Ultimate Shock!

Wrapped in white light, Daiochisis slammed into the neck of the mega rift.

The mega crack seat turned his head in pain, and the destructive light condensed in his mouth disappeared.


The spiritual strength of Daiochisjia is right in the bullseye, and successfully embedded the mega rift seat in a building.


Mega burst out of the building, roaring angrily at the two old sixes.

Dragon Fluctuations!

The Daiochisis armor switches to a defensive form to bully forward defense, and at the same time uses the Hold skill.

However, it was still knocked out by the Dragon Fluctuation of the Mega Rift Empty Seat.

Daiochisis gathered his arms together, and his spirit was activated.

The mega Split Seat activated the Iron Tail Skill, which blatantly swept out the spiritual strength of Daiochisis B.

Daiochisis flew back to his companion’s body, and both switched to attack form at the same time.

Then, the two old six made the same move.

I saw them gather their arms in front of them, and at the same time began to accumulate energy.

Spirit Strength x2!

“It’s time!”

Ye Qing, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop, rotated the brim of the caps on his head to the back of his head, and suddenly waved his hand and shouted at the mega crack seat.

“Mega Split Empty Seat, the last blow will decide the victory!”

“Use the Dragon to Fix the Eye!”


The mega crack roared, and after charging up, he suddenly rushed straight towards Theochis.

The emerald green light wrapped the entire body of the mega crack seat.

Its speed is getting faster and faster, like a shooting star cutting through the sky!

Everywhere the mega rift goes, gusts of wind blow.


The two Daiochisis threw out their spiritual strength and struck the rushing mega rift.


The mega rift roared and rushed straight up.


Two spiritual strong thoughts smashed on the body of the mega crack empty seat, but did not bring the slightest hindrance to it.

The mega rift seat was still rushing towards the Daiochisis with great momentum.

The pupils of the two Daiochisis were shocked to the point that they were almost invisible.

They quickly switch to defensive form, while using the Hold skill to resist.


The two collided together, and for a while froze in mid-air.

Ye Qing suddenly clenched his fists: “Mega split empty seat!” ”



There was the roar of the mega cracking seat and the shattering sound of holding the shield in the sky.

The next moment, the mega rift broke through and crashed into Deochisis’s body.

At this moment, they seemed to turn into green meteors, and they completely lost movement after crashing through dozens of high-rise buildings in a row.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, the water friends in the live broadcast room were anxious.

“What’s wrong, what’s going on?”

“Who won, who won?”

“Is there a big hanging, come out and explain it quickly.”

“We’re all watching the live broadcast, you can’t see why I can see it when I hang it?”

“Don’t put gold on your face upstairs, I guess you don’t have it at all.”

“A person, the more he has nothing, the more he wants to prove something.”

“Well, that makes sense.”

“Don’t crook the building, who won?”

“It goes without saying that my husband must have won the empty seat.”

“This last skill of the Rift Void Seat is also too special, too outrageous.”

“Strong I can’t describe it at all.”

“Look, there’s movement!”

“I’m super, it’s the Rift Empty Seat, it’s the Rift Empty Seat that wins!!!”

“All stand up!”

“The Rift Empty Seat is awesome, the Rift Empty Seat is invincible! Saigao! ”

At this time, the jade rabbit fell west, and the golden wu rose eastward.

The light of the rising sun sprinkled on the earth, allowing everyone to see this battlefield full of devastation more clearly.

The Rift Seat rushed out of the ruins and roared in the face of the rising sun symbolizing victory, like a demonstration.

At this time, it had degenerated into its normal form, and a pair of dragon claws were holding Deochisis A and Deochisis B respectively.

“Win, Split Empty Seat wins!”

On the rooftop, see the Rift Empty Seat victorious. Bai Qinghe jumped up excitedly and grabbed Liu Yanran beside him.

“Yes, Miss, the Split Empty Seat is really powerful!”

Liu Yanran agreed with a smile.

Bai Ruyan supported his chin with his left hand, grabbed the crook of his left arm with his right hand, and his face was full of a smile that could not be hidden.

As for Ming Kai, he is still reminiscing about the final finishing touch of the Split Empty Seat.

It’s too strong, not in a dimension at all.

Is this the power of the super gods…

Ming Kai couldn’t help but think of the AQ plan that the alliance was implementing, and his eyes couldn’t help but feel a touch of worry.

Chairman, can we really do it?

After the demonstration, the Rift Empty Seat soared into the air and flew towards the rooftop where Ye Qing was.

Getting closer, Rift Empty Seat brought his big head to Ye Qing’s body and rubbed Ye Qing’s body vigorously.

At this time, it is no longer as mighty and domineering as before, and it even looks a little. Lovely..?

Ye Qing laughed and stroked the big head of the Rift Empty Seat, and then gave a thumbs up and praised.

“Well done, Rift Empty Seat!”

Hoopa flew to the side of the rift seat and played acrobatics with the aperture.

“The cracked empty seat is good, really dripping is good~ the cracked empty seat is a stick.” It’s awesome~”

The praised Rift Empty Seat roared excitedly, and then threw the two Daiochisis on the rooftop and turned into red light and returned to the Spirit Ball around Ye Qing’s waist.

Ye Qing looked at the two Daiochisis lying on the ground and fell into embarrassment.

This Nima, I want to accept it, but I can’t accept it.

This is different from the Water Lord, who is voluntary.

Ordinary Poké Balls can’t bind these two guys.

At this time, Daiochischisa slowly opened his eyes and made a strange buzzing sound.

Huba stepped forward curiously, made a listening gesture, and then nodded his little head from time to time.

“Hey, hee-hee, master, you’re lucky, they say they want to follow you!”

Follow me?

Ye Qing squatted down curiously and asked.

“Can you tell me why?”

Buzz, buzz~

Ye Qing: “… ”

Well… Ye Qing said that he didn’t understand at all.

Ye Qing couldn’t help but look at Hu Pa helplessly.

Hoopa was also very powerful, and immediately translated.

“They wandered the universe for too long and wanted to stay on this beautiful planet. But they are outsiders and will be banished by the native gods. ”

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