Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1508 What happened to the Western Lion and Hai Ren, the lover is angry! !



And hearing the sound transmission of the dull beast, a restless quarrel erupted in the group of sea lions and sea lions.

But this group of Western Lions and Sea Rens is not stupid, the strength of the two sides is very different, at this moment the sea is frozen, and there is no possibility for himself and his clan to escape.

Moreover, the opponent was so strong that he didn't fight back against the attack from himself and his companions just now. Obviously, the opponent was not an elf poacher, so he probably didn't have too much malice.

Moreover, the Pokmon under the human boy on the beach is not from the Western Lion and Hairen family, but they can use the exclusive skill of the Western Lion and Hairen family, "Aria of Bubbles"

And the other party's singing is full of tenacity, self-confidence, gentleness, and enthusiasm... but there is no malice, so it also makes the Western Lions and Hairens feel a little more at ease.

After hesitating again and again, the lions and sea lions who received the sound transmission from the dumb beasts twisted their fish tails and came to the beach on the shore according to the request of their beloved.

Beloved, Nanako, Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, Tiejiabei... Beloved on the beach, they are curiously looking at the Western Lion and Hairen who have come ashore.

Under close observation, I have to say that the appearance of the Western Lion Sea Ren is really outstanding, and it is worthy of being a Pokémon whose appearance and popularity are not weaker than Shanaido and Menus.

At this moment, because they were summoned by their beloved to question them, the Western Lions and Hairens had worried and fearful expressions on their faces, but this gave them an air of pity for me.

Even his lover's eyes lit up, and Nanako, who wanted to subdue a western lion and sea lion, was all blind at the moment.

Of course, when the beloved was condescendingly looking at the group of western lions and sea lions, the western lions and sea lions also shrank their necks and secretly observed the beloved.

The western lion and sea lion is a very intelligent life. They can see that the two humans on the shore and the powerful Pokémon are dominated by this handsome and handsome human boy.

So they secretly observe the expression of their beloved, after all, at this moment, the beloved can decide whether they will stay or not, and control their fate.

It has to be said that compared to the beginning, when the Western Lions and Sea Rens came aggressively, at this moment, unconsciously, the situation has undergone a major reversal, and those who feel panic and anxiety have become Western Lions and Sea Rens.



The lover didn't speak, and the atmosphere on the beach was a bit calm and depressing.

However, the beloved did not intentionally put pressure on the Western Lions and Sea Rens. His eyes swept over the 34 Western Lions and Sea Rens in front of him, and finally his eyes stayed on a leader who seemed to be the group of Western Lions and Sea Rens.

"Your western lion and sea lion family is the final evolution of the Yusanjia Qiuqiu sea lion in the water system of the Alola area. Whether it is artificially bred or wild, it is strictly protected by the alliance."

"Why did you appear in the Orange Islands, which are more than 8,000 kilometers away from the Alola Islands? And you have been wandering in the Orange Islands for half a year, causing the Devil Sea phenomenon to cause panic among the people?"

Looking at the group of western lions and sea lions in front of him, Liang Ren asked him two questions that he was most curious about.

"Yah Duo——\u0026lt;(`^′)\u0026gt;..." After my lover finished speaking, there was no need for him to remind, and the personal translator, Slowly Beast, was also online immediately.






Hearing the questioning of my beloved and the translation of the slow-witted beast,

The leader Xishi Hairen who was watched by the beloved also explained eagerly.


"Yah Duo——(╮(????ω????)╭The Western Lion Hairen said, it doesn't know what the devil sea you are talking about is, they did live on an uninhabited island in the Alola region .”

"But suddenly one day, a group of despicable human elf poachers went up to the small island where they lived, and attacked them with tranquilizer guns in ambush."

"When they woke up, they had been put into iron cages by poachers and put on cargo ships to be transported to the elf black market in the Kanto Continent for sale."

"However, those elf poachers underestimated the hypnotic power of their "singing" in the chorus, and they escaped. "

"Because I was dizzy from the anesthesia gun before, I don't know how long it has been and where they were transported by ship. When they escaped from the poacher's ship, they came to this archipelago."

"They don't know where this is, but the climate here is the same as their hometown, and there are also islands everywhere, so they think this is still their hometown."

"The reason why they have been moving and changing positions for more than half a year is to find the small island where they originally lived."

"In order not to reveal their whereabouts, and in order not to be found by those elf poachers, they will release thick fog to cover their tracks in the past six months. When they encounter humans, they will use singing to hypnotize them."

"They don't know about the Devil's Sea, nor do they know that what they did has caused such a big panic in the outside world. It's even the first time they know about it."

"And after listening to your words just now, they realized that this is not their hometown, but it is very similar to their hometown, but in fact it is very far away from their hometown."

"The Western Lion and Hairen said, it's no wonder that they have changed their positions so many times in the past six months, searched so many places, and can't find the small island where they originally lived..."

The leader of the Western Lion and Sea Ren told his own story sadly, and the dumb beast also used telepathy to perform simultaneous interpretation for his beloved.

When I learned from my beloved, it turns out that this is not my hometown, but the Orange Islands, and my hometown, the Alola Islands, is nearly 8,000 kilometers away.

Although they have no idea of ​​the kilometers that humans use to measure distances, the western lions and sea otters can also tell from the expressions of Liangren and others that their hometown Alola is very far away from the Orange Islands.

Thinking of myself and a group of companions being captured by poachers, although I and my companions escaped successfully, they were stranded in a strange place far away from home. I and my companions searched hard for more than half a year, but it was useless.

I and others didn't know the truth until now, Xishi Hairen not only felt sad from the heart, tears rolled down from the eye sockets like big pearls.

On the lover's side, after learning what happened to the Western Lion and Hairen, he learned that the Devil's Sea was just a misunderstanding, and that the Western Lion and Hairen were exiled to the Orange Islands because they encountered poachers.

The reason why the Western Lions and Hairens 'attacked' them just now was to cover their tracks.

Looking at the group of western lions and sea lions in front of him, the indifference on the lover's face faded unconsciously, replaced by anger and sympathy——

They are sympathetic to what happened to the western lions and sea lions, while they are angry at the rampant behavior of elf poachers.

"Aww——?????????? Brother Master, they are not lying, they are telling the truth." After the western lions and sea lions told their stories, Lucario also turned his head The good man said.


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