Elves Come To the World

Chapter 122 The game begins (seeking the first order)

Three days later.

With the joint efforts of many trainers, all elves were expelled from the disaster area.

After the flood gradually receded, the alliance also started the construction of the disaster area, and Luo Chen and other trainers who went to the disaster relief also began to slowly evacuate the disaster area.

During this period, Luo Chen also obtained a lot of elf contribution points, and relying on these contribution points, he also exchanged a lot of resources for cultivating a few elves in his hands.

Jiangnan City, Star Fairy Club.

After leaving the disaster area, Luo Chen followed Bai Yuxin straight back to the club, intending to participate in the main match of the Jiangnan City Challenge.


The next day, Jiangnan City Gymnasium.

Today is the start of the annual Jiangnan City Challenge Main Tournament.

As the only club in Jiangnan City, the Star Fairy Club and the Adventure Island Fairy Club have been fighting openly and secretly.

The two clubs refused to accept the other, so there was this year's annual Jiangnan City Challenge main event.

If any club can win this competition, then it will be the strongest club in Jiangnan City this year, and it will also be able to represent Jiangnan City in the next National Club Competition!

In the last session, the MapleStory Club won and represented Jiangnan City to participate in the competition, but the final result was not satisfactory, taking a sixth place.

Therefore, in this year's Jiangnan City Main Tournament, the two clubs were full of breath, and they wanted to win the game no matter what!

In the rest area of ​​the gymnasium, both clubs are actively forming formations.

Since the rules of the competition are in the form of a main competition, the first round of the main competition is very important!

Because only the first round of challengers are played randomly, in the subsequent challenges, the opponent will definitely send corresponding challengers to restrain them.

Therefore, when the strength of the rivals is about the same, the elf's restraint is extremely important!


Soon, the host in the battle field also began to announce the entry of both parties.

Seeing this, Bai Yuxin immediately led a group of ten people out of the rest area.

At the same time, in the player's rest area on the opposite side, the champions of MapleStory Club also entered the field under the leadership of Ye Hui. The two sides faced each other from a distance, and immediately there was a smell of gunpowder in the field.

In the final battle of the last main competition, it was Ye Hui who faced Bai Yuxin.

The result was very obvious, Bai Yuxin lost to Ye Hui at that time!

Later, the two were also promoted to senior trainers in the same year, and to elf hunters this year!

Therefore, the two of them are like natural rivals, once again facing each other here!

"I will definitely win this time!"

"Then we'll have to wait and see!"

After a brief exchange between Bai Yuxin and Ye Hui, they each brought their champions to the contestant area.


"That guy?"

At this moment, the champions of the MapleStory Club also spotted Luo Chen's figure, and their gazes froze slightly.

"Oh? Is that the guy?"

"The circle bear who defeated you back then?"

At the same time, a young man in the MapleStory Club also looked at Luo Chen, and the corners of his mouth slowly drew an arc.

"Hmph, that's him."

"Such a long time has passed, and I don't know how his strength has improved?!"

"If it is still the original strength, the circle bear is enough to suppress it in an instant!"

Ye Hui also looked at Luo Chen at this time, and couldn't help snorting coldly, thinking that he was forced to fight at the beginning, and the circle bear was defeated by Chuanshan King, and he still holds a grudge about this matter!

"give it to me!"

The young man smiled confidently, and glanced at Luo Chen contemptuously.

Soon, after the referee signaled that both sides were ready, the host also picked up the microphone and started shouting.

After a passionate commentary to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience, the host also took out the list of the first round of the two sides, and began to shout loudly: "Now we invite the champions of the first round of both sides to come on stage."

"They are Lin Shuo from MapleStory Club and Luo Chen from Starry Sky Club!"

"Now invite them to board the battlefield!"

Amid the warm cheers from the audience, Luo Chen and Lin Shuo stepped onto the arena at the same time, each holding a poke ball, looking at each other from a distance.

"The first one is that Luo Chen!"

"Lin Shuo's first elf is a cunning tengu with grass attributes, and it has an advantage in attributes when it meets Chuanshan King!"

After seeing the people on the field from both sides, the faces of the leaders of the MapleStory Club showed joy.

But at the next moment, the desert Naia sent by Luo Chen surprised everyone present. They did not expect that Luo Chen sent the desert Naia on the premise of having a stronger Chuanshan King. Fight!

At the same time, Lin Shuo's cunning dog was also released into the arena.

The cunning tengu's whole body is brown, its face is covered with white mane, its hands are three broad leaves, and its feet are in high clogs, giving people a sense of cunning.

In an instant, the field turned into a civil war between the grass-type elves. There was no attribute restraint relationship between the two sides, so it was a very fair contest!

"This guy, isn't he trying to be brave?!"

Bai Yating looked worried when she saw that Luo Chen really sent Desert Naia.

She also heard that Luo Chen's strongest elf is Chuanshanwang. If they can send Chuanshanwang, their club's chances of winning will be much higher!

"It turned out to be just a desert Naia!"

"If it's Mengge Naia, I still admit that you are the opponent, but if it's just a desert Naia, I won this match!"

Both Mengge Naia and Sly Tengu are elves with dual attributes of grass and evil, so it is inevitable that people will often take them out for comparison.

Now that Lin Shuo saw the elf sent by Luo Chen, he immediately felt that the game was stable!

"Stop talking nonsense, Desert Naia has used a poisonous needle!"

Luo Chen saw an arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, and when the referee signaled the start of the game, he immediately spoke first.

However, Lin Shuo's reaction was also very fast, and it was also the first time he commanded the cunning Tengu to use the Flying Leaf Quick Knife skill.

Immediately, the poisonous needle shining with purple light collided with countless whirling blades, and they exploded into the air!

"Come on, use the blade!"

Immediately after Feiye Kuaidao, the cunning Tengu stomped hard, and the figure rushed out quickly, the leaves on both hands shone brightly, and used the blade skill!

"Desert Naia, use the magic leaf!"

Luo Chen's face was calm, and then he saw the green light shining on Desert Naia's body, and countless magic leaves appeared in the field, resisting in front of him.

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