Chapter 80: Chief Rem vs Riding Latina vs Czech Roma.

The man in the hands of the Czech Roma was the third generation of the leader of the samele.

He had no parents since he was born, and it was the previous generation of leaders of Samele who adopted him and raised him. He has no name, or ever had. All he has is an icy codename, Satan!

He has undergone brainwashing training since he was a child, just like the previous two Satans, he believes that this world is a world full of filth, and what he has to do is to lead Samele to reshuffle this world full of filth, and then create a new world with the sword!

There, there is no strife.

There is no distinction between races, there is no distinction between high and low, and all resources are divided equally. Humans coexist peacefully with elves and live happily ever after.

And it turns out that the previous generation of samele’s Satan did not choose the wrong person. He is excellent, far better than the previous two Satans.

He was selected by Czechrom to become the ideal brave, and before Ye Qing appeared, he was undoubtedly the strongest human being in the world! But Satan knew that the power of Czechoslovakia alone would not be enough to reshuffle the world.

Therefore, he set his sights on the other gods.

For example, the double dragon of time and space, such as the Pluto dragon riding Latina, and then such as the Rift Seat and so on.

A few years ago, after accidentally learning that the Yan Country Alliance had discovered the traces of riding Latina, he personally made a plan to borrow the knife.

From letting the Yan Country Alliance “accidentally” get Sherabi’s orb, to Maiya Ya Gu Qingge undercover inside the Yan Country Alliance, Raven Group researched and made master balls at the request of the Yan Country Alliance.

All of this is going according to Satan’s expectations. But later, Ye Qing appeared.

Because of Ye Qing’s disruption, the knife plan eventually failed, and all previous efforts were in vain.

This is like a person who has spent decades in seclusion deep in the mountains to practice peerless divine skills, just when he was ready to go out of the mountain to fill a cup, but he was beaten several times by a passing beggar on the side of the road without any ability to fight back…

So to say that Satan has no grudge against Ye Qing in his heart, it is impossible.

“You are Ye Qing?”

Satan, who was originally sitting in the hands of Czech Roma, stood up and looked in the direction where Ye Qing was and said. Ye Qing also did not see the full picture of the other party until this time.

Satan is somewhat neutral, his skin is fair, and the lines of his face are as soft as those of women.

If it weren’t for Satan’s broken hairstyle and magnetic male voice, Ye Qing really couldn’t tell if the other party was male or female.

“You are the leader of samele, Satan?”

Satan generously acknowledged his identity, and he opened his arms in a hug.

“I’m very interested in you, Ye Qing, do you want to consider joining us samele?” Let’s join hands to build a new world together! ”

Ye Qing shook his head: “Sorry, I’m not interested in you and your so-called ideals. But my partner and I, Czechoslovakia under you, are very interested. ”

“Isn’t that right, Chief Reim?”

The innermost spirit ball on Ye Qing’s waist opened in response, and the red light rushed behind Ye Qing and slowly turned into a huge figure. The Three Dragons of the Dao, Ye Qing’s last appearance through the four gods.

Chief Reim!


A fierce-looking chief Rem stood behind Ye Qing and angrily glared at the stunned Czech Roma in the opposite sky. Little brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I don’t know if you have grown after so many years? Chief Rem resembled a tyrannosaurus, with a pair of robust feet and short two-fingered claws. The whole body is gray-blue, a pair of pale yellow eyes have no pupils, and a yellow crown horn on the head.

On its back, it has a pair of asymmetrical wings like ice picks. Unlike most deities, the three forms of Chiefrem have left and right asymmetry.

With the appearance of Chief Reim, wisps of cold qi emanated from its body and invaded all around.

“Go Chief Reim, take advantage of this opportunity to vent well!”

Chief Rem has really been lonely for too long, and since Ye Qing crossed over, there have been several battles large and small in the Split Sky Seat Darkrai.


