【"no problem"】

【At the critical moment, Xiaoguang stood up】

【Courageous Weasel and Juanjuaner went out. Courageous Weasel used the water gun, and Juanjuaner followed closely behind and used the freezing ray.】

【Under Xiaoguang's command, the stairs made of ice were completed.】

【In the sky, the battle between Dialga and Palkia has reached its climax. At this point, Dialga and Palkia are also really angry. They don't dodge their skills at all, allowing the opponent's skills to hit them.】

【The two sides roared and rushed towards each other, starting a bloody battle.】

【It is hard to imagine that two high and mighty gods would actually fight in a way similar to rolling in the mud.】

【This is enough to prove that both sides have completely lost their minds.】

【"Enough, stop it!!!"】

【The courtyard has also been affected. If this continues, there will be no place left to stand.】

【Alice painfully asked Dialga and Palkia to stop. But how could such a request be effective? The gods who are high above would not care about the thoughts of mortals.】

【"You don't have to run away, you can stay here"】

【That's what the girl said to it that day】

【"May I?"】

【Accustomed to drifting, accustomed to being hated, this is the first time Darkrai's heart is opened】

【"You can stay here forever. This is everyone's garden."】

【Pearl and Diamond are gathering energy like crazy, and both sides have already ignored everything else.】

【The computer in Dong Niou's hand was issuing a fierce warning. If the two terrible energies collided, not only Baiyang Town, but the entire space would be reduced to nothingness. 】

Chat room comment area

【Xiaomao: Xiaozhi, hurry up, what are you dawdling for?!】

【Misty: There is no way to urge Xiaozhi! Xiaozhi has no wings!!!

Xiaoxia is also very anxious, but as she said, Xiaozhi can't fly, he has tried his best.

【Daigo: Dialga and Palkia, these two brothers are more terrifying than Kyogre and Groudon. Is there no one to stop them?

You know, whenever Kyogre and Groudon fight to the death, Rayquaza always comes out to"mediate".

Is there no third party to mediate in Sinnoh?

【Sirona: A third party? You mean Giratina? It is trapped in the reverse world and cannot interfere with the real world. As for Arceus, that is even more impossible. 】

For Arceus, the rise and fall of the universe is not necessarily in his heart, let alone a mere town of Baiyang.

There will be no savior.

Video continues——


【Darkrai struggled to get up and rushed into the battlefield where the two gods were fighting.】

【Time Roar and Subspace Slash have almost condensed. Darkrai has no choice but to fight desperately.】

【It rushed to the center of the battle between the two sides. It opened the nightmare realm and dragged Time Roar, Archon Slash, and even Dialga and Palkia into the nightmare realm.】

【At this moment, Darkrai demonstrated with his actions what it means to be a mortal being on par with a god.】

【In the nightmare, Darkrai roared,"This is everyone's courtyard."】

【This scene was also seen by Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, and Xiaozhi couldn't help but worry about Darkrai.】

【"No problem, just the last bit"】

【Xiaoguang cheered and encouraged】

【Xiaozhi nodded. Now is not the time to be sad. We must reach the top of the Tower of Time and Space as soon as possible.】

【The coverage of the nightmare domain is rapidly decreasing. Dialga and Palkia have all escaped from the nightmare domain.】

【At this moment, Dialga and Palkia launched an offensive, and both sides gathered energy and attacked Darkrai in the center.】

【Under the combined attack of Dialga and Palkia, Darkrai disappeared.】

【Just like in Baiyang Town, Darkrai turned into a purple light spot and slowly disappeared.】

"No way? Darkrai is really dead?!"

Lihua couldn't accept this result.

""The God of Time, the God of Space, these two damn guys!!!"

Hua Yue said angrily.

Is this what is called God?

Hua Yue could not see any divinity in them.

They are just beasts with great power. They are not worthy of being called God.


Xiaoguang covered her face with her hands. She couldn't accept this result.

In order to protect everyone and the courtyard, Darkrai sacrificed his life.

This scene was so similar to Latias. Darkrai will never come back.

