Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1523 Funeral song? The beating of the beloved! !

The sea-blue energy piercing like a dreamy bubble suddenly descended and blessed the Monarch Snake in front.

A light blue bubble suddenly condensed and formed around the mouth of the Monarch Snake, which gave out a high-pitched and long chant. With the melodious and high-pitched long chant, the waves in the bay surged, and the water vapor turned into mirage dragons and lifted into the sky.

Visible and invisible water attribute energy was injected into the 'balloon' on the lip of the Monarch Snake, and then the balloon expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the balloon changed from the size of a coconut volleyball to a giant balloon with a diameter of four meters.


"Boom!!!" The giant balloon formed by the "Sea God's Majestic Symphony" used by the Monarch Snake is not as light as the ones used by Suilian and her western lion and sea lion in the original animation.

The majestic symphony of the sea god performed by the Beloved and the Sovereign Snake, the aesthetic level of the painting style scene is not diminished, a little less light and ethereal, and a little more solemn and violent.

After the giant water wall balloon was formed, it blasted out towards the sea in front of it like a loaded cannonball——

Sovereign Snake has just broken through to the Heavenly King level, has realized the power of nature, and is in a seaside that is suitable for the "water and grass field" to play well.

With great power but unable to control it well, this move of "Sea God's Majestic Symphony" can be said to be a move that Monarch Snake puts all his strength into.

The giant water polo blasted out with a long range. The water polo fell into the sea, as if an atomic bomb had been dropped. The water wall exploded, and the compressed sound waves gushed out.

It was as if tens of thousands of people had formed a huge symphony orchestra and were playing loudly against their ears. The Poseidon's Majestic Symphony instantly turned into a deafening and terrifying funeral song.

There was a loud noise, and large white water splashes leaped into the sky like a white whale. The force of the explosion caused wind and waves in the entire bay, and the strong blast air made the trees on the shore shake unceasingly.

After nearly four or five minutes, the movement caused by the explosion gradually subsided, and my beloved, Monarch Snake, Nanako who was standing by not far away, and a group of Pokémon also came back to their senses.


"Not bad, not bad, really good." My beloved took a deep breath, his face was full of happiness.

The Z pure crystal that Xishihairen gave him is an exclusive Z that only Xishihairen can use.

Although the Monarch Snake has half the blood of the Western Lion and Hairen,

But as to whether the Monarch Snake can be used successfully, to be honest, the beloved has no idea.

Right now, through experiments, it is found that the Monarch Snake not only successfully used this Z-movement exclusive to the Western Lion and Sea Ren, but also the power of the Sea God's Majestic Symphony is far beyond what he thought.

For this result, the beloved is naturally very happy.

Of course, the beloved did not lose his rationality because of the experiment just now.

Although the "Sea God's Majestic Symphony" is powerful, compared to the "Super Maelstrom of Water Current", the difference in power is actually not that great.

The reason why I feel the power is very scary right now is because the Monarch Snake has just broken through the sky-king level in the morning, and its strength has skyrocketed, and it is staying at the beach at the moment, enjoying the increase in spiritual will of the "water grass field".

But what my beloved uses for comparison is the "Super Water Vortex" that Monarch Snake used when he was still a quasi-king.

The Sovereign Snake has now broken through to the Heavenly King level. If the Sovereign Snake is allowed to cast the "Super Maelstrom of Water Flow" now, the lethality that erupts in the end will not be much weaker than that of the Seagod's Majestic Symphony.

The biggest difference between the two is the mode in which the skills take effect and the damage is done.

"Super water whirlpool" is a super-powerful vortex waterspout, which can be damaged by tearing, cutting, and strangling;

"Sea God's Majestic Symphony" uses the erosion of water attribute power, explosive power, and deafening sound waves to deal damage.

Both skills are very powerful, and each has its own advantages.

Which trick to use in actual combat requires the trainer to judge according to the situation on the field at that time, and it depends on which skill is more suitable for use.

All in all, Master Snake's mastery of "Sea God's Majestic Symphony" is another killer move.

Including Monarch Snake breaking through the Heavenly King level and comprehending the power of nature this morning, this can be regarded as happiness on top of happiness, happiness on top of happiness, three happiness coming to the door, happiness 3——

"Although you have broken through to the Heavenly King level, you have entered the force of nature, and you have mastered another ultimate move, but you don't want to be proud and slack, Monarch Snake."

"Compared to Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Tie Jia Bei, and Lucario, your strength level is still behind, and the Heavenly King level is just a starting point for the road to the strong."

"I hope you will continue to work hard in the future, without arrogance or impetuosity, and strive to shine more dazzlingly on a bigger stage. I believe this is what the old frog hopes in its heart."

Looking at the ecstatic Monarch Snake, the beloved who had calmed down, exhorted and warned in a serious tone.

"Wum - don't worry, master, I won't be complacent just because I have achieved a little bit, I will work harder next time."

"Because I not only have to work hard for myself, but at the same time, I also shoulder the old frog's share." Speaking of his only family member, the old frog, Monarch Snake put away the smile on his face and said seriously.

"Yeah—" Hearing Sovereign Snake's answer, the beloved nodded in satisfaction.

However, compared to the satisfaction of the beloved, the other Pokémon under his command who were standing on the sidelines not far away felt a pressure rushing towards their faces.

Slowly Beast was ahead in level at the beginning, but Bi Diao has now caught up unknowingly under the influence of the cheating device of energy projection avatar.

And the armored shell was also caught up by Lucario without knowing it.

It can be said that Liangren's first or second team has broken through the king-level Pokmon that can be alone. Everyone has a goal in their hearts to urge them to move forward, and at the same time there is a pressure on their shoulders.

Now the Sovereign Snake has also broken through to the Heavenly King level, and has taken the lead in getting started with the Force of Nature, and now has mastered another super killer move.

Bi Diao, Slow Beast... Their inner pressure and sense of urgency are also getting stronger, and they don't think it's a big advantage for them to be ahead of the Monarch Snake.

After all, wild leveling + power control training, I believe that the Monarch Snake will soon be able to raise the level. After all, the Monarch Snake's "Desperate Three Niangs" is so strong that even Bi Diao and Silly Beast... They are all ashamed Not as good.

Monarch snakes can catch up to them very quickly, but they can't guarantee that they will be able to get started with the power of nature soon, which is why they feel pressure in Bi Diao's heart.

Glancing secretly at the expressions of Bi Diao's not far away, the beloved smiled secretly. What he said just now was not only warning and urging the Monarch Snake, but also beating Bi Diao's, hoping they would not slack off.

After the acquired points of the system's talent coins, whether it is a dumb beast whose talent has surpassed most second- and third-level beasts, or a talent that is only comparable to quasi-gods.

Each of these Pokmon that Liangren subdued and cultivated has the talent to reach the champion level and hit the beast level, so Liangren also hopes that they will not waste his great talent.

Compared with other Pokémon who are eager for strength and breakthrough, but are limited by resources and their own talents, and have difficulty breaking through in their entire lives, Bi Diao is undoubtedly lucky.

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