Only it has never been out of the phone, and can only stay bored in the Poké Ball. Chief Rem roared angrily and jumped into the sea.

As soon as its toes touched the surface of the sea, the sea surface under its feet froze into ice.

The cold spread rapidly along the sea, but in the blink of an eye, the sea surface for hundreds of kilometers was completely frozen by Chief Reim. After doing all this, Chief Rem let out a roar at the few people in the sky.


This is a demonstration against Czechoslovakia Roma and a demonstration against riding Latina and Lokia.

The effect of the Rift Empty Seat against riding Latina was not very good before, and Ye Qing had said at that time that the next time he encountered Riding Latina, he would leave it to Chief Rem to solve.


God knows how much Chief Rem expected the arrival of the riding Latina during this time.

And now, he waited not only to ride Latina, but also for the smelly brother of Czechoslovakia. Since they are all together, let’s just kill them together.

The grumpy rider Latina became angry on the spot, and it roared in response to the chief Rem below. Czech Roma remained in place and remained unmoved.

Lokia looked at the three silly birds frozen into ice sculptures on the sea below, and fell into deep thought.

Even more unlucky was Cyra at the bottom of the sea, she saw that she was about to get the fire feathers of the flame bird, and the flame bird was directly frozen into an ice sculpture by the unintentional chief…

If she hadn’t just run fast and swam a distance towards the bottom of the sea, she would probably have ended up this at this time. Cyra, who swam again under the body of the flame bird, looked at the fire feathers in the ice sculpture in front of her, completely dumbfounded…

God, can’t you give me a few more seconds? I was obviously a little bit worse just now, just a little bit better v and you flame bird, you are also a fire god.

Why is it so ineffective, and it was actually frozen into an ice sculpture so easily?

She also didn’t want to think about it, if the flame bird was not unconscious, would she have the audacity to come and steal the fire feathers of the flame bird?

[In the live broadcast room of Sikamun at this time, since Ye Qing summoned Chief Reim, many water friends spontaneously launched a row of greetings.

“How many goods does Ye Shen have in hand?”

“Ye Shen, or you can give us a thorough explanation, our little heart really can’t stand it when you are always like this.”

“Just say how many gods you have on your hands, I blindly guess a hundred.”

“Be bold, I guess a thousand. Funny JP”

“Even if you count a hundred, your thousand is too exaggerated, how can there be so many gods.”

“This is a new face, what kind of big guy is this, I look at it like it’s very fierce.”

“Researcher guy, come out for popular science!”

Researcher Big Guy: “It’s normal for you to think it’s fierce, in fact, this big guy is really a very brutal existence in the legend.” ”

“Chief Reim, the Void Dragon God, another being in the Three Dragons of the Way I mentioned earlier. Legend has it that it is the strongest dragon in the world, cruel by nature, and extremely unhappy with humans. In some accounts, it is said that Chief Rem would take humans and weak elves and eat them.”

“You mean eat? Are you sure you’re not wrong? ”

Researcher boss: “No, that’s the way it is.” ”

“I’m super super me, this product actually eats people!”

“This, this, this, this is simply unheard of, there are actually elves eating people?”

“I’ll just say that Chief Reim doesn’t look good with this side, which is too scary…”

“It’s all calm, it’s just a legend. Besides, even if the legend is true, Chief Rem is now the elf of the Leaf God, and the Leaf God is in charge, what are you afraid of? ”

“Although you are right, my body still can’t stop shaking…”

In the face of Chief Reim’s provocation, the three gods had different attitudes.


Lokia, who naturally does not like to fight, spoke up first, indicating that she did not want to be involved in the next battle. It fluttered its wings and flew to the shore and landed beside Latios.

Latios greeted Lokia with a smile: “Long time no see, Lokia.” ”

Lokia muttered in response, and then looked at Ye Qing on the side with curiosity. Ye Qing smiled and nodded at Lokia: “Hello, Lokia.” ”

Lokia nodded kindly, then retracted his wings and carefully looked at the battlefield ahead. It’s not good to fight and kill, and there is nothing to do to gather on the side to see how comfortable it is.


