Elves Come To the World

Chapter 188 Ghost Messenger

"Mengge Naia's entanglement of roots is actually ineffective against the night demon?"

"That's right, the roots of Mengge Naia don't actually contain any energy, so they are directly defaulted as general-type skills, right?"

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed, and he also guessed the reason why the entanglement of roots and fibers was ineffective against the Night Demon.

"Ho ho ho!"

After ignoring the entanglement of roots and tendrils, the night demon spirit saw its figure rushing out quickly, with flames lingering between its fists, it used the flame fist again, and rushed towards Luo Chen!

"Big tongue shell, use the water cannon!"

Under Luo Chen's calm command, the big tongue shell spit out a water cannon from its mouth, and hit the night monster rushing up.


The water cannon and the flame fist collided together, and the power of fire and water intertwined in the air, immediately blasting a cloud of water mist.

And in the water mist, I saw a flash of light, and the figure of the Night Demon Spirit turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards Luo Chen at a high speed. The light flowed between the fists, and he used the shadow fist!

Fortunately, Mengge Naia's reaction was very fast. I saw his fists clapping together, and the energy from his body radiated out, forming a green energy shield covered with spikes, directly blocking Luo Chen!


With a loud roar, Mengge Naia's spiked defense shattered, and the night demon was also knocked back by the counterattack of the spiked defense!

At the same time, I saw the figure of the mandible ant pounced up, the evil energy between the teeth was condensed, and it directly bit the hand of the night demon spirit, causing the latter to roar angrily, and frantically shook his hand to shake the mandible. The ants are thrown down!

"Nice job."

"Meltan, use one hundred thousand volts!"

As Luo Chen's voice fell, Meltan blasted down the 100,000 volts that had been stored for a long time, directly enveloping the night demon spirit.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mandible ant relied on its own attribute advantages to block the 100,000 volts. When the figure fell, it directly hit it with another surprise blow!


The evil attribute skills are very effective against the Night Demon, knocking the Night Demon back again and again!

At the same time, King Chuanshan, Mengge Naia, and Big Tongue Bei also launched an attack, flying sand and rocks, magic leaves, and water cannons, blasting the figure of the Night Demon Spirit away!

"Ho ho ho."

After suffering a lot of attacks, the Night Demon didn't seem to have suffered much damage!

"What a terrifying night demon spirit, you know, after training in the secret sky realm, the strength of my little elves has improved a lot."

"And this night demon spirit, even after resisting so many attacks, it still didn't fall down. It seems that it has broken through that limit!" Luo Chen's face became very serious.

"It looks like I'm going to use all my strength!"

"Pierce the Mountain King, use the rotating sandstorm!"


As soon as Luo Chen's order was issued, Chuanshan King immediately started to set up a sandstorm.

Huhu also didn't wait for Luo Chen's command, and climbed to Chuanshanwang's side, condensