Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1522 Z move:


After dinner, the girl was helping to wash the dishes, and all the Pokémon were bathed in the sun, lazily lying on the picnic mat, rubbing their stomachs to rest and digest.

Because after packing up in the afternoon, I plan to leave for the next pavilion, which is Naipuru Island, so my beloved is also withdrawing the tent at this moment.

With Lucario as a helper, my beloved will finish these things in a short while.

Seeing Monarch Snake who was chatting with Tiejiabei, the beloved suddenly remembered the exclusive Z pure crystal of Xishihairen that the leader of Xishihairen gave him in the morning before he left.

"The exclusive Z of the Western Lion and Hai Ren can only activate the power of the Western Lion and Hai Ren to perform the Z move."

"Although the Monarch Snake has half of the Xishi Hairen blood in its body, I don't know if it can perform Z moves with the help of the Xishi Hairen's exclusive Z pure crystal."

Looking at the Monarch Snake, the beloved also thought anxiously.

If this Western Lion Sea Ren is exclusive to Z Pure Crystal, the Monarch Snake can't use it.

Then he can only hand over this Z pure crystal to Nanako for use. After all, Nanako's subordinates happened to subdue a western lion and sea otter.

Of course, it would be best if Monarch Snake can use the exclusive Z of the Western Lion and Sea Ren. After all, as a professional trainer who pursues combat power, Liangren doesn't want to give up any chance to increase the strength of his Pokmon.

"However, whether it can be used or not, we will know by experimenting." Liangren thought so, then turned his head to look at the monarch snake who was chatting with Tiejiabei and shouted.

"Monarch Snake, come here."

"Wum~?" Hearing his beloved's call, the Monarch Snake was very puzzled, but still obediently crawled over.

"Wum~Master, what do you want me to do?" Monarch Snake asked curiously.

Seeing the Monarch Snake coming over, my beloved didn't show off, and directly told the Monarch Snake what he thought——

"When the leader of the Western Lion Sea Ren left in the morning, in order to thank me for taking care of them these past few days, he gave me a Z pure crystal."

"However, this Z pure crystal is an exclusive Z that can only be used by Xishi Hairen. Ordinary Pokémon cannot use it at all, but half of Xishi Hairen's blood is flowing in your body."

"So I call you here,

I want you to try to see if you can activate the power of the exclusive Z pure crystal of Xishi Hairen to use the powerful trick of "Sea God's Majestic Symphony". "

"Wum—Z pure crystal exclusive to Xishi Hairen?!" Hearing the explanation from the lover, Monarch Snake showed a surprised expression on his face.

When the Western Lions and Hairens left in the morning, everyone's attention was attracted by Nanako's success in subduing 'Sixi'.

Although the Monarch Snake vaguely remembered what the leader of the Western Lion and Hairen had said to his beloved before the Western Lion and Hairen left in the morning, the Monarch Snake did not expect that the leader of the Western Lion and Hairen would give such an expensive gift to his beloved.

As the only Monarch Snake in the team who has mastered the power of Z moves, it knows better than anyone else the power of Z moves and the preciousness of Z pure crystals.

At this moment, knowing that the lover has a Z pure crystal in his hand, which is suspected to be able to use its power, the eyes of the monarch snake looking up at the lover also become passionate and longing.

"Bi Diao—(???) Boss, what are you whispering about?"

"Yah Duo—(?ˉωˉ?) Is there something delicious? I want to~"



Seeing all the Pokémon and Nanako who had just finished working around curiously, Liangren also briefly talked about the fact that the leader of Xishi Hairen gave him a Z pure crystal before leaving in the morning .

"(??o??) Wow!! Z Pure Crystal, I'm so envious~" Dullbeast said enviously.

"Okay, it's useless to be envious—" My beloved grabbed the dumb beast floating in mid-air, hugged and rubbed it, and then brought the monarch snake to the open beach outside the camp.

Nanako and the other Pokmon didn't get close, but kept a safe distance and watched from afar.




"Monarch Snake, are you ready? We're about to start~"

I searched it with my mobile phone, and taught Monarch Snake the supporting dance moves needed to perform the exclusive Z-movement "Sea God's Majestic Symphony" of Xishi Hairen Z and practiced it well.

The beloved also took out the Z bracelet and put it on, and inlaid the exclusive Z pure crystal obtained from the leader of the Xishi Hairen in the morning on the dial of the Z bracelet.

"Umu—Master, I'm ready." Recalling the supporting dance moves for performing the "Sea God's Majestic Symphony", and feeling that he had practiced it, the Monarch Snake nodded and replied.

"Okay, then let's start!!" Hearing what the Monarch Snake said, the beloved nodded, and his expression gradually became serious.

Seeing such a serious battle of one person, one pet, Nanako and other Pokémon who were standing by not far away became nervous.

Although the Monarch Snake has half of the blood of the Western Lion and Sea Ren, it is not the Western Lion and Sea Ren, and it is not known whether the Monarch Snake can use the Z-movement that only the Western Lion and Sea Ren can use.

Therefore, the girl and all the Pokémon were also very disturbed, and even the two parties involved, the lover and the monarch snake, were also uncertain about this point.

But since the practice has grown up, one person and one pet have a very good psychological quality. I know that in the face of such uncertain situations, overthinking is useless. The only thing I can do is to go all out.


"Let's start Monarch Snake." Taking a deep breath, the beloved and Monarch Snake nodded, exchanged a look and said.

Then one person and one pet didn't say anything more, but started to perform the supporting dance moves very tacitly.

It is also a Z-movement of the water system. Although there are some differences in the supporting dance moves of "Poseidon's Majestic Symphony" and "Super Water Maelstrom", there are also a large part of the same.



Empty your mind, gather your breath, cross your arms and stretch forward, and then, like a seaweed dance, hold your hands horizontally, and then shake them up and down to make waves.

Finally, both hands were retracted, and they were clasped together on the chest in front of the body as if praying to the sea. After the prayer was completed, they were opened suddenly like waves hitting the rocks and splashing water.

And in order not to make the supporting dance moves look too embarrassing, Liang Ren also chanted lines freely when doing this set of dance moves:

"The sound of floating waves, surrounded by the vast sea, resounds until the other side of the line between sea and sky, "Sea God's Majestic Symphony"! ! ! "




As soon as the lover finished speaking, Monarch Snake, who was in step with him, was doing dance moves in sync. Suddenly, he raised his head and let out a long, melodious and high-pitched chant.

And the exclusive Z, which is inlaid on the dial of the Z bracelet, also burst into dazzling brilliance at this moment.

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