Elves Come To the World

Chapter 160 Big Crisis

"That is……"

"Wang Ning's three-in-one Magneto, Dunjia and Longlongyan!"

After walking a certain distance, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly brightened.

Then he saw the three elves in the arena, and his face couldn't help being happy.

However, when he saw clearly what the three elves were fighting, his expression changed again.

I saw that the elf was tall and tall, with a black-gray body. Its head, face, neck, and back were covered with silver armor, and its limbs were also covered with silver steel rings. A thick and long black tail was constantly swinging behind it. , with its roar, it looks like a terrifying giant beast from prehistoric times!

"It turned out to be a Boss Cordora!"

After seeing the appearance of this elf clearly, Luo Chen was also taken aback.

This cave is indeed the lair of the Cocodora family, and apart from Cocodora, there is even Boss Codora in its final evolution form!

"It's troublesome now!"

Luo Chen looked at the three elves suppressed by Boss Kedora in the field, and his face suddenly became ugly.

However, these three elves are all Wang Ning's partners, and it is impossible for him to sit idly by!

"There is no way."

"Desert Naia, use your roots."

Taking a deep breath, Luo Chen directed Desert Naia to use the rooting skills on the spot, and began to arrange the root field.

Only with the complete root and hair field, coupled with the continuous attacks of the other four elves, can he defeat this seemingly powerful Boscodora!


In the field, Boss Kedora's claws were shining with metallic luster, and he made a move with the metal claws, and grabbed the Rumbling Rock at the front!

Seeing this, Long Longyan's eyes shrank suddenly, but his reaction was not slow, he slammed out a million-ton punch, and clashed fiercely with Boshi Kedora's claws!


The terrifying confrontation directly hit the ground trembled, and then saw Longlongyan's figure was directly slapped away by Boss Kedora's paw, and was completely suppressed by Boss Kedora in terms of strength!

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Dunjia's rounding and rolling combo also slammed into Boss Kedora, causing the latter's figure to stagger and take several steps to the side.

Immediately afterwards, the three-in-one magnet monster also used 100,000 volts, making Boss Kedora's figure completely overwhelmed by the thunder!


Suffering continuous attacks, Boshi Kedora let out a roar, and then saw the tail behind him pull out violently, directly smashing the figure of Dunjia into the air!

And just when Boss Kedora condensed energy on his claws and planned to launch a metal claw attack on the three-in-one magnet monster, the roots of Naia in the desert finally arrived, and more than a dozen roots came from Boss. All parts of Dora's body stretched out, directly binding her whole body tightly!


Facing the sudden roots, Boss Kedora let out a roar, exerted all his strength, and instantly collapsed all the roots.

Just when Boss Kedora was about to break its roots, the water gun of the big tongue shell came from behind Boss Kedora, and Boss Kedora staggered directly.

"Long Longyan, use your life-sacrificing charge!"

When Long Longyan heard Luo Chen's voice, he was taken aback for a moment, and then when he found out that it was Luo Chen, his face was overjoyed, and without hesitation, he directly launched a sacrificial charge at Boss Kedora.


The loud noise of the impact made Luo Chen's ears buzz involuntarily.

Then I saw a staggering Boss Kedora who was entangled in roots and bombarded by a water gun. He was knocked down by Longlongyan's attack and fell to the ground, throwing up smoke and dust all over the sky!

"It's done beautifully, Desert Naia resorted to absorb!"

"Big Tongue uses a water gun to attack continuously!"

"Dun Jia used Stomp, and the three-in-one Magneto used the spinning ball!"

Seeing that Boss Kedora was knocked down, Luo Chen immediately took advantage of his illness to kill him, and all the elves immediately besieged him.

Boom boom boom!

After the earth shaking, Boss Kedora finally lost the strength to struggle, his eyes circled, and his figure fell into the big pit and lost his fighting ability.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

After Boss Kedora lost the ability to fight, Luo Chen threw the elf ball in his hand and directly took Boss Kedora into it.

Boscodora was in the poke ball, and struggled in vain for a while. Finally, with the poke ball button locked, Luo Chen successfully subdued this powerful Boscodora!

"The strength of this Boss Kedora is very good."

"As long as it is completely subdued, it will be a powerful force!"

Luo Chen picked up Boscodola's elf ball, and recalled the latter's violent posture in his mind, and his heart suddenly became a little excited.

However, the strength of this Boss Kedora seems to be beyond the control of the current Luo Chen, and he subdued the Boss Kedora entirely because of gang fights, so this Boss Kedora should be difficult to listen to him .

"Maybe it's not bad to sell it after taking it out."

"Although this kind of private sale of elves is not recognized by the alliance, if it is sold to a force like the German store, I think the latter must be able to digest it."

Thinking of this method of dealing with Boss Kedora, Luo Chen's eyes lit up.

You must know that Cocoa Dora is also a relatively rare elf in the outside world. If you want to come to a German store that has a complete breeding method for the Cocoa Dora family, it will definitely not reject his deal.

And with Wen Cheng here, it was very easy for him to get online with the German store.

"If this deal can be completed, then I will have the money to continue nurturing elves!"

Luo Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and put Boscodora's elf ball into the backpack behind him.

After Luo Chen put away the elf ball, Wang Ning's three elves immediately surrounded him and began to chirp and ask questions. Presumably they were also very worried about their trainer.

Seeing this, Desert Naia quickly explained to the three elves in the language of elves, which made the latter look disappointed.

"Don't worry, Wang Ning will be fine."

"You guys take a break first, and then follow me first."

Luo Chen took out some elf food from his backpack and distributed it to a few elves, and comforted him with a smile.

After seeing the food of the elves, the eyes of the elves were bent into crescent moons, and they immediately nodded happily, and quickly ate the elves in front of them in disappointment.

"Hey, what is this?"

While the elves were resting, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly turned to the pothole where Boss Kedora was knocked down before, and there was a bright light shining at this moment.

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