【Even if you raise your head as high as you can, you still can't see the top of the Qingche Cliff】

【Going straight ahead, is this really possible?】

【"I advise you not to do this."】

【Luna quickly spoke up to ask the three of them to give up this unrealistic idea.】

【The cliffs of Qingche Cliff are inaccessible to anyone. It is also because of the existence of the cliffs that nature can be preserved without being harmed. Mingjing Lake, surrounded by vast forests, flowers, plants and trees, is the main source of water nearby.-】

【The water of Mingjing Lake feeds all the wild Pokémon living here.】

【Under the moonlight, a group of Butterfree flew to Mirror Lake in groups.】

【At this moment, by the Mirror Lake, Mewtwo, Pikachu, and Meowth are also enjoying this rare scene.】

【Chaomeng was thinking about their future, and curiously asked his friends for their opinions.】

【Pikachu thinks living here is like being in prison. Meowth doesn't care. No matter where in the world, the moon is round.】

【"However, we are cloned Pokémon, not real Pokémon."】

The audience didn't expect that after so much time, Mewtwo is still struggling with this matter. Meowth is much calmer. In its view, no matter it is a clone or a real Pokémon, the moon it sees is round.

"Meow Meow, what are you talking about? I don't understand what you are saying."

What about the moon? What about the moon? Yasha didn't understand what Meow Meow wanted to say.

"Alas, it is indeed a bit too profound for you." Du Juan complained,"After all, your intelligence level is only at the level of a second grader in elementary school."


Yasha was not convinced.

She had clearly finished the third grade of elementary school before becoming a gym leader!

Du Juan:"I apologize, I underestimated you."

Video continues——

【There was a knock on the door. Someone else came to stay.】

【The guests staying here are a man and a woman. The man is called Benislina and the woman is called Domino. They are both researchers. Their purpose of coming here is to study the water of Qingche River.】

【Hearing that Benislinas came for the water of the clear river, Luna felt a little complicated.】

【If Benisrina's research results were made public, a large number of people would rush to the Qingche River for water. At that time, who knows what would become of the beautiful nature here.】

【Luna's words startled Benisrina. This was something he had not considered before.】

【He was about to say something when firecrackers suddenly sounded in the room.】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow are here again. They are the only ones who set off firecrackers at night.】

【In front of everyone, Musashi, Kojiro and Meow Meow began to introduce themselves, but what they didn't know was that their self-introductions made Domino question】

【Team Rocket? Are there these three people in Team Rocket? How come she has never heard of them before? 】

A corner of the park in the Hoenn region, Saiyu City

"What?! That guy doesn't even know about our famous Team Rocket trio?!"

Upon learning that Domino had previously made up a story about him, Musashi was immediately furious.

"I am an outstanding trainee who graduated with first place in the rookie training camp!!!"

What is this guy doing? He has never even heard of her name, an outstanding graduate of Team Rocket.

"That guy even assigned us cleaning work!!! Meow."

Meow will never forget the humiliation Domino brought to it.

When it is promoted to a cadre and becomes the branch director, it will definitely teach Domino a lesson.

"Ah? Will there really be such a day?"

Kojiro doubted that this day would never come.

Domino was the boss's confidant, and it was not easy for them to climb over Domino's neck and bully others.

"How dare you, a fellow like you, to boost others' morale and destroy your own prestige!"

"Show me the fight!!!"

"No! Musashi! I was wrong, please forgive me!!!"

Video continues——

【The Rockets are the strongest team at the moment, and they have deployed their electric shock insulating absorption ropes. With the help of their new equipment, Pikachu is in their hands in the blink of an eye.】

【After taking Pikachu on the new Meowth balloon, Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth were ready to escape. However, they seemed to have forgotten one thing: the airflow today was very unstable, and in the Qingche River, a slight airflow would form a hurricane.】

【Watching the Rocket trio swinging in the sky like a swing, Xiaozhi sighed.】

【Although he wished that the three guys would be blown away by the strong wind, he had to help them because Pikachu was still up there and he had to save Pikachu first.】

【"no solution anymore"】

【Luna put on her climbing gear and distributed climbing ropes to everyone. Now she will lead the way to rescue Pikachu!】

【Benisrina also volunteered to go with him.】

【"Oh, it's terrible, what should I do?"】

【As they boarded the train, Domino, who was at the end of the group, made a coquettish sound.】

【Unfortunately, Benisrina didn't buy it."You don't have to force yourself to keep up.""】

