Elves Come To the World

Chapter 159 Crazy Conquer

In the dark passage, the light of the flashlight was shining.

"It's another fork. It seems that this place should be a place similar to a maze."

Looking at a fork in front of him again, Luo Chen sighed slightly, and after leaving an arrow mark at the entrance, he chose an entrance at random and walked in.

Boom boom boom.

Not far from this passage, Luo Chen suddenly heard the sound of rolling stones at a fork in the road.

"Desert Naia, let's take root here."

"Big tongue shell, use the barrier to prepare for defense."

Luo Chen's heart tightened, and he stopped on the spot, and then his figure was pressed against the wall, his head poking out carefully.

"That is……"

"Cocoa Dora!"

Suddenly, an elf covered in metal, with four short legs and a big round brain appeared before his eyes.

"I was able to find a Cocoa Dora here. You know, Cocoa Dora is very rare outside."

Luo Chen looked at Cocodola who was eating a piece of iron ore in the mine, and a fiery light flashed in his eyes.

Cocodora, as an elf with dual attributes of steel and rock, is definitely very suitable for his team, and after Cocodora's evolution, Boss Cocodora is definitely the face value of the desert team!

"Desert Naia, use roots to entangle that Cocodora."

"Big tongue shell, ready to attack with a water gun at any time!"


Desert Naia nodded, and then saw a root under his feet tremble suddenly, began to grow slowly under the ground, and carefully touched it in the direction of Cocodora.

Just when Cocoa Dora was enjoying the iron ore in front of her, she saw a root suddenly protruding from the ground, and Cocoa Dora was caught off guard, and directly entangled it!

Seeing this, the big tongue shell quickly opened its mouth and spit out a powerful water gun, which directly hit Ke Kedola, who was constantly struggling among the roots.

"Nice job, Desert Naia sucks!"

"Big tongue shell, don't stop the water gun attack!"

Seeing that Coco Dora had been hit, Luo Chen issued the order again.


With the full attack of the two elves, Cocodora's figure was blown away without any resistance, hit the wall directly, and then rolled to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Seeing this situation, Luo Chen quickly took out a poke ball from the backpack behind him and threw it at Cocodola.

As soon as the poke ball flashed red, I saw that Cocodora was absorbed into it, and then the poke ball kept shaking on the ground.

However, Cocodora had already lost her fighting ability after being attacked by two elves, so after a short struggle, the elf ball stopped moving with a bang.

"Nice job!"

Seeing that he had successfully subdued Coco Dora, Luo Chen couldn't help but waved his fist excitedly.

Then he quickly ran over to pick up the poke ball, hesitated for a while, but he still didn't choose to release Cocodora, but locked the poke ball.

In fact, putting the elf into the elf ball is only the first step for the trainer to subdue the elf. After getting the approval of the elf and becoming a real companion, it can be regarded as the real taming of the elf.

Therefore, although Luo Chen has subdued this Cocoa Dora now, he may be able to use this Cocoa Dora to find other companions, but he did not dare to do so casually until he was fully approved by this Cocoa Dora. Free Cocoa Dora.

"Let's rely on ourselves first."

"If there is really no other way, maybe you can try to tame this Cocoa Dora."

Luo Chen thought for a while with the poke ball, and carefully put it into the mezzanine of the backpack behind him.

"Come out, pot pot."

"Come on, desert naia, big tongue shell, drink some nutritious juice."

After confirming that there should be no danger for the time being, Luo Chen took out a pot of elf balls and released the latter.

Then Luo Chen took out two small cups from his backpack, and poured some pots of nutritious juices for Desert Naia and Big Tongue Shell.

"Thanks for your hard work, Huhu."

"Go back to the poke ball and rest."

After Luo Chen poured the nutritious juice for the two elves, he touched Hu Hu's head and put it into the elf ball.

The current Huhu itself has not received much training, so its combat ability is still very weak, so Luo Chen did not release it after entering the secret realm.

Hu Hu's position in his team is the auxiliary hand. In addition to providing nutritious juice, it can also provide buff bonuses for acupuncture and help.

After Desert Naia and Big Tongue Shell recovered a little bit of strength, Luo Chen touched a little milk at the corner of his mouth, stood up, continued to hold Big Tongue Shell, and began to explore into the cave.


Just when Luo Chen was about to move forward, he saw Naia in the desert suddenly reach out and stop him.

Then I saw Naia in the desert suddenly raised her hand and used the magic leaf against the corner of the wall.

Boom boom boom!

As the magic leaf roared, a small fist stone appeared with stars in its eyes. It was obviously killed by the magic leaf of Naia in the desert!

"It turned out to be a small fist stone."

"Fortunately, Naia in the desert found it, otherwise it would be very dangerous if he accidentally walked beside her and was attacked by surprise."

Luo Chen glanced at the small fist stone that fell on the ground, heaved a sigh of relief, and touched Desert Naia to praise him.

Then he hesitated for a moment, took out the poke ball, and subdued the little fist stone directly. Anyway, there were still a lot of poke balls in the backpack, so let's talk after grabbing them.

Putting the Little Fist Stone's elf ball into the interlayer of the backpack behind him, Luo Chen continued to walk into the cave.

"It turned out to be another Cocoa Dora."

During the march, Luo Chen found a Coco Dora again, and his eyes flickered for a moment.

Without any hesitation, Luo Chen asked Big Tongue Bei and Desert Naia to make a shot, which directly made Cocoa Dora lose his fighting ability. With the throw of the elf ball, the second Cocoa Dora was also successfully subdued by Luo Chen.

"Is this place Cocodora's lair?"

Luo Chen picked up the second Cocoa Dora elf, with a puzzled expression on his face.


And just when Luo Chen was about to put Cocodora's elf ball into the backpack behind him, he suddenly heard a roar coming from the depths of the cave, accompanied by the faint roar of a battle.

"There is a fight, could it be Wang Ning and Lin Che!"

Luo Chen's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a moment, and carefully moved towards the direction of the battle.

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