【Musashi is unhappy, so why is Meow Meow the only one not locked up?】


【Meow Meow smiled slightly. It was a translator and could be of great help to them. Goodbye.】

【Not only Meowth has joined the Pokémon cloning army, but also Ash's Pikachu has joined in.】

【On the cliff, watching the Pokémon leaving, Mewtwo did not stop them. Everyone has their own choice. All it can do is protect the Pokémon that stay.】

【Xiaozhi and his friends entered a cave. After passing through the cave, they found a lake. This is the water that Benisrina has been looking for. It can be said to be the best water in the world.】

【This is the source of Mingjing Lake and the source of the clear water of Qingchuan.】

【Camera Switch】

【The Pokémon that left were discovered by Team Rocket. Under the special equipment made by Team Rocket, these Pokémon quickly lost their ability to fight.】

【Countless Poké Balls were dropped from the sky, and most of the cloned Pokémon were captured by Team Rocket, leaving only Pikachu and Meowth.】

【But their current situation is not very good, and they have almost been forced into a desperate situation.】

【Seeing that the only two clones were about to fall into the clutches of Team Rocket, Mewtwo couldn't help but take action.】

【Mewtwo first used a wave missile to drive back Team Rocket's helicopter, and then used telekinesis to release the captured Pokémon.】

【The skylight of the helicopter was opened, a lift slowly rose up, and Sakaki appeared.】

【This can barely be considered a meeting between old friends, but Mewtwo has no good feelings towards his old friend Sakaki.】

【Seeing Sakaki, Mewtwo said coldly,"My power is many times stronger than before. Do you really think you have the ability to control me at will?"】

【Sakaki nodded. He admitted that Mewtwo was indeed much stronger than before, but Team Rocket was not standing still. In order to limit Mewtwo, he had already made a machine that could seal Mewtwo's power"three four three".】

【Two artificial robots, one black and one red, appeared on the battlefield without anyone noticing.】

【At Sakaki's command, the two robots launched an attack, and Mewtwo was caught off guard and was knocked back to the ground. 】

Chat room comment area

【Daigo: Team Rocket still has some stuff.

Whether it's the red laser that attacked the cloned Pokémon before, or the two robots now, they are still very valuable.

Oh, and there are more than a dozen airships. I have to say that Team Rocket is really rich.

【Adu: Where on earth did Sakaki get so many airships?! 】

These are not just one or two airships, but more than a dozen.

Could it be that Team Rocket has an airship company under its command?

【Kona: Almost right. Otherwise, Sakaki wouldn't be able to create so many airships.】

【Shiba: So, Sakaki has revealed his true colors this time?

There are only a few airship companies in the entire city.

It's easy to find out if you check.

We must not let Sakaki get away with it this time.

Video continues——

【The power of technology is very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat Mewtwo with a machine that doesn't even have a heart.】

【Soon, Chaomeng showed Sakaki how naive he was with his actions.】

【The machine that was killing everyone just now was sent flying by Mewtwo's telekinesis.】

【Seeing this scene, Sakaki was not surprised. This was actually within his expectations. A machine without a heart cannot have truly powerful power. Otherwise, there would be no need for him to cling to Mewtwo.】

【The heart can generate great power, but it also has weaknesses.】

【Sakaki waved his hand and pointed to the island in the center of Mingjing Lake. That was the real battlefield.】

【"Mewtwo, there should be more than just these people here with you, right?"】

【"Can you just leave the companions who stayed behind unattended?"】

【"You despicable guy!"】

【Sakaki was not angry after hearing this, because he was a despicable and shameless villain.】

【Camera Switch——】

【Xiaozhi and his group and all the Pokémon clones on the island were captured by Team Rocket.】

【On the way to the prison, Xiaozhi met Pikachu who was also captured.】

【"Pikachu, what's wrong with you?!"】

【Seeing Pikachu lying on the ground, Xiaozhi quickly went over and picked it up.】

【No, it should be them】

【Seeing that the Pikachus were so badly injured, Benisrina asked Luna to take out the water he had collected.】

【With Luna's help, both Pikachu drank the lake water in the test tube.】

【Then an incredible scene appeared. After drinking the water, the Pikachus regained their energy in an instant. After seeing this incredible scene, the audience exclaimed in unison.

My God, the magic of this water is comparable to the water in the Lake of Life.

Moreover, this water can still be used effectively after leaving the lake, which is even more abnormal.

If a water factory can be built on the island

, there is no need to produce water. As long as you are a porter of nature, you can make a lot of money.

Now there is only one problem left, how to convince Mewtwo to agree to this plan.

How about giving Mewtwo a share of the shares?