【"But if I'm not with you, I'll be scared."】

【Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a huge rock just above the two of them rolled down quickly.】

【Domino, who had just pretended to be weak, suddenly had a golden light in her eyes. She successfully avoided the boulder at an astonishing speed.】

【"Miss Domino!!!"】

【Benisrina came to his senses and hurried back to check on Domino's safety, but what he didn't expect was that Domino was not���When did you get ahead of him?】

【When did this happen?】

【Camera Switch】

【The climbing buckle was somehow attached to the Rockets' hot air balloon.】

【This is really troublesome. Looking at the dense crowds of people under the hot air balloon, Miaomiao couldn't help but complain,"It's overloaded!"】

【The wind slowly died down, and the hot air balloon floated over Mingjing Lake.】

【Without the cover of clouds, everything in Mingjing Lake is exposed.】

【At the bottom of the rope, Domino held the rope with one hand and operated the infrared night vision device with the other. As she searched, Mewtwo soon exposed his position.】

【"Find the target and start analyzing"】

【One minute later】

【"It's Mewtwo, confirmed."】

【"There is no need to confirm, it is Mewtwo."】

【A smile appeared on Sakaki's face. He couldn't wait to meet Mewtwo.】

【How are you doing these days? Mewtwo!】

【Mewtwo in the cave also noticed Xiaozhi and his group floating in the air.】

【There was no mistake. They were the three kids they had met on the new island. They met again! Was this fate?】

【Inside the aircraft】

【Sakaki could no longer suppress his fiery heart. He crushed the wine glass in his hand.】

【Mewtwo, here he comes! 】

Chat room comment area

【Hiba: Sakaki is really something, it’s obvious that Mewtwo has no interest in you. Haven’t you heard that a forced melon is not sweet?】

【Adu: Sakaki is the worst kind of man. Even when the girl has said she doesn't like him anymore, he still insists on pursuing her. He is simply a licker among lickers.】

【Kona: Give up, Sakaki, you are impossible. 】

Seizing the opportunity, Shiba, Adu, and Kona started to mock Sakaki in the comment section.

【Sakaki: A melon that is forced to be twisted is not sweet? How do you know it is not sweet? Have you twisted it before? If you haven’t twisted it before, how can you have the right to speak! I have twisted it before, and a melon that is forced to be twisted is especially sweet! 】

Sakaki is not a good person in the first place, and he doesn’t pretend. He just likes melons that are forced to be twisted.

And he is not a bootlicker. How can a bootlicker use violence?

【Apollo: Boss is awesome! A real man should force himself on him!!!

He doesn't want to?

Beat him until he wants to!

You don't really think our boss is"in love" with Mewtwo, do you? The boss is just attracted by Mewtwo's"beauty"!

As for whether Mewtwo is willing to obey their boss? It's not important at all!

【Daigo: The problem now is that you can't beat Mewtwo.

It's not that easy to make Mewtwo surrender by violence. (To read violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Groudon and Kyogre may not be able to do it. Rayquaza will have to try to know if it can do it.

Team Rocket is quite strong, but it depends on who they are compared with. Compared with Mewtwo, they are not good enough.

【Sakaki: Hum. Young.】

Let’s watch his performance carefully next!


Video continues——

【"In addition to Mewtwo, I also saw Pokémon with similar reactions"】

【Domino sent the new discovery to Sakaki】

【"Sure enough, no matter how powerful Mewtwo is, it can't stand loneliness and solitude. It also needs companions."】

【This is definitely good news, which means that Mewtwo is not a real iron wall, it has its weaknesses.】

【Sakaki has come up with a good way to deal with Mewtwo】

【"009 Start Action"】

【"I see"】

【After putting the intercom into her pocket, Domino started to move. She was originally at the end of the rope, and she began to climb up quickly. During the climb, she stepped on Xiaozhi's head.】

【Before anyone could react, Domino had already climbed into the hot air balloon.】

【Then Domino made a phone call,"Team Rocket's elite troops on standby, move out!"】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth were confused. The elite troops of Team Rocket? They were the ones they were talking about?】

【Domino smiled contemptuously and turned to look to the south.】

【In the night sky, airships appeared one after another】

【Looking at the airship in the distance, Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow were also shocked. What this guy said was actually true.】

【While the three were stunned, the others also climbed onto the hot air balloon.】

【"Domino, who are you?"】

【If you haven't realized that something is wrong with Domino at this time, then your reaction is too slow.】

