【"So why is Darkrai causing trouble everywhere?"】

【If Darkrai isn't a villain, what's his purpose in doing this?】

【Xiaoguang is a little dizzy】

【Now they can't even leave Baiyang Town. It's all because of Darkrai.】

【Tonyo had no way to explain, but he assured Xiaozhi and the others that he would find out the reason as soon as possible.

Seeing this, the audience also felt inexplicably distressed for Darkrai.

They are all mythical Pokémon, but Darkrai's treatment is completely different from the previous mythical Pokémon.

It is clearly the one who protects the town, but is misunderstood by everyone.

Sure enough, sometimes appearance is justice, because Darkrai is not a cute mythical Pokémon.

【Under Albert's leadership, the expedition team marched forward in a mighty force, and soon they found Darkrai near the square.】

【This time Darkrai didn't hide anything, it just stood on the eaves.】

【The white hair-like object on the head and the black cloth on the shoulders fluttered in the wind.���Darkrai looked serious and looked ahead.】

【In the laboratory, Tonyo was constantly analyzing all the videos of Darkrai's appearance, and soon he found something strange.】

【He switched to the video of the strange phenomenon in the square. After freezing the video, he used technical means to continuously magnify the image.】

【This method was very effective. He saw a mysterious Pokémon in the frozen picture.】

【That's Palkia!】

【In the square, the expeditionary army has already engaged Darkrai.】

【A dozen elves surrounded Darkrai, most of them were third-stage evolutions.】

【A dense array of skills hit Darkrai、】

【Skills came from all directions, and Darkrai had nowhere to escape.

Seeing this, the audience was also worried for Darkrai.

To be honest, the strength of the expeditionary army was really strong. Could Darkrai"807" really escape? Escape?

Darkrai told the audience with his actual actions that he had never thought of escaping.

【Darkrai allows all the skills to hit him, and remains motionless. After all the skills are released, Darkrai starts to fight back.】

【Dark Hole】

【Or a dark hole?】

【One trick to conquer the world】

【Under Darkrai's dark hole, no Pokémon has the ability to resist. Once touched, they will lose their ability to fight.】

【"Don't get in my way!"】

【This time it's a dense black hole attack】

【All Pokémon that dared to hinder Darkrai were hit by at least one Dark Hole.】

【The army that had just been marching to defeat Darkrai was now empty in the blink of an eye.】

【Only the trainers were left at a loss.】

"Oh my god, this is too ferocious!"

Lihua was also shocked.

It was the first time she saw such a violent evil Pokémon.

However, it was just what she thought. Evil Pokémon should be fierce. If they are not fierce, what kind of evil elves are they?

【There are only three Pokémons still standing in the square. One is Darkrai, the second is Meowth who has no fighting power, and the third is Baron Albert who has turned into a big tongue licker.】

【At the instigation of Musashi and Kojiro, Albert actually attacked Darkrai.】

【You know what, his attack was pretty impressive. He stretched out his long tongue and tied up Darkrai.】

【Just when Albert was feeling proud, Darkrai showed him how naive he was.】

【Darkrai grabbed Albert's long tongue and threw him away】

【The Rockets trio's luck ran out. They served as Albert's cushion and were also knocked away.】

【Pokémon Center】

【Tonyo enlarged the photo he took and showed it to Xiaozhi and the others.】

【The first time he saw the guy in the photo, Xiaozhi recognized it. It was the mysterious Pokémon that appeared in his dream.】

【Dong Niou used software to correct the blurry image.】

【Xiaogang also recognized this Pokémon. This is Palkia, the God of Space in the Sinnoh mythology.】

【"That's right, it is said that it lives in the cracks of the dimension and has the ability to control space. It is called the Pokémon of God."】

【Tonyo said solemnly】

【"No way?!"】

【Xiaoguang was frightened. She was still a child, and gods were too scary for her.】

【In comparison, Xiaogang and Xiaozhi were much calmer. They had seen many gods and the like during their travels.】

【Palkia is no less】

【Donio continued to analyze. In his opinion, the destruction of the courtyard was a sign that Palkia was coming to Poplar Town.】

【Darkrai showed up because he noticed this.】

【When the sky glowed, Palkia actually entered the town.】

【Xiaozhi also realized at this time that Darkrai had said"get out" many times, all of which were to Palkia. 】

Chat room comment area

【Xiao Mao: This Darkrai is quite brave!

