Chapter 81: Dark Chief Reim.

“Dragon’s Claw!”

Czechoslovakia Rohm’s big hands like baseball gloves wrapped around white light and scratched Chief’s face. Chief Rem turned his head sideways and turned around with a destructive light trick to knock Czechoslovakia back.

“I’m really disappointed in you, Czechoslovakia. For so long, your way of fighting has been the same, like a family! ”

While belittled Czechoslovakia, Chief Rem rushed over and threw Czechoslovakia on the ice, and finally stomped on Czechoslovakia Roma’s chest.

“I’ve had enough of you guys like this, since you can’t grow, it’s better to destroy you directly!”

“Frozen World!”

Chief Reim’s whole body erupted into bursts of icy blue ice mist, and everywhere the mist went, everything turned into frost. The Czech Roma at the foot of Chief Rem was the first to suffer, frozen into an ice sculpture by Chief Reim.

Sharp and huge ice thorns grow wildly, and will eventually turn the frozen sea into 24 gladiatorial arenas. [For details, refer to the theatrical version of Sheikrem VS Caludio]


Riding Latina fluttering his wings, he rushed into the gladiatorial arena and rushed towards Chief Reim. Ultimate Shock!

Chief Rem was knocked off by the riding Latina and knocked down on a huge ice thorn. After getting up, Chief Rem roared at the riding Latina.


“Ride Latina, don’t be troublesome!”


Riding Latina did not back down, yelling at Chief Reim.

“Yes, then solve you first!”

Chief Reim’s body began to flicker with electric light, and countless thunderbolts swam to envelop Chief Reim. The electric light receded, and at this time, Chief Rem had changed into another appearance.

Chief Reim, Dark Form!

Transforming into the form of Dark Chief Reim, Chief Rem transforms from the previous Tyrannosaurus image to a dragon image similar to Czechoslovakia Rom. Raise your upper body and stand on both feet. The right corner of the skull was replaced by a keratin similar to that of Czechoslovakia, and pupils appeared in the pale yellow eyes.

The right forelimb was replaced by a dragon’s claw similar to that of the Czech Roma and the left forelimb was a replica of the right forelimb made of ice.

The original wings shrank to the shoulders, and the right wing, which resembled the Czech Roma from the shoulders, and the left wing, which copied the right wing with ice, also changed from the previous mutilation to the complete tail.

The overall image is like a combination of the former chieftain Rem and Czech Roma. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the main image of the dark chief Rem at this time is still asymmetrical left and right.

“Changed, Mega Evolution? Can Chief Rem actually evolve MEGA? ”

“Good fellow, it was already fierce enough, and it turned out to be nega evolution!”

“Don’t you think that Chief Reim’s current image is very similar to that of Czechoslovakia on the side?”

“Hey, don’t say ha, the more I look at it, the more it really looks like it!”

“They’re the Three Dragons of the Way, wouldn’t they be a bit like them? If you can’t get these three gods, they may not be in the same vein. ”

Researcher Boss: The 9898 legend is actually true… This is not a mega evolution, but another form of Chiefrem,

“Dark Chief Rem form.”

“According to legend, after absorbing the power of Czechoslovakia and Lysilam, who are also the three dragons of the Way, they can transform into the two forms of Dark Chief Rem and Flame White Chief Rem and can use their exclusive abilities!”

“Wait, Lessiram?”

“I advised you not to be troublesome, ride Latina!”


Chief Rem roared, and the organs at the front end of the right corner, part of the right forelimb, and part of the tail began to flash blue. The wings, which had already contracted to the shoulders, extended several link tubes to connect to the tail.

Overclocking drive mode! Crossed lightning!

Dark Chief Reim, like the Czech Roma before him, rushed towards the riding Latina in the package of Dao Thunder.

Riding Latina wants to use the ultimate impact to fight Dark Chief Rem, but at this time it is already weak. Just the moment of collision, it felt its strength stagnate, and then it was flown out by the Dark Chief Remu. After breaking dozens of huge ice thorns in a row, Riding Latina was lifted into the sky by the Dark Chief Reim.

“Frozen Volt!”

Ice-blue lightning streaked across the body of the riding Latina, with an electric effect, and also froze the riding Latina. After that, Dark Chief Rem quietly watched as the ice sculpture riding Latina fell towards the ice below.

On the shore, Bai Qinghe couldn’t help but sigh: “Wow, Chief Reim, it’s really strong!” ”

Chen Xiran nodded thoughtfully: “Although I know that riding Latina is not in good condition now. But somehow, I still think that Chief Rem seems to be stronger than the Split Empty Seat. ”

Ye Qing shook his head: “The state of riding Latina is actually far deeper than you think, and Chief Rem can win so easily, in fact, it still takes a big advantage.” ”

Take a closer look at what you have done during this time riding Latina. First fought with the alliance, and the result was a good meal by the alliance.

After that, he fought with the Rift Void Seat for three hundred rounds, and before the fight was finished, he hurried to the battlefield where the 853 Time and Space Double Dragon was.

Although Ye Qing didn’t know what was happening there, Ye Qing knew that this battle must be very tragic.

Then, this product inexplicably came to call Lokia.

It was already in poor condition, but it suffered a lot of losses in Lokia’s hands, and it was injured again. And then it ran into Chief Rem again…

If it can fight less in the middle, it will not be so miserable now.

Facts have proved that no matter how strong the strength is, the tiger still can’t hold the wolves in the end. And this pack is not yet a wolf, but like it, it is a tiger!

Frozen into an ice sculpture, the rider Latina smashed through the ice and fell towards the deep sea. According to the current situation, at least in a short period of time, riding Latina will not be able to break the shackles of ice outside the body surface.

Dark Chief Rem slowly descended from the air and looked at Czechoslovakia who was still frozen by the ice.

“Why don’t you break the ice that binds you, Czechoslovakia, may I understand that you are begging me for mercy?”

Clicking, several cracks gradually appeared on the cold ice outside the surface of the Czech Roma’s body.

PS: There is a bit of a delay in updating today, there are only 10,000 words today, sorry to ha, guys.

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