Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1517 Two visions, a torrent of natural power! !


"Huh~" The small blue tree with only branches left on the side suddenly disappeared and scattered, turning into a mini blue tornado.

The crystal powder stardust floating around was instantly sucked in by this mini tornado, and amidst a faint sound of condensation, the cyan and blue stardust merged together again.

The color of the cyan-blue tornado became lighter and clearer, and a small cyan-blue rhombic crystal also appeared in the windless eye in the middle of the tornado, as if it was the core of the tornado.

At this moment, the tornado absorbed the surrounding stardust, and then offered it to this blue energy core.

In the continuous offering, the rich and turbid tornado becomes weaker and lighter, and the energy crystal nucleus receiving offerings inside becomes larger and larger.

The tornado, which gradually weakened and faded, completely lost its power and disappeared, and the energy crystal nucleus that had been supported to maturity also clearly showed its true appearance.

This is a cyan-blue diamond-shaped crystal nucleus. At the sharp points at the upper and lower ends, there are continuous circles of energy light ripples spreading towards the middle of the crystal nucleus.

The upper rippling aperture is emerald green, and the lower rippling aperture is light blue.

As the brilliance circulates, this cyan-blue rhombic crystal looks beautiful and extraordinary.

Of course, compared to the appearance and special effects, as an experienced trainer, the most critical and important thing for the energy crystal nucleus is the size.

Judging from the current experience, the energy crystal nucleus formed by the transformation of the power in the body of the Pokémon breaking through the king level is naturally as big as possible.

Bi Diao's talent limit is 601, and the energy crystal nucleus formed by the condensation in the body of the breakthrough Tianwang class is the size of "green jujube";

The iron armor shell with a talent limit of 644 breaks through the condensed energy crystal nucleus of the king-level, which is the size of a "lemon";

Lucario, who has a talent limit of 650, breaks through the condensed energy crystal nucleus formed by the heavenly king level, which is the size of a medium-sized "tomato";

Currently, the dumb beast with the highest talent in the team, with a talent limit of 660, condenses an energy crystal nucleus the size of an adult's "fist" when it breaks through to the king level.

As the No. 2 talent in the team, Monarch Snake has broken through to the Heavenly King level. The energy crystal nucleus condensed in its body is not small at all, it is the size of a "green apple".

One size smaller than Slowpoke's "Adult Fist", but one size larger than Lucario's medium "Tomato".

On the whole, the energy crystal nucleus condensed in the Monarch Snake's body is still in line with its 655 talent limit, and the No. 2 talent in the team.



After a few more minutes, all the supernatural powers gradually disappeared from the Monarch Snake, when the beloved thought that the Monarch Snake had completed a breakthrough and was about to step forward to check.


A grand, mysterious force suddenly came from all directions, and then suddenly blessed the Monarch Snake.

"This is..." My beloved, the girl behind him, and a group of Pokémon stared at the special vision that happened to the Monarch Snake with astonished expressions.

The expression of surprise and doubt was filled with: What's going on? Is there still a link to breaking through the Heavenly King level? Why didn't we break through the Uranus level before?

Beloved, Bi Diao, and Silly Beast... Although they can't figure it out,

But I also know that the Monarch Snake is making a breakthrough at this moment, no matter what strange changes have happened to the Monarch Snake, in short, they shouldn't bother them now.

Bi Diao, Silly Beast... After they exchanged a look with each other, they also kept silent and kept quiet, quietly watching the second vision that appeared on the Monarch Snake.

The good man has established a fetter link with Slowly Beast and Lucario, and after sharing SlowlyBeast's super-power perspective and waveguide perception, it can be clearly discovered.

The power that came and blessed the Monarch Snake mainly came from the verdant forest on the island and the endless blue sea in front of it.

From the forest on the island is a verdant torrent of energy full of vitality, while from the sea ahead is a vast and cool tide of blue energy.

Two torrents of energy blessed the Monarch Snake, and the Monarch Snake, whose eyes were closed and motionless like a statue, suddenly had a faint energy atmosphere on its body.

Although this energy atmosphere is very weak and inconspicuous, it can still keep its own brilliance from being suppressed and covered up in the two huge energy torrents.

Through the super power perspective of Slowly Beast and Lucario's waveguide perception, Liangren is very unfamiliar with the energy torrent coming from the forest on the island and the energy tide coming from the sea.

But he is very familiar with the energy atmosphere that emerges from the surface of the monarch snake, because every time the monarch snake drinks the plant dew collected in the morning.

Such a thin energy field similar to the "fairy atmosphere" of the life beast Zernias will emerge on the body surface of the monarch snake.

Because the Monarch Snake's system properties panel does not display any information about this energy atmosphere, so the lover is not very clear about it.

Only after a period of research, it was concluded that this energy atmosphere was due to the monarch snake drinking plant dew, and the body absorbed some mysterious energy from the plant dew.

I discovered this energy atmosphere on the eve of the "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Pageant" in Yanbeila City, Xiaojuzi Island. After research and deduction, I learned that there is a kind of plant dew collected in the morning that is very beneficial to the monarch snake. After the mysterious energy.

My beloved, he has been insisting on collecting plant dew for the monarch snake to drink, even replacing all the drinking water of the monarch snake with the plant dew collected in the morning.

His purpose is to one day uncover the mysterious power in the plant dew that is beneficial to the Monarch Snake, and reveal its true identity.

Monarch Snake has insisted on drinking plant dew for nearly three or four months, and the energy accumulated in the body from the early morning plant dew is increasing.

At this critical moment when the Sovereign Snake breaks through the bottleneck and breaks through to the Heavenly King level, even though he has not drunk the plant dew, the energy atmosphere suddenly appears on the surface of his body.

And compared to the past, the mysterious energy atmosphere emerging from the Monarch Snake is particularly strong at this moment, even if the two huge energy torrents come from the forest on the island and the sea in front of it.

The aura of power in the Sovereign Snake is also difficult to suppress.

"Could it be that the mysterious power in the plant dew is finally going to reveal its identity, and is it finally going to really play a role on the Monarch Snake?"

Seeing the vision happening on the Monarch Snake in front of him, the beloved opened his mouth and thought secretly in his heart.



The torrent of energy from the forest on the island and the sea in front turned into a cocoon of light that could be clearly seen by the naked eye and tightly wrapped the body of the Monarch Snake.

Looking at such a scene, the beloved suddenly felt that the monarch snake was being baptized by the nature of the world, and his body was undergoing an evolution that he could not understand or imagine.

Fortunately, the whole process didn't last long, and the light cocoon that wrapped the monarch snake's body went' bang! ! ! ’ It shattered with a bang, turning into a cloud of energy stars and dissipating.

The body of the Monarch Snake appeared again in front of Ryoto, Nanako and other Pokémon.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Under the anxious and expectant eyes of the lovers, the eyelashes of the monarch's snake eyes trembled slightly, and then Xinxin opened his eyes as if he had just woken up.


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