As if seeing Ye Qing’s concerns, Ming Kai stepped forward and patted Ye Qing’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, any losses will be borne by the alliance! Let it go, boy, let the Rift Empty Seat fight with all your might! ”

The strength of the Rift Empty Seat should not be only that!

As an avid fan of the dragon family, Ming Kai wants to see the true strength of the Rift Empty Seat with his own eyes!

As for the damage that will be caused by then…

Ming Kai said that he could only say sorry to Chairman Li Tianhe.

Now, I’m not a champion of the league, I’m just an avid fan of the Rift Seat!

Li Tianhe: “??? Shall I knock you! ”

Bai Ruyan smiled warmly, and also expressed his support for Ye Qing.

“The city can be built again if it is gone, my Raven Group has nothing, but there is absolutely no shortage of money!”

Isn’t it a city, as long as I Raven Group wants, I will build a dozen more in minutes.

Rich, it’s so arrogant, it’s just that you can do whatever you want!

Without any worries, Ye Qing nodded solemnly.

He came to the edge of the roof and said to the Rift Empty Seat.

“Let it go and show your true strength. Rift Hollow, mega evolution! ”

The Rift Seat, which was surrounded by the doppelgangers of Daiochisis, suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar.

Its pale golden pupils flashed a red light, and its body emitted a seven-colored light.

“That is… Evolutionary light? Does the Rift Hollow even have an evolutionary form? ”

Minkai muttered, feeling a little incredulous.

“Is it that I’m blinded that the Rift Seat has actually evolved??”

“What did Ye Shen say just now? What evolution? ”

“It seems to be mega evolution?”

“Could it be that the Rift Void Seat also has a special way of evolution?”

“I don’t know, but I’m shocked.”

In the light of evolution, the body of the Rift Empty Seat gradually became stronger.

The sharp horns on its head became larger and sharper

The yellowish lines on its body broke away and turned into four streamers connected to the sharp corners of the cracked seat, fluttering in the wind.

In its place, several oval-shaped red orbs.

The original half-dragon, half-snake-like body has become more like a legendary divine dragon.


The Rift Seat that had completed the evolution of the mega let out a roar, causing a surging air flow to burst out in all directions.

“Oh my God… I can’t describe the evolution of Megs in words. ”

“Handsome? Mighty and domineering. No, these words are all insults to the Great God of the Rift Void! ”

“Daddy Split Empty Seat, I am your long-lost biological son!”

“??? Upstairs, what’s your name? ”

“My name is Green Caterpillar, 55555.”

“Could it be that the Rift Hollow evolved from the green caterpillar? Pinch your chin and meditate in jpg. ”

“I was successfully led astray by you…”

“When I think of the green caterpillar evolving into a split empty seat, I inexplicably feel a little joyful.”

“It’s really funny~”

The pale golden eyes of the mega crack seat swept over the doppelgangers of Daiochisis around him, and his expression was full of disdain.

It opened its mouth wide and spewed a golden ray into the sky.

The meteor swarm skill was activated, and dozens of meteorites wrapped around the flames fell from the air.

One by one, the doppelgangers of Theochisis were smashed by the meteor swarm, and equally, the meteorites summoned by the meteor swarm also brought devastating blows to the surrounding buildings.

Without the cover of the doppelganger, the true bodies of the two Daiochisis could not be hidden.

The mega crack seat immediately opened its mouth, and the dragon-shaped destruction light shot out.

Daiochisis A switches speed form sideways.

But Deochisis was unlucky.

It didn’t seem to react yet, how could the Rift Empty Seat, which had been teased by them before, suddenly become so violent?

The destructive light pushed it through several buildings, and almost half of its body was gone.

The mega rift seat soared over, wrapped it around its tail and smashed it on the ground, and then immediately replenished a dragon fluctuation.

The ground with a radius of hundreds of meters was hammered out of a big hole by the mega crack empty seat.

Li Tianhe, who was far away at the Beijing Observatory, saw this scene through the live broadcast, and quickly poured a whole bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills into his mouth with shaky hands.

Well, I’d better apply for two years of early retirement.

My old fellow’s fragile mind could not withstand such devastation.

Seeing the mega rift seat grabbing his companion and exporting, Daiochisjia was immediately unhappy.

I saw that it switched to attack form and flew behind the mega rift seat, and the spirit was strong enough to force the rift seat back, and then the mind hammer slammed into the body of the mega rift seat.

The mega rift roared, and the Dragon Fluctuation skill was activated, knocking the Daiochisis armor that switched its defensive form in seconds.

At this time, Daiochisib, who was buried in ruins, finally eased up.

It unleashes its superpowers, merging the stones buried with it together and smashing them into the Mega Rift.

The mega rift dodged in mid-air with a nimble turn, then unleashed the Dragon’s Claw skill to smash the stone into powder.


Destroy the light!



After firing a pair of waves, Daiochisy, who switched to speed form, quickly flew into the sky and returned to his companion’s side.



Their eyes glowed with blue light and made strange sounds from time to time, as if they were communicating something.

Then, Deochischisa rushed towards the Rift Seat.

Deochis, on the other hand, flew away in the other direction.

The mega rift seat is keenly aware that these two tricky little are probably trying to play tricks and act as the old sixth!

While circling with Daiochisis, it carefully watched the situation around it in case Daiochisis B sneaked attack.

Daiochisis re-energizes the Shadow Doppelganger skill.

Hundreds of doppelgangers flew around the body of the Rift Seat, interfering with the sight of the mega Rift Seat.

The mega rift roared and danced in the air.

Tornadoes destroy parking lots!

The wind surged and a tornado descended from the air, blowing all the doppelgangers of the Daiochisis armor to pieces.

Mega Split roared proudly and demonstrated to Deochiska.

Daiochisis naturally will not get used to it, and the spiritual strength skill is activated.

The mega crack seat opened its mouth wide, and the destruction light began to condense.

At this time, Deochis, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly rushed out from a tall building not far away.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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