Riding Latina was the first to be impatient, and with a roar, he rushed towards the chief Rem on the ice below. Chief Rem jumped up to avoid it, and rode Latina directly through the ice and rushed into the deep sea.

On the other hand, Satan summons a fast dragon to act as his new mount.

Without getting news from Cyla, he could only let Czechorom continue to stay here to delay time and divert Ye Qing’s attention. Although there was still a spoiled riding Latina here at this time, Ye Qing’s hand still had a cracked empty seat.

After determining that Satan had gone to a safer location, Czechoslovakia directly used all his strength.


I saw that its engine-like tail began to run at high speed, bursting out bursts of blue-blue light. Overclocking drive mode!

I saw several thunderbolts erupt around his body, rushing towards Chief Rem under the rapid advancement of the engine behind him. Czech Roma’s exclusive skill, Cross Lightning!

“Much more imposing than before, Czechoslovakia!”

After a casual comment, Chief Rem slammed his right foot on the ice under his feet. Then two short dragon claws poked out, and they actually directly hard-wired this cross-lightning strike from Czechoslovakia.

“Roar is good, there is progress!”

After praise, Chief Rem threw Czechoslovakia’s body to the side, and then condensed a golden destructive light to hit Czechoslovakia’s body.

Accompanied by the sound of the explosion, Czechoslovakia screamed and was covered in a puff of blue smoke. At this time, the rider of Latina also rushed out from the ice under the feet of Chief Reim, knocking Chief Reim’s body into the air. Then riding Latina vibrating his wings, he condensed several shadow balls and smashed them on Chief Reim’s body.

“It’s really eventful!”

In the green smoke came the roar of Chief Reim, and then two pale yellow rays of light flashed away… Then, a fireball flew out and hit the wings of the riding Latina.

Chief Reim’s Dragon Breath skill.

“Go back and ride Latina, you are not my opponent in this state. Go back to your reverse world, recuperate, and come to me again to continue this battle. ”

With just a face-to-face exchange, Chief Rem sensed the weakness of riding Latina at this time. It also disdained to bully a [patient].

However, when these words were heard in the ears of the riding Latina, they automatically turned into the contempt of Chief Rem for himself!


Riding Latina roared, he unleashed the Dragon Wave Trick at Chief Reim, who returned safely to the ice. It’s really a toast not to eat and punish wine.

Chief Rem snorted coldly, and the destruction of the light was launched.

The skills of the two sides only stalemated for a few seconds, and the destruction rays of Chief Rem began to push the dragon fluctuations backwards towards the riding Latina.

Seeing this, Riding Latina’s pupils contracted sharply, and then increased the output of strength. Hmph, I said, you in this state are not my opponent!

Chief Rem snorted coldly, and also increased the output of power, and the destruction light directly hit the chest of the riding Latina. On the other side, Czechoslovakia, who had been repelled by Chief Rem before, also rushed up at this time and became entangled with Chief Rem again.

“I’ll go, Chief Rem so fierce?”

“No wonder it will be hidden by Ye Shen as a hole card until now, Chief Rem is also too strong!”

“Upstairs, Chief Rem himself said that riding Latina is in a very bad state now, okay.”

“Why, isn’t it that the big lizard himself can’t carry it and insist on fighting with Chief Reim?”

“That is, Chief Rem said that he didn’t want to fight with it, it had to fight, and now he was beaten by Chief Rem in turn, and no one is to blame.”

“I found the reality that your group of people are really peculiar, and before that, this ID upstairs was still blowing how strong and strong the Latina is, hehe.”

“You just found out, I saw it earlier, these sprays and blows before are the same people!”

“Hahahaha, it’s really laughing to death~~~”

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