Elves Come To the World

Chapter 123 Magical Roots (First Order)


Two sounds of piercing the air sounded, and I saw the blade leaves in both hands of the cunning Tengu cut out the magic leaf in front of him in mid-air, and the figure continued to charge forward!

But at this time, Naia in the desert had already escaped far away with the help of the cover of the magic leaf, and countless magic leaves were generated when he raised his hand!

"This is……"

"Desert Naia's tactics against my marsh jumping fish!"

It is said that the authorities are confused by the bystanders, this time Bai Yating, from the perspective of a bystander, finally saw Desert Naia's ability to control the magic leaf, and she couldn't help being surprised!

"Cunning Tengu, don't fall into the opponent's rhythm, use lightning flash!"

Lin Shuo in the arena is worthy of being a battle-tested champion. After seeing the cunning tengu being restrained by the magic leaf of Desert Naia, he immediately commanded the cunning tengu to speed up!

There was a flash of white light under the feet of the cunning tengu, and the figure suddenly accelerated, passing through the obstacles of the magic leaf in a flash, and the figure quickly came to the front of Naia in the desert!

However, Naia in the desert seemed to have already made preparations. When he raised his hand, a cloud of sand suddenly shot out, and rushed towards the cunning tengu who was rushing straight!

This trick is the official sand-splashing skill. With the training method of sand-splashing skill and the demonstration of Chuanshanwang, Desert Naia has already learned the sand-splashing skill!

Immediately, facing the sudden dust, the cunning tengu was caught off guard, his yellow eyes shrank, and he closed his eyes in discomfort, but the sand accidentally entered his eyes!

"It's now!"

"Desert Naia resorted to take root!"

Luo Chen saw that the cunning tengu had been tricked, and quickly asked Desert Naia to use the rooting skill, so that his roots penetrated into the ground and began to grow crazily!

"Sly Tengu cheer up, don't give the opponent a chance to recover, use the blade!"

When Lin Shuo saw Naia's movements in the desert, he quickly yelled loudly.

Seeing this, the cunning tengu also let out a low growl, half-closed his eyes and locked on Naia in the desert, the leaf in his hand glowed green again, and the knife leaf skill was used!


The next moment, I saw the cunning tengu use the blade, and slashed on the desert Naia fiercely, causing his body to stagger!

But in a blink of an eye, green light appeared on Desert Naia's body again, but it was the effect of the rooting skill, which began to extract the energy from the earth and began to replenish the physical strength of Desert Naia!

"Go on, use the blade!"

Lin Shuo saw that Naia in the desert couldn't move because of the rooting, and commanded loudly again.

Then I saw the cunning tengu's hands constantly using the blades, slashing through the body of the desert Naia again and again, and the desert Naia began to endure the blade's slashing while using the roots to recover his physical strength!

"Ahahaha, that's it, just cut that cactus into pieces like this!"

The champions of the MapleStory Club looked at the situation on the field, and immediately burst out laughing, all of them showing a look of victory.

On the other side, the faces of the star club's champions were very ugly.

"This guy should still send Chuanshanwang!"

"Among his little elves, only Chuanshan King has some strength, this cactus is very useful!"

Some champions even started to complain, because they felt that Luo Chen was too proud. Several victories had made him forget the fact that he was a rookie trainer!

"It shouldn't be that simple to take root skills."

However, Bai Yuxin shook her head slightly, remembering the performance of Desert Naia in the disaster area, her eyes flickered, and she thought of something faintly.


"How is this going?"

"What are those roots?"

Just as Bai Yuxin finished speaking, she suddenly heard exclamations from the audience.

I saw that in the field, dozens of roots had grown on the ground at some point, and all of them were entwined around the cunning tengu at this time, wrapping his whole body tightly, no matter how the cunning tengu struggled, it would be gone for a while. There is no way to break free from it!

"Cunning Tengu, use the Flying Leaf Knife on those roots!"

Lin Shuo's face was also full of surprise at this time, but his command was still very calm.

"Think beautifully, use all your strength to absorb!"

Seeing the cunning tengu trying to cut off the roots with the flying leaf sharp knife, Luo Chen's mouth showed a sneer.

The next moment, I saw the three thick leaves of the cunning tengu waved his hand, and one after another of the leaves appeared out of thin air, and they kept cutting and hitting the surrounding roots, making gaps in those roots began to appear one by one.

But when the roots were about to be cut off, they saw a green light suddenly appearing on these roots. As Desert Naia activated the absorbing skill, the cunning tengu couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and his physical strength began to be continuously drained. Extract it.

Then I saw that the roots that were about to be broken suddenly started to grow again, and at the same time they became thicker, the gaps that were cut out also recovered instantly!

"What the hell is going on, why is this happening?"

When they saw that Naia in the desert was able to use the absorption skill to make those roots continue to grow, everyone's eyes widened again, and their faces were full of astonishment!

Obviously, after being entangled by the growing roots, the cunning tengu basically has no way to break free!

"Damn it, fight!"

"The cunning tengu, use all your flying leaf sharp knife to Naia in the desert!"

Seeing that the cunning tengu was at a loss for those roots, Lin Shuo's face turned cruel.

But at the next moment, he saw a few roots suddenly drilled out in front of Naia in the desert, easily blocking the cunning Tengu's full-power flying leaf sharp knife attack, which made Lin Shuo's plan of losing both sides come to nothing again!

Then in the following time, I saw the cunning tengu's physical strength continue to lose, and finally the energy of the whole body was exhausted, and slowly collapsed on the ground, losing the ability to fight!

"what is this?"

"Is this trick still a rooting skill?"

"Why is the rooting of Naia in the desert so different!"

Seeing the cunning tengu being drained of all his energy, the arena fell silent for an instant, and everyone in the audience was stunned!

"Dad, Dad, I seem to remember that the biology teacher taught us that the cactus has a particularly well-developed root system. Is that a cactus in the field?"

But at this moment, the voice of a junior high school student brought the sluggish crowd back and forth to reality. Everyone looked at Naia in the desert, and then at the junior high school student who spoke, with the original feeling in their minds .

But after thinking about it, they felt something was wrong again. Although the root system of the cactus was extremely developed, it was a little too developed, right? !

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