【"Two Pokémon called gods suddenly appeared"】

【Even Xiaogang felt the pressure. Xiaozhi was probably the only one who could remain calm.】

【The appearance of Dialga finally made Tonyo understand everything.】

【The two legendary Pokémon were originally fighting in the gap between time and space. Later, the injured Palkia fled to Poplar Town and sealed Poplar Town in a confined space to hide his tracks.】

【All of this was discovered by Darkrai. Everything Darkrai did was to drive Palkia out of Poplar Town.】

【The destruction of the death ray and the arc-breaking slash continued to collide, and the whole town began to shake. If Dialga and Palkia were allowed to fight, it would not take long for the entire Baiyang Town to be destroyed.】

【Dialga and Palkia don't care about the town below them, they only have eyes for each other.】

【But they didn't care. Someone did. Darkrai used his body to block the destructive death beam that was heading towards the Space-Time Tower.】

【After taking a hit from the Death Ray, Darkrai remained unscathed. With his actions, Darkrai showed everyone that he was qualified to intervene in this war between gods.】

【Two existences that should never meet met in the cracks of time and space. Time and space were distorted, anger enveloped the entire town, and then everything began to collapse.】

【This is the nightmare that Gaudi recorded in his diary. 】

Chat room comments area

【Kalune: The nightmare recorded by Gaudi? In other words, Gaudi predicted everything that is happening now 50 or 60 years ago? 】

Her Gardevoir can also predict the future, but Gardevoir can only predict the short future.

And Gardevoir's prediction of the future is not stable, sometimes right and sometimes wrong, which is actually normal. How can the future be easily known ?

【Mikoli: Time, space, nightmare, all three have appeared. Since Gaudi has predicted everything, did he leave any tricks? Oh, the Tower of Time and Space!

This tower was built under Gaudi's personal supervision. Gaudi also named it the Tower of Time and Space. There must be a deep meaning behind it.

【Daigo: No matter what the deep meaning is, Xiaozhi and the others have to speed up. The city is collapsing. They don't have much time left. 】

According to the current rate of collapse, Baiyang Town will disappear in the cracks of time and space in about two hours.

【Xiao Mao: Now I know why the ancients of Sinnoh regarded Celebi as a thief who stole the power of time. Indeed, compared to Dialga, Celebi is far inferior. 】They both have the ability to control time, but it is obvious that Dialga's power is far greater than Celebi.

If it was Celebi who was fighting now, Palkia would probably kill it in one glance.

【Lijia: Humph, Celebi is the god of the forest, and farming is what Celebi is best at. Fighting and killing is not suitable for Celebi! 】

Video continues——

【Time Roar and Sub-Space Slash, under these two powerful energies, the speed of the collapse of Baiyang Town has become faster.】

【Wild Pokémon are running around, and the home where she grew up is being destroyed. Alice can no longer bear it.】

【She gathered her courage and came to the bottom of Dialga and Palkia. She shouted at the two legendary Pokémon to stop.】

【Obviously, this would not have any effect, and the two beasts completely ignored Alice.】

【Even during the fight, the two of them, whether intentionally or unintentionally, fell towards the direction where Alice was.】

【Seeing that Alice was about to be injured, Darkrai took action】

【It moved in front of Alice at the fastest speed, and the evil wave hit the two legendary Pokémon back.】

【Not only Alice couldn't stand it anymore, Darkrai had already reached the limit of his patience and joined the melee.】

【The three-way melee begins】

【Various energies are flying in the sky, and the chaotic sky is illuminated by various energies.】

【Darkrai fought one against two, and Darkrai kept hitting Dialga and Palkia with the Dark Hole. At the same time, Darkrai yelled at them,"Get out!!!""】

【The battle was interrupted by a little Karami, which made Dialga and Palkia very unhappy. The two actually reached an offensive. They stopped fighting and prepared to eliminate Darkrai first.】

【Wave missile, destruction ray】

【This is indeed a bit too much respect. How could Darkrai be so worthy of the cooperation of two first-level gods? 】

Chat room comment area

"If I were Darkrai, I would brag about this for the rest of my life."

If it were him, he would probably tell his grandchildren about this battle like this. Back then

, even Dialga and Palkia had to join forces to defeat me.

Alas, if I hadn't lost a helper, Dialga and Palkia might not have gotten away with it!

"Okay, okay, stop fantasizing. You don't even have the qualifications to watch the battle from the outside."

Du Juan couldn't help but complain.

"Will Darkrai be okay?"

Xiao Song was a little worried.