【Under the gaze of the crowd, Domino also revealed his true identity. Rocket Team A 00 number, 009 Domino】

【"I am the Black Tulip"】

【In order to prove his identity, Domino took out a black tulip from somewhere.】

【"Aren't you from the National Pokémon Research Institute?"】

【Benisrina was surprised】

【Domino smiled and said,"Team Rocket is hiding beside everyone. Who knows, the person smiling beside you might be Team Rocket."】


【"And us"】

【"Rockets too"】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow tried to get close to Domino, but Domino didn't give them any face.】

【"Team Rocket, who is hindering Team Rocket's work, fly farther like a rocket"】

【Domino jumped out of the hot air balloon and threw black tulips into it before leaving.】


【Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, Benislina, and Luna fell into the Mirror Lake. As for the Rocket trio and Pikachu, no one knew where they drifted to.】

【Camera Switch】

【The Rocket trio was hanging on the cliff. Below them was an angry Pikachu.】

【One hundred thousand volts!】

【Just when the three thought they were going to be electrocuted again, someone rescued them.】

【The one who attacked was also a Pikachu, and it looked like it was cut from the same mold as Xiaozhi's Pikachu.】

【"We meet again, meow"】

【Meowth translated what the new Pikachu said.】

【The atmosphere was quite bad, and the air was full of gunpowder.】

【The new Pikachu is questioning why Pikachu brought humans here. They copied Pokémon just to live here quietly.】

【Whether it was Pikachu, the translator Meowth, or Musashi and Kojiro who were listening, they were all confused and had no idea what the new Pikachu was saying.】

【However, the new Pikachu seemed very excited and was ready to fight if there was any disagreement. It seemed that a fight was inevitable. In the end, Mewtwo stepped in to stop this meaningless fight.】

【A large number of airships have appeared in the sky above Mingjing Lake, and Chaomeng also knows that his peaceful life has been disrupted.】

【"Now we have no choice but to go to war to protect our place of survival!"】

【Pikachu looks the weakest, but he is the toughest fighter.】

【"This is no longer a battle, it's a war!"】

【The more I listened, the scarier it became. I didn't dare to continue translating.】

【Although I say I dare not translate anymore, a good translator still has to do all the translation work.】

【Mewtwo just wants to live a stable life with his cloned Pokémon, but Pikachu has a different idea. He doesn't want to be a shadow anymore. He wants to live like a real Pokémon.】

【There is a vast world outside of Mingjing Lake, and it wants to go to that world just like a real Pokémon.】

【A vast world, a free life. Musashi and Kojiro also felt deeply touched. Wasn't it for this that they joined Team Rocket?】

【Camera Switch】

【Xiaozhi and his friends were rowing their canoes towards the center of the island.】

【As they moved forward, they also noticed the dense array of airships in the sky.】

【"We have to be quick and quiet."】

【Xiaoxia whispered】

【It would be troublesome if we were spotted by Team Rocket in the sky.】

【Inside the cave, Mewtwo has discovered Team Rocket's tracks through video equipment.】

【It doesn't want to fight with humans. After all, humans are their creators and their fathers.】

【There is no other way, so he can only continue to wander. 】

In less than three months, the audience did not expect Mewtwo to change so much.

Before, he was a ruthless revenger, but now he has become a conciliatory one, and he is even unwilling to attack humans.

No, is Mewtwo so easy to go to extremes?

Either extreme left or extreme right, can't he try to find a middle way?

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth are tied up by Bulbasaur and Venusaur's vine whips】

【When Musashi thought about how he would be seen by Boss Sakaki soon, he felt extremely depressed. How could he get promoted if he was seen?】

【Musashi was about to discuss countermeasures with Kojiro and Meowth when Meowth spoke up,"Shh, that Pikachu is going to make a big announcement, Meowth!""】

【"We'll be caught by them.��If things go wrong, it will become experimental material, meow"】

The audience in Kanto and Johto nodded when they heard this.

This clone Pikachu knows Team Rocket.

【"If we miss this chance, there will be no chance to escape." Meow Meow's voice became louder and louder,"Our goal is to find the vast world, Meow!"】

【"In that case, could you please take us away as well?"】

【Musashi and Kojiro requested】

【Prison in the Cave】

【Meow Meow bluntly said that Musashi and Kojiro were too naive. Team Rocket was the enemy of the clones, so how could the clones take them away? 】

(First update, at least 20,000 updates today, please subscribe!!! Zero).

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