Let's work together to make it bigger and stronger!

【Team Rocket begins construction, planning to transform Clear Cliff into one of Team Rocket's branches】

【Domino contacted Sakaki. Everything was going well on her side. How was Mewtwo?】

【"It's really difficult. This guy's brain waves are not even a little confused."】

【"If this continues, this guy will become weaker and weaker."】

【Sakaki is anxious】

【He spent so much effort, what he wanted was not Mewtwo's corpse】

【"Wouldn't all our efforts be wasted if we let it die?"】

【Domino knows very well how much Boss Sakaki wants Mewtwo】

【"do not care!"】

【"This is a battle of wills between Mewtwo and me!"】

【Sakaki also got angry】

【The intercom in his hand was crushed by Sakaki.】


【Listening to the explosion coming from the other end of the phone, Domino was also very unhappy. Why take it out on her? It wasn't her fault.】

【"Hey, you two, clean it up!"】

【"Listen carefully, the water in the bucket must be changed frequently!"】

【A higher-ranking official can crush a person to death. Domino, who was just angry at Sakaki, turned around and pointed his spearhead at Musashi and Kojiro.】

【If Boss Sakaki wasn't still in this base, they would have rebelled long ago. Just wait for them. Domino】

【A large amount of sewage was discharged into Mingjing Lake, and the originally clear lake water was polluted in an instant.

This scene also made President Damalanqi frown.

Industrial pollution is also the target of his crackdown.

To build a world where humans and Pokémon live in harmony, we cannot wantonly destroy the environment.

If we do that, it will only cause the anger of Pokémon.

"Oh My God"

"Mingjing Lake is the source of all the water in Hoenn for dozens of kilometers."

"The Rockets just discharged wastewater directly into Mingjing Lake?"

Daigo was also dumbfounded.

Their Dewen Company, the wastewater generated during production, must be purified, purified, and purified again until it meets the standards before it is discharged.

No wonder the Rockets have been suppressed by the league and are still so rich. This is the reason.

"For Team Rocket, this shouldn't be a big deal."If you have too many lice, you won't feel itchy."

Team Rocket is an evil organization that uses Pokémon to conduct human research.

Discharging sewage is nothing to them.

Basic operations

【What Sakaki didn't know was that it was this basic operation in his eyes that completely bankrupted his plan.】

【Thousands, even tens of thousands of bug-type Pokémon, such as Ladybug, Beedrill, and Butterfree, began to move towards the central island.】

【Inside the prison, the Pokémon are all yelling】

【"What's wrong with everyone?"】

【All the Pokémon started to get angry. This was the first time Xiaozhi had seen such a situation.】

【"Here comes the meow, here comes the meow, everyone is angry"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"What is coming?"】

【The more Xiaozhi listened, the more confused he became.】

【"All the bug Pokémon are angry and say they will never forgive anyone who dirty the lake."】

【Countless bug-type Pokémon came to the island. There were too many paralysis powders, sleep powders, and poison powders. Soon, all the members of Team Rocket who were building the base were all infected.】

【Even Sakaki got into trouble】[]

【Domino is in trouble too.】

【Hundreds of ladybugs are eyeing Domino】

【Tulips were fired continuously. Domino tried to fight back, but there was no���The tulips she threw were chopped up by the Scythers.】

【With the help of Musashi and Kojiro, Domino was easily taken down by the Bug-type Pokémon】

【On the other side, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and Xiaoxia, led by Pikachu, found the brainwashed Mewtwo.】

【At this time, Chaomeng has actually reached his limit.】

【Xiaozhi asked Mewtwo how to save him, and Mewtwo endured the pain and said,"Turn off this light."】

【But Xiaozhi and his friends searched all over the robot and couldn't find a switch to turn it off.】

【There's no other way. Mewtwo is getting weaker and weaker.】

【If you can't find the switch, just bump it!】

【Xiaozhi took the lead and crashed into the machine. With Xiaozhi's lead, others followed suit. After several people's continuous crashes, the machine was finally knocked down.】

【Just when they thought Mewtwo could be saved, they discovered that even after being knocked down, the machine still did not stop releasing the evil black light.】


【Mewtwo stopped Xiaozhi and the others. He was ready to fight this machine.】

【Either it dies from exhaustion, or the machine breaks down.】

【With the help of Pikachu, the machine was finally destroyed and Mewtwo was rescued, but now Mewtwo is in a very bad state and his life has reached its limit.】

【He has no hope of being saved.】

【Water fountain. If you bring Mewtwo to that fountain, maybe Mewtwo can be saved. Pikachus recovered their health by drinking the water in the fountain.】

【"You guys can't even think about it. Mewtwo is mine.....Since it refuses, I want it to die."】

【Sakaki and the remaining Rocket Team soldiers surrounded him.】

【"I won't let you succeed."】

【Xiaogang and Xiaoxia summoned all the Pokémon. They were responsible for delaying time, and Xiaozhi was in charge of Mewtwo.】

【Xiaozhi also knew that now was not the time to waste time, so he helped Mewtwo up and headed towards the fountain as fast as he could. 】

Chat room comment area

【Xiba: Xiaozhi has regressed. He didn't use the princess hug, but used the caress.