This was the combined power of two gods. No matter how strong Darkrai was, he would be affected.

I hope Darkrai is okay.

Since knowing that Darkrai had declared war on Palkia in order to protect the courtyard, Xiao Song's opinion of Darkrai has also changed 180 degrees.

She is now a die-hard fan of Darkrai!

Kalos region, Chaoxiang Town

""Sarina, do you really want to become Satoshi's partner and travel with him?"

Saqi hesitated.

Sarina knew what her mother was thinking. She must be worried that if she traveled with Satoshi, she would encounter the same danger as Hikari.

"Isn't this kind of life wonderful? Besides, with Xiaozhi around, nothing will happen."

Salina was not only not scared by the battle between the mythical beasts in the video, but she was eager to travel with Xiaozhi.

An ordinary life is beautiful, but as a young person, she yearns for an eventful life.

What's more, she wants to be with Xiaozhi.

This is her biggest wish in this life.


Girls are not allowed to stay here. Seeing that Serena has made up her mind, Saki can only sigh secretly.

Kanto region, Pallet Town

""When Xiaozhi becomes an adult, I will make sure he gets married and has children as soon as possible!!!"

Hanako said angrily.

Xiaozhi bungee jumps on the edge of the cliff every day, and she is really worried that Xiaozhi will not be able to come back one day.

So, let Xiaozhi have a child as soon as possible.

In this way, even if Xiaozhi has an accident, she can still have a thought.

By the way, if Xiaozhi gets married, which girl is better for him to marry?

She actually likes Xiaoxia very much. Xiaoxia has come to Xiaozhi's house several times and has lived in the house for a long time. She is a good girl who knows everything about him.

Xiaoyao, who is traveling with Xiaozhi now, seems to be very good too. She has a good figure, so she doesn't have to worry about having no milk after giving birth.

Xiaoguang is also good, open-minded, and there is no need to worry about quarrels after getting married.

And, there is also that little girl named Serena.

She dresses very stylishly and looks very cute. If she marries Xiaozhi in the future, the children she gives birth to will be very beautiful.

"Suction cup."

Looking at Hanako who was already lost in fantasy, the suction cup puppet spread his hands, not knowing what to say.

Video continues——

【Darkrai fell from the sky like a kite with its string cut】

【No matter who it is, it is too difficult for one person to fight against two gods.】

【Darkrai didn't turn into dust under the attack of the gods, which is a good performance.】

【In the courtyard, Alice found the injured Darkrai】

【I don't know if it's a coincidence, but this scene is exactly the same as when Alicia saw Darkrai decades ago.】

【"Darkrai, are you okay?"】

【Alice asked with concern. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Looking at the familiar girl in front of him, Darkrai couldn't help but say,"Alicia"】

【Alice shook her head,"I am Alice, Alicia is my grandmother"】


【Darkrai remained silent】

【Soon, Xiaozhi and the others came to Darkrai and apologized for misunderstanding Darkrai.】

【Darkrai did not respond. It slowly entered the earth and disappeared.】

【It went to find Dialga and Palkia again.】

【Although he knew that his strength was far inferior to that of the two gods of time and space, Darkrai still rushed forward without fear.】

【It's going to protect Alicia's yard.】

���The city is constantly being eroded, and time is running out. If no solution is found, this town will disappear forever in the other dimension.】

【Tony suddenly thought of something】

【Gaudi also recorded this sentence in his diary: For the future, I have to keep Oración.】

【Tonyo was very upset. If only he knew what Orasion was.】

【Coincidentally, Alice just knew Orasion】

【Alice took out the photo of Gaudi and his grandmother. She turned the photo over and found the song on the back was Olacion.】

【The song she played on the grass flute in the courtyard before was also by Orasion.】

【Donio knew what to do. Gaudi left behind the Orasion disc. As long as Orasion is played, the anger of Dialga and Palkia will be calmed.】

【There is no Orasion song in his laboratory. If there is Orasion, it can only be in the lobby of the Space-Time Tower.】

【There are many small discs inlaid on the big disc. There are so many discs of different sizes that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find Orasion.】

【If I guess, I will never find Orasion in this lifetime. I have to think of a way.】[]

【Alice forced herself to recall the events related to Orasion】

【Don't mention it, she actually thought of it.】

【When her grandmother taught her Orasion, she once told her that Orasion means to pray.】

【Alice quickly searched for all elements related to prayer in the hall. Soon she found a sculpture of a little girl praying.】

【There happens to be a huge disc under the sculpture of the little girl, but there are six sound discs inlaid on the big disc. Which one is Orasion?】

【Alice suddenly took out the photo, and at the bottom of the photo was a picture of Orasion. Comparing it with the photo, she found the same sound disk.】

【The next step is to let the Tower of Time and Space play this music.】

【Xiaogang and Miss Joy are leading the residents of Baiyang Town to the courtyard for shelter.】

【Perhaps because of Darkrai's power in the courtyard, the space there is very stable and there is no sign of collapse.】

【Dragon stars fell from the sky】

【Although it was just the aftermath of the battle, its power was still amazing.】

【Xiaoxin, Shenghai, and Taige commanded the Pokémon to block the aftermath of the skill.】

【Most of the meteors were blocked, but only one made it through the defense line and hit the people taking shelter.】

【In the end, it was Xiaogang's bad frog that took action and crushed the dragon star group with one punch. 】

Chat room comment area

【Aju: This bad frog is so strong! 】

It usually looks inconspicuous, but I didn't expect it to be so strong.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the bad frog can evolve again.

The initial form is already so strong, what will happen if it evolves again?

Xiaogang picked up a treasure this time.

Qianli : That little lucky egg.���He rubbed his eyes.

He must have seen it wrong. How could a little Fudan, who was only the size of a fist, lift a boulder that was bigger than an adult man?

He saw it wrong, he saw it wrong. He must have seen it wrong.

Video continues——

【With the help of the little fire monkey, the hot air balloon was successfully launched, and several people were sitting in the hot air balloon and slowly moving towards the top of the Tower of Time and Space.】

【Now, we just need to reach the top of the Tower of Time and Space, play Orasion, and everything will be over.】

【But will it really be that smooth?】

【The accident happened just after we flew for a short time.】

【A wave missile was launched at the 103 hot air balloon. Palkia was not targeting Xiaozhi and his friends. The original target of this wave missile should have been Dialga, but Dialga dodged it. Xiaozhi and his friends were just innocent bystanders.】

【Fortunately, Darkrai blocked the missile for everyone, which allowed the hot air balloon to continue to rise.】

【However, Pogamon was accidentally blown away from the hot air balloon by the aftermath. Fortunately, Xiaozhi reacted quickly and called out Mooko to save Pogamon.】

【The fight has been going on around the Tower of Time and Space, which makes Xiaozhi's journey extremely dangerous.】

【The dragon stars broke the fence on one side of the hot air balloon. If Xiaozhi hadn't grabbed Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang would have almost fallen off the hot air balloon.】

【Palkia flew past the hot air balloon, and a strong wind blew, causing Hikaru's hand to slip away from Satoshi's.】

【Fortunately, Xiaoguang was lucky and did not fall directly, but fell on the stairs not far away.】

【This won't work, Xiaozhi also took the initiative to jump down from the hot air balloon and successfully joined Xiaoguang】

【I can only rely on my two legs from now on.】

【Fortunately, Xiaozhi had just climbed the Tower of Time and Space yesterday, so this was not an impossible task for him.】

【Xiaozhi's choice was very accurate. Not long after he left the hot air balloon, the balloon crashed.】

【Fortunately, Alice and Tonyo were not seriously injured and landed safely. However, Darkrai's injuries worsened because he blocked the damage for Alice.】

"It seems that Darkrai really likes Alice's grandmother."

Lihua sighed.

In order to save Alice, Darkrai almost risked his life.

And the reason why Darkrai risked his life to save Alice was naturally to repay Alicia's kindness.

Evil Pokémon, although they are usually ferocious, they actually lack love.

Once someone gives them love, they will even repay it with their lives.

Darkrai is the best example

"I have to work harder!"

She wants to become the Four Heavenly Kings of the Johto region, or even the champion. Only in this way can all trainers no longer have any malice towards evil Pokémon.

She wants everyone to like evil Pokémon. This is her lifelong dream.

Video continues——

【Xiaogang carried Darkrai who fell into the pool to the shore. The Swamp King and Woobs in the pond also helped.】

【"Darkrai, Darkrai, are you okay?"】

【Darkrai had a dream about the first time he met Alicia.】

【At that time, Alicia also asked it gently if it was okay.】

【"Are you injured? Are you in pain? How about letting Alicia heal you?"】

【Darkrai swore that was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen in his life.】

【The fierce battle between Dialga and Palkia continues. Poplar Town has become a ruin, with only the courtyard remaining intact.】

【The Tower of Time and Space was also affected. The tower was disappearing continuously, leaving Xiaozhi and his friends with little time left.】

【The stairs ahead are disappearing, is there no way to go up anymore? 】.

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