Xiao Mao doesn’t know many legendary Pokémon, but he knows Palkia.

As a Pokémon created by the God of Creation Arceus himself, Palkia is definitely at the top among all the gods.

Palkia, the God of Space, Dialga, the God of Time, and Giratina, the God of the Reversed World, these are the three Sinnoh gods that have been circulating in the legend of Sinnoh.

In the Sinnoh region, there are even many people who do not recognize the legendary Pokémon from other regions as gods. In their eyes, there are only four gods.

Time, space, reversal, and creation.

The other so-called gods are just more powerful legendary elves.

【Xiaosong: In order to protect his home, he even attacked Palkia.

Xiaosong was a little touched.

It seems that she really has a prejudice against Darkrai. Darkrai is not an evil Pokémon, but also has a heart that protects the weak.

Xiaosong noticed that Darkrai always held back when fighting with Pokémon that misunderstood him, and did not seriously injure any Pokémon, but only put them to sleep.

【Vegetable Seed: With a mortal body, challenging the gods, does Darkrai know the consequences of doing so? 】

Palkia has never been a good-tempered god.

From its battle with Dialga, it can be seen that this guy has a very bad character. Does

Darkrai really know what will happen if he provokes Palkia?

【Sirona: I think it should know, and it knows it better than anyone else. 】

Knowing that doing so would most likely cost him his life, Darkrai still did it without hesitation.

Home, a simple word, has an extraordinary meaning to Darkrai.

Video continues——

【Xiaozhi also understood what Darkrai wanted to tell him in his dream.】

【Darkrai wanted to tell him that Palkia would come here.

Seeing this, the audience suddenly had doubts.

When Darkrai first appeared in the courtyard, there was more than just Ash in the courtyard.

Why did it choose Ash?

Why didn't it choose Tonio, the descendant of Gaudi?

It didn't choose Alice, the granddaughter of the beloved Alicia, whose life it had saved, but chose Ash.

Could it be that Darkrai also saw that Ash was the child of destiny?

It seems that this is the only explanation.

【"Palkia is in this town too?"】

【Xiaoguang was really panicking.】

【"Where is it?"】

【Xiao Gang hurriedly asked Tony】

【We must find Palkia quickly.】

【The camera starts switching. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Darkrai has found Palkia in the square. Right above the Space-Time Tower, where the light came from.】

【Palkia hid his body and hid in the crack of space.】

【When Xiaozhi and his friends arrived at the square, they saw Darkrai flying into the sky and attacking the god.】


【Darkrai's first attack failed.】[]

【Palkia learned from the battle with Dialga and this time it set up a protective shield.】

【The shield not only stopped Darkrai from trying to attack Palkia, but also bounced Darkrai back to the opposite side.】

【Although Darkrai's attack did not cause any damage to Palkia, it forced Palkia to emerge from his hiding place.】

【The space was constantly shaking, and Palkia slowly opened his eyes.】

【"Get out!!!"】

【Darkrai ignored his injuries and this time his attack became even more fierce.】

【Waves of Evil】

【The shockwave, which gathered a lot of Darkrai's energy, hit Palkia's hiding place.】

【Palkia wakes up, and the world changes color】

【The sky was shrouded in chaotic black, and the sun disappeared without a trace.】

【Good news, the space of Baiyang Town has stabilized, and all the Pokémon in the nightmare have woken up.】

【Bad news, Poplar Town was separated from the main world by Palkia. At this moment, the whole town is floating in another dimension.】

【Palkia slowly fell to the ground, and the earth was shaking.】

【Alice then noticed the broken pearl on Palkia's left shoulder. This Palkia was injured.】

【This discovery shocked everyone. Palkia was injured? Who could hurt Palkia?】

【Darkrai's evil wave successfully hit Palkia, but the effect seemed to be insignificant. Darkrai's attack angered Palkia instead.】

【It spread its wings and roared into the sky. A great war is about to begin.】

【The battle between mythical Pokémon and legendary Pokémon.

The audience in front of the screen was also very excited.

It was the first time they had seen a legendary Pokémon versus a mythical Pokémon.

There had been similar matches before, but the mythical beast that time was Diancie, and the gap between her and Yveltal was quite large.

Diancie was basically on the defensive that time, with no chance to attack at all. This time was different. Although Darkrai was not as strong as Palkia, it was clear that it would not be satisfied with just defense.

【The two sides started a chase in the sky above the square. What surprised everyone was that Darkrai was not at a big disadvantage in this chase. It was obvious that it could keep up with Palkia's fighting intensity...........】

【Of course, Palkia was injured, but Darkrai should not be underestimated.】

【The two elves had fought for less than ten rounds when golden energy bombs suddenly rained down from the sky.】

【Dragon stars descended from the sky, attacking indiscriminately, whether it was Palkia or Darkrai, they were all its targets.】

【The sky was torn apart, and Dialga emerged from the torn space.】

【As soon as Dialga appeared, he launched a fierce attack on Palkia. It rammed into Palkia and knocked Palkia back to the ground.】

【As the two gods fought, the nearby buildings disappeared quickly. They turned into points of light and eventually disappeared from this world.】

【Palkia has the upper hand in ground combat. His flexible arms give him more attack options. He holds down Dialga's head and pushes him to the ground.】

【Just when he had a small advantage, Palkia chose to flee, widening the distance between him and Dialga.】

【The shattered left arm had a huge impact on it. It had to get rid of Dialga and find a place to recover.】

【Once it recovers from its wounds, it won't be too late to fight Dialga.】

【As for making peace with Dialga, this is not an option for Palkia.】

【Intruders must die!】

【Coincidentally, Dialga has the same attitude, invaders must die】

【It didn't give Palkia any chance at all, biting Palkia's back tightly.】

【The two Pokémon, who had known each other for more than ten thousand years, fell into complete madness at this moment.】

【They only want to use the other's life to show their own glory, and they don't care about the consequences at all. 】

Chat room comment area

【Kikuno: Palkia won't really be killed by Dialga, right?

Kikuno's tone is full of worry.

In fact, Kikuno doesn't care whether Palkia is dead or alive.

She is concerned about the chain reaction that will occur after Palkia's death.

Without Palkia guarding the gap in space, the world is likely to be unbalanced.

At that time, it may cause a world-class crisis.

This crisis will definitely not affect just one region, but the whole world, everywhere, will be affected.

【Daye: What?! Is Palkia so important? Then who will help Palkia?】

【Denji: Help Palkia? Who can help Palkia? Didn't you see how cruel Dialga is?

Even Palkia was almost killed by Dialga.

Unless the God of Creation comes, no one can stop the rage of Dialga.

【Wu Song: Is it possible that Darkrai and Palkia team up to expel Dialga?】

【A-Liu: There is no such possibility. Darkrai even wants to eat Palkia alive.

If Palkia hadn't chosen Poplar Town as a place to recuperate, Poplar Town wouldn't have been in such a big trouble.

The source of everything is Palkia in 5.3.

The combination of Palkia and Darkrai is far less reliable than the combination of Darkrai and Dialga.

You know what, this is indeed a good idea. Nightmare God and Diamond join forces to kill Pearl directly.

What? If Pearl dies, what will happen to the world?

How does he know? Just chill.

【Karuna: It's time to trust Xiaozhi again!

At this time, you can only rely on Xiaozhi, no one else can be trusted.

Zhishen, it's your turn to show your abilities.

【Adu: This time, it is a bit difficult for the God of Wisdom to perform? 】

The opponent's level is really too high, it is a bit difficult for our God of Wisdom

【Xiaozhi: What can I do?

Xiaozhi was also a little panicked.

It was already difficult for him to beat Darkrai, and Dialga and Palkiah showed up at the same time, what else could he do?

【Xiaosheng: Xiaozhi, you have to believe in yourself, there is endless energy hidden in your body!】

【Xiaoguang: Come on, Xiaozhi, it’s up to you!】

【Xiaozhi: Aren't you also there? Xiaoguang, you should also think of a solution!】

【Xiaoguang: What can I do? I'm just a ten-year-old girl.】


��Who is not ten years old?!! Video continues——

【Palkia was shot down by Dialga again】

【The battle between the two sides was completely one-sided.】

【The injured Palkia has no way to compete with the full strength of Dialga】

【Seeing Palkia, who was so domineering just now, being caught and beaten by Dialga, Xiaozhi and the others don't know how to describe their current feelings.】

【Are they dreaming?】

【Dialga also fell back to the ground】


【The energy of time enveloped Baiyang Town】

【The clock in the center of the Space-Time Tower is spinning rapidly, which means that at this moment, time is speeding up like crazy.】

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