Mewtwo is less than 100 kilograms. At this time, he must be hugged. He runs faster when hugged.

【Adu: That's right, this is a good use. Xiaozhi is only about 30 kilograms, and Mewtwo weighs almost three times as much as Xiaozhi!】

【Fujiki: An ordinary 10-year-old boy certainly can't lift a 100KG Mewtwo, but is Xiaozhi an ordinary 10-year-old boy?

Let alone a mere 100KG, one day, Xiaozhi will lift a 1-ton object and he will think that is a very normal thing.

【Du Juan: One ton?! This is getting ridiculous.

If Xiaozhi can really lift a ton of objects, she suggested going to the anatomy room to dissect Xiaozhi and study what kind of creature he is.

Video continues——

【"Why, why are you helping me?"】

【Xiaozhi and the others' memories have been erased long ago, so they shouldn't remember themselves.】

【"You saved my pickup truck, so of course I have to repay you."】

【Xiaozhi replied as a matter of course.】

【"Is that all?"】

【"Do you need any other reasons?"】

【"You are a very special human, a special trainer."】

【"Aren't you a special Pokémon too?"】

【During the conversation, the two had already arrived at the destination of this trip.】

【Luna and Benisrina at the fountain were also surprised to see Xiaozhi coming.】

【"What is that Pokémon?"】

【Xiaozhi did not answer, but told the two of them the purpose of his visit. He needed the spring water in front of him, but drinking it alone did not seem to be enough to revive Mewtwo.】

【Xiaozhi is about to immerse Mewtwo in the fountain.】

【Hearing this, Benisrina became anxious. This spring water contains very important ingredients, and it may even be used to make medicine to save mankind. If it is destroyed...】

【Xiaozhi interrupted Benisrina directly. He didn't care about saving humans at all. He only wanted to save Mewtwo.】

【Xiaozhi lifted up Mewtwo and threw it directly into the center of the fountain.】

【Chaomeng slowly sank to the bottom of the lake. The scene here was very similar to the scene in his dream. His power began to slowly recover.】

【Dream, Chaomeng was vaguely in the air, as if he saw a dream】

【"Where is Mewtwo?!"】

【Sakaki chased after him in a plane】

【"Stop, you'll damage the water source by doing this!"】

【Benisrina is anxious】

【Sakaki doesn't care about that. Everything here belongs to him. He can destroy it if he wants.】

【Just as Sakaki was about to say a few more harsh words, he suddenly heard a noise behind him.】

【Something broke out of the water, Sakaki turned around and saw that it was Mewtwo who had fully recovered.】

【"This place doesn't belong to anyone, just like I don't belong to you. Now I won't allow you to attack anyone!"】


【Sakaki wakes up in a deep pit, surrounded by his confused subordinates】

【"Um, what on earth happened?!"】

【"Where's Mewtwo? Where's Mewtwo?!"】

【Under the Clear Cliff, Mewtwo moved all the springs and Pokémon here.】

【What a terrible power this is.】

【Mewtwo was originally going to erase everyone's memory like last time, but after Meowth's insistence, Mewtwo finally decided to only erase the memory of those who had ill will towards them.】


【Sakaki was confused. Why were they here?】

【"It seems like they are carrying out some secret mission. Domino couldn't figure out what was going on.】

【But since this is a secret mission, so many people gathered here will really attract too much attention, so let's disband the team quickly.】

【Qingche Cliff, it's time to travel】

【Mewtwo sent all the Pokémon away. They shouldn't live in Clear Cliff. They should also see the vast world.】

【"Goodbye, we may never meet again"】

【Mewtwo says goodbye to Ash】

【"But I still hope we can meet again"】

【"If you are somewhere and hear someone calling you, just turn around. Maybe you can see me there."】

【End of the video】

【In the bustling city】

【Suddenly, a voice came into Xiaozhi's ears.】

【"I'm here"】

【Xiaozhi quickly looked back.】

【"What's wrong? Xiaozhi"】

【"I don't know why, but I always feel like there's someone there. Oh, I think it might be Mewtwo!"】

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