Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1516 Dewdrops on leaves, leaves in contact with dew, power trees! !

"The Monarch Snake is going to break through to the Heavenly King level?!" Hearing what my beloved said, not only Nanako, but also the other Pokémon around were startled by these words.

A Pokémon of the quasi-king level must break through to the level of the king, and after the accumulation of strength in the body is saturated, it must understand its own body and comprehend its own spiritual will.

Let this powerful and pure spiritual will drive the transformation of the liquid power in the body, and then finally turn it into a solid power that only the heavenly king can have.

However, it is very difficult for Pokémon to understand one's own body and realize the will and Taoism enough to "carry the Tao and ask questions".

This is true for all the Pokémon trained by Liangren with the goal of being independent, not to mention the elves who have been completely dependent on the trainer for a long time in the hands of other ordinary trainers.

When it first broke through to the Heavenly King level, after reaching the peak of the Quasi-Tianwang level, it took nearly two months to successfully break through to the Heavenly King level with the help of the strange sound wave stimulation and exercise from the Yangjiaofeng Valley of the Yuejian Mountain Range.

Although Slowbeast took a shortcut to break through the Heavenly King level with the help of the treasures inherited from the royal family of the Saint Gaard Empire, it was also stuck at the peak of the Quasi-Tianwang for a month in the early stage.

Not to mention Tiejiabei and Lucario, Tiejiabei left the team twice to go to Ice Island to practice hard, plus the period of training in the Moon Mountain Range, it took four months to successfully break through——

Lucario has also struggled for a long time to break through to the Heavenly King level. He was at the peak of the Quasi-Tianwang when he was traveling on Xiaojuzi Island. He walked all the way until he finished the challenge of Wendan Gymnasium a while ago, and he broke through when he was practicing hard on the uninhabited island.

And this is still with the help of Rogia, using its beast aura to set up a stress test for Lucario.

Without Rogia's help, Lucario would not know how long it would take to break through to the Heavenly King level. This shows how difficult it is for the Quasi-Uranus King to break through to the Heavenly King level.

However, on Monarch Snake's side, when Lucario successfully broke through the Heavenly King level with the help of Rogia's beast aura pressure test a while ago, Monarch Snake had just raised its level to the peak of the quasi-Uranus King by brushing the wild leveling.

The past few days included going to Ponkan Island to challenge the gym, and doing training on the uninhabited island these days——


It was full of calculations before and after, and it didn't even take two weeks. The Monarch Snake successfully broke through the bottleneck and broke through to the Heavenly King level. Bi Diao, Slow Beast... and Nanako, how could she not be shocked.

After adding some talent points a while ago, Monarch Snake's talent not only surpassed that of Bi Diao, Tiejiabei, and Lucario, but also became the NO.2 in the team after Slowly Beast

Now about the Quasi-Uranus breaking through the Uranus-level, if it takes time to make a ranking of all Pokémon, then the Monarch Snake is undoubtedly NO.1

And regarding this record, Ryoto believes that no one in the team will be able to surpass it for a long time.

Looking at the front of the beach, the Royal Snake's golden lily pattern exudes a faint halo, and the powerful aura spreads out with the release of energy wind.

The dry fine sand on the beach spreads round and round like ripples. The bay is blown by the sea breeze, and the waves rushing towards the beach are pushed back by the aura of the Monarch Snake. go back.

Standing on the beach, Ryoto, Nanako, and a group of Pokémon who were still immersed in the atmosphere of parting from Xi Shi Hai Ren just now,

At this moment, he looked at the Monarch Snake who was breaking through in front of him.

Everyone immediately held their breath and concentrated, gave the dumb beast a look, and moved back a certain distance with the teleportation, so as not to disturb the monarch snake who was breaking through.

Liangren, who has trained and bred four Heavenly King-level Pokémon, knows very well that at this moment, regardless of the outbreak of Monarch Snake's aura, it has caused a great impact outside.

In fact, the changes in its body are more intense than those seen from the outside.

With the help of the powerful emotional force that erupted when Xixi and other Xishi Hairen were separated just now, the Monarch Snake saw the blue sky through the clouds and mists, and directly comprehended its own spiritual will.

And the already saturated strength in the body, under the action of this powerful and tenacious spiritual will, began to undergo the final and most critical transformation.








The golden veins on the surface of the monarch snake trembled and shone evenly as if it was breathing.

And between the exhalations and inhalations of the golden veins, the viscous power in the monarch snake's body also flowed back from the whole body to the heart.

The cyan grass-attributed power and the blue water-attributed power, the two are in harmony with each other and melt into various cyan-blue mixed attribute forces. The two seem to be distinct but indistinguishable from each other.

The liquid energy flowing back from the whole body to the heart, like molten iron being poured into a mold, quickly condensed to form a miniature oak tree.

A wind of energy blows from the void, and the miniature tree at the heart of the monarch snake shakes its branches.

"Hoo hoo..."

"Hoo hoo..."

The whole tree showed a blue color, and in the energy wind blowing from the void, some leaves on the small tree were blown away and fell down.

However, it is very amazing that the whole body, including the leaves, were originally blue, but after the leaves were detached from the branches, the leaves quickly turned into a normal emerald green.

At the same time, the other leaves that have not been blown off seem to be contaminated with dew, and crystal dewdrops condense on the tip of the leaves at this moment.

"Tick tock..."

"Tick tock..."

The dewdrops condensed on the tips of the leaves are the same blue as the leaves, but after being shaken off by the energy wind, the blue dewdrops quickly turn into light blue.



The energy wind continuously blows from the void, and the leaves on the small blue branches and the dewdrops on the tips of the leaves are all blown away.

But what is amazing is that the dripping dewdrops and falling leaves did not fall to the ground, but gathered together in mid-air.

Blue leaves, light blue dew...

I don't know when, these two things have crystallized, whether it is leaves or dew, they seem to be like glass crafts made by glass craftsmen in the glass workshop of Ponkan Island.

However, the emerald green crystalline leaves and the light blue crystal dewdrops are very divine. They don't seem to have the fragile feeling of glass crystals, and the brilliance flows. Both seem to be very hard in texture and seem to be extremely heavy.

Ye Jielu, dew drops leaves, in the air, two hard and heavy things collided together.


"Click bang..."

Accompanied by two identical but different collision sounds, the glass leaves and crystal dewdrops perfectly interpreted what is meant by "shattering the body to pieces and burning jade and stone together"

The emerald green glass leaves turned into emerald green energy crystal powder in the collision, and the crystal dew also turned into light blue energy crystal powder.

The same situation happened next to it, all the emerald green glass leaves and all the light blue crystal dewdrops were knocked and shattered, and at this moment the small blue tree next to it was only left with bare branches.

The energy wind that was originally blowing from above, from the side, and from the void also gradually stopped at this moment.

The glass leaves and crystal dew left in someone's possession, bumped and shattered into crystal powder, floating in the air like stars all over the sky.



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