pokémon in front of her eyes, and she is very eager to tame one of them.

Xishi Hairen will release water balloons around while dancing, and manipulate them through the sound waves of singing. With that moving posture, Xishi Hairen has been dubbed the reputation of singer.

It can be said that Xishi Hairen is a born dancer, singer, and performer. In my lover's opinion, Xishi Hairen is indeed an elf that is very suitable for my girlfriend.

Strictly speaking, the degree of fit between Xishi Hairen and Nanako is even higher than that of Miss Qun'er, Meilihua, Snow Demon Girl, and Fluorescent Fish that the current girls have tamed.

It is precisely because the girl understands this that she is so joyful and excited.

The man who knew what the girl was thinking reached out and patted her hand and said:

"The origin of this group of western lions and sea otters is still unclear. Why did they appear in the Orange Islands, why did they emit fog to hypnotize people nearby, and why did they cause the terrifying reputation of the Devil's Sea in the outside world?"

"These things are not clear yet. I'll ask the dull beast to call them over and ask them later."

"In addition, through the perception of Lucario's waveguide just now, this group of western lions and sea otters are very vigilant and hostile to humans, and even had a murderous intention towards us just now."

"So Nana, you want to tame a western lion and sea lion, and then you need to figure it out slowly." Liangren said.

"This group of western lions and sea otters are very hostile to humans, did they even have a murderous intention towards us just now?"

"It's no wonder that this group of western lions and sea lions just now set off a wave of mist and came here aggressively. They even used their singing skills to hypnotize us. Brother Liangren, I understand."

Why did this group of western lions and sea otters appear in the Orange Islands, and stayed there for more than half a year, and caused the terrifying reputation of the Devil's Sea...

This incident itself was complicated and weird, and at this moment, the good man reminded her that the girl is not stupid, so she immediately reacted.

"Hmm..." Seeing that the girl had come to her senses and was not in a hurry to talk about subduing the Western Lion and Hairen, the beloved also nodded.

"Aww——Brother Master, these Pokmon are about to retreat, and they are about to escape." Lucario, who is in charge of monitoring the group of Western Lions and Sea Rennes in the sea, found that the other party wanted to escape through the waveguide perception, and hurried to report to him. The good man reminded.

"Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, how can there be such a cheap thing——"

The matter has not been investigated clearly yet, and the western lion and sea lion had murderous intentions towards them just now, how could the lover let them go like this.

"Stupid Beast, Monarch Snake, you two use the "Petrification Technique" to imprison this group of Western Lions and Sea Rens;"

"Iron Armor Shell, use "Absolute Zero" to freeze the sea surface for me. With a decision in his heart, the lover ordered loudly.

"Yah Duo—"



After receiving her lover's order, San Chong responded and acted instantly.

Dumbbeast is double-minded,

While releasing superpowers to capture the group of western lions and sea turtles out of the water, together with the monarch snake, they used the "petrochemical power" to imprison all the western lions and sea turtles suspended in midair.

Although the Monarch Snake is not as powerful as the Silly Beast, the peak quasi-king's strength is not weak. In addition, under the boost of the powerful bloodline power, the Monarch Snake's petrification power is not weaker than the Dumb Beast at all.

The Silly Beast and the Monarch Snake combined their efforts to perform petrification, and the Western Lions and Sea Rens who were caught out of the water and struggling frantically were instantly imprisoned and frozen, turning them into living statues.

"Swish..." Tiejiabei moved very quickly here.

Close the shell, spin it at high speed and use it as you like, and then the armored shell turns into a thorny ice ball and falls to the sea.

As if a dragonfly is touching the water, and a tile is floating in the water, the prickly puck transformed into the iron shell clam lightly touches the surface of the sea.

The ice-type ultimate move "Absolute Zero" was used, and there was a flash of ice-blue light mixed with whiteness.

The sea, which was originally breezy and rippling, was instantly frozen.

Iron Armor Shell froze the sea, and then flew back to the beach in a circle, and then the Silly Beast and Monarch Snake, who imprisoned the Western Lion Sea Ren in mid-air with petrification skills, also tacitly withdrew their power.

"Bang bang bang bang..." 34 western lion sea otters fell on the thick ice like dumplings in a pan.

As a king-level Pokémon, Tiejiabei has comprehended the "Ice Will" at the same time, and a trace of weather law authority has been integrated in its body. It freezes ice, which cannot be broken by a group of high-level and elite-level western lions and sea otters. .






The singing was ineffective, the thick fog was dispelled, and he was imprisoned in mid-air by the opponent's powerful force, unable to move, and the sea was frozen directly with a single blow.

At this moment, no matter how slow the Western Lions and Sea Rens are, they can still react. They have provoked someone they shouldn't easily provoke. The strength of the two sides is very different. I can't even break through the frozen sea below me.

Looking at the restless Xishi Hairen, the beloved didn't have much expression on his face, turned his head to look at the Monarch Snake and said:

"Monarch Snake, use the "Aria of Foam" to appease the group of western lions and sea otters;"

"Stupid beasts, after the western lion and sea lions calm down, let them come to the beach. I have something to ask them."

"Ya Duo—"


The two pets nodded, and acted decisively and obediently.

Although the bubble's aria is a sonic attack, it can also be turned into a skill without any lethality according to the wishes of the caster.

It can be a beautiful song, or it can be used for communication.

Because "Aria of Bubbles" is the exclusive skill of the Western Lion and Sea Ren, other Pokémon cannot learn it, and the Monarch Snake just happened to inherit this skill because its parents were the Western Lion and Sea Ren.






The Monarch Snake played a frothy aria, and as soon as the familiar melody came out, the restless lions and sea lions at sea calmed down for a moment.

Several western lions and sea lions with lively and bold personalities even sang loudly, responding to the monarch snake with singing.

Of course, except for those with bold and rough personalities, most of the other western lions and sea lions are more curious. After all, only they can sing the "bubble aria".

But there are no their companions on the beach, and it is a Pokémon they don't know that is evolving "Aria of Bubbles" at the moment.

"Yah Duo—(??????????)?? All of you come to the beach, my trainer has some questions to ask you." The singing sounded soothing, and Slowly Beast also telepathically sent a voice to all the Western Lions and Sea Rens.


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