【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also saw this scene, but they had no time to be sad because everyone was still waiting for them.】

【Also, he must not let Darkrai's efforts go to waste, Xiaozhi swore in his heart.】

【Camera Switch】

【The top of the space-time tower】

【The huge gears began to turn, and the light music slowly sounded.】

【The golden energy enveloped the entire Tower of Time and Space】

【Dialga and Palkia also noticed the changes in the Tower of Time and Space, and they slowly stopped attacking.】

【The music continued, and the extra-dimensional space gradually became stable, and the space no longer continued to collapse.】

【The Space-Time Tower spreads its"wings" and flowers bloom on them】

【The huge wings are flapping, and the warm energy soothes Dialga and Palkia.】

【Under this warm energy, Palkia's injuries were repaired quickly, and the broken pearl became intact in a short while.】

【The anger of the two legendary Pokémon was calmed, and Dialga left first and returned to���Its space】

【Palkia pulled Poplar Town out of the alternate dimension and sent it back to the world it should belong to.】

【Bright sunshine, clear sea water, everything is back to normal】


【Under the setting sun, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaoguang, Tonyo, and Alice gathered in front of the terrace. In front of them was the towering mountain. Under the setting sun, the mountain had a different style.】

【But now, the five of them had no intention of appreciating the beauty of the mountains. They all lowered their heads, feeling depressed.】

【Recalling everything about Darkrai, Alice's tears flowed down both sides of her cheeks.】

【"Darkrai, thank you."】

【Xiaozhi was also in a bad mood. He hated himself for not understanding Darkrai earlier.

The audience in front of the screen was also in a heavy mood. Did

Darkrai die after all?

If they could choose, they would rather sacrifice Baron Albert and Team Rocket!

Baron Albert, Team Rocket: ???

【Everyone turned around and prepared to leave, but suddenly Pikachu seemed to have discovered something and quickly told Xiaozhi to turn back.】

【A floating shadow is imprinted on the cliff】

【There is no mistake, it is Darkrai. Everyone turned around and looked for Darkrai.】

【Finally, they met Darkrai on the top of the Tower of Time and Space.】

【End of the video】

【The gorgeous competition was successfully held】

【Xiaoguang won all the way and finally made it to the semi-finals】

【But in the semi-finals, Xiaoguang's Pogamon was defeated by Xiaoxin's Infernape and lost.】

【In the final, Xiaoxin's opponent is Sheng Hai and his Tutai Kame】

【In the final, Xiao Xin did not give Sheng Hai any chance and won the game cleanly and neatly, winning the ribbon of the Baiyang Town Gorgeous Competition.】

【The video ends here. 】

Chat room comment area

【Lihua: Great, Darkrai is safe.

This is definitely the most perfect ending.

Lihua is very satisfied with this ending.

【Adu: The fifth-ranked beast on the list is already so powerful? How powerful are the first four on the list?

Adu can't wait to see the fourth-ranked beast.

【Kona: Fourth? There are others waiting. 】

According to the system's previous habits, the next place should be tied for fifth.

If you are lucky, you can tie for once. If you are unlucky, I don't know how long it will be tied.

【Karuna: Is it time to discuss this now? Isn't it time to discuss the questions? The questions have already been published!!!

With Karuna's reminder, everyone realized that the system had published the content of the questions at some point.

【Question: When a fight broke out in the courtyard, which of the following elves did not participate in the fight?】

【A Long Tail Monster】

【B: Grass seedling turtle. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【C: Curly】

【D: Pogaman】

【Please.B、C、D Choose the correct one among the four options���case】

【The discussion time for this question is three minutes, and the quick answer session will begin after three minutes.】

【Timing begins——】[]

The fight in the courtyard?

Most viewers still remember this fight.

I remember that it was Alice who blew the grass flute to calm down the conflict.

【Daye: I remember, I remember, Pikachu and Charmeleon did not participate in the conflict, they helped to mediate the fight! 】

Daye is very confident, he remembers it very clearly

【A-Liu: No, man, did you read the options? There is no Pikachu or Charmeleon in them!

This is an invalid answer!

【Daye: The system is targeting me!]

He finally remembered, but Pikachu and Charmeleon were not among the options.

【Du Juan: Oh, I also remember that Hu Shuo Shu didn't join the quarrel, but it's a pity that Hu Shuo Shu Ye is not in the options. 】

What a pity

【Daigo: Brothers, can you give me some useful information? 】

After working for so long, all the information is useless!

Daigo is getting anxious. He has been doing the prize-giving quiz for almost ten rounds, but he has not received any reward so far.

Seeing that the inventory is already halfway through, how can he not be anxious ?

【Xiaoxia: Useful information? I have it here. Option D, Pogaman, is definitely not the correct answer.

Xiaoxia remembers very clearly that the conflict occurred because Pogaman and the cat monster were fighting for the fruit.

Pogaman was the initiator of the conflict, and it must be one of the two parties in the conflict.

【Adu: Finally, some useful information! 】

He and Daigo are in the same boat, and neither has received any reward so far.

He must seize this opportunity.

After eliminating Pogaman, there are only three options left. If one more can be eliminated, then answering the question will be easy.

【Pakila: Xiaoguang's Juanjuan is a girl, right? Girls shouldn't get involved in fights, right?

Girls are all well-mannered and don't like to fight like boys do.

【Pakira: Also, Satoshi's long-tailed extremity arm looks very naughty, so it must be involved in fights!

What is prejudice? This is prejudice.

If Xiaoyao hadn't stopped him, he would have argued with Pakira.

What does his long-tailed extremity arm look very naughty?

Can you please delete the word"look"?

His long-tailed extremity arm is super naughty!

But there is one thing Pakira seems to have made a mistake. His long-tailed extremity arm is not a boy's, but a girl's like Juanjuan.

According to Pakira's theory, the long-tailed extremity arm will not participate in the fight.

Hoenn region, Saiyu City Park

".Xiaozhi, do you think the correct answer should be the long-tailed monster hand?"

Xiaosheng looked at Xiaozhi curiously.

Xiaosheng thought Xiaozhi would nod decisively, but Xiaozhi was decisive, but he didn't nod, he shook his head.

"I think my Long Tail Hand must be among the elves participating in the fight.

This guy loves to stir up trouble and join in the fun.���It's definitely there

"My little lucky egg, bad frog, and nonsense tree are the best behaved."None of his three elves joined the conflict.

The nonsense tree was trying to stop the fight, the little lucky egg was watching the fun, and the bad frog was in a daze.

"I wonder what reward Xiaozhi will get this time? Will it be Darkrai?"

Xiaoyao guessed



If Xiaozhi can get Darkrai, won't he be invincible?

With Darkrai, won't he be able to easily sweep all opponents in this Caiyou Conference?

After a series of discussions, everyone finally came to the conclusion that the Pokémon that did not participate in the conflict were either Squirtle or Curly.

As for Longtailed Manta and Pogona, they were already considered the main forces of the conflict.

The three-minute discussion time passed in a flash, and soon it was time for the quick answer.




Because it was another rare two-choice question, all the test takers pressed the answer button until smoke came out. No one wanted to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

【Congratulations to Daigo, Adu, Hiba, and Mikoli for answering the questions successfully. 】

Wow, this is the loser alliance!

The four people who were selected to answer the questions this time are all people who have answered the questions but have never received any rewards.

【Daigo: Sorry guys, I have to go first this time!!!]

Choose one of the two, I won’t make a mistake this time.

Daigo is full of confidence

【Mikoli: If only it were that easy.

Although he was successfully selected into the list of answerers, Mikoli was not happy at all. Being the fourth to answer the question (Wang Ma Hao) was almost equivalent to not being on the list. It was better to hope that the system would give him a reward directly because he was handsome than to expect that the first three people would all get the question wrong.

It was too difficult for him.

When would he get the reward ?

【Adu: Don't worry, Daigo, this time will be no different from the last time for you.

Adu said maliciously.

No one wants Daigo to get the answer wrong more than Adu.

He is waiting to step on Daigo's"corpse" to get his first reward.

【Xiba: Oh. 】

Xiba was also dejected. He was in the same situation as Mikoli. He basically had no chance to answer the questions.

Under Adu's malicious curse, Daigo began to answer the questions.

【Daigo: B, I choose Squirtle. 】

Who said girls can't fight?

What era is this

? Don't you understand gender equality?

Besides, look at Sirona and Kaluna, each one is more fierce than the other. If anyone says that girls are all quiet and don't like to fight, he will be the first to disagree.

He chooses Squirtle.

Most grass-type Pokémon are good and peaceful, and Squirtle will definitely not join in.

As soon as the questions were answered, Daigo confidently waited for the system to announce the reward.

But in the end, the reward did not come, but the system's blow.

【Wrong answer]

It is also the punishment content announced by the system

【Punishment: Randomly confiscate a treasured stone. 】

??? ??? ???

Daigo was completely panicked.

He called his father as quickly as possible and asked him to go to his safe to see which stone was missing.

After hearing that it might not be his favorite ore, Daigo completely collapsed.

""Oh, great heaven, how can you be so unkind to me!!!"

Daigo collapsed, but Adu smiled.

Daigo is really his good brother, so he thought differently this time. Just choose C, and Juanjuan will be OK.

Pakira has analyzed the correct answer for you, but you still want to choose it yourself. If you don't get it wrong, who will?

After Adu laughed, he began to look forward to the reward account he was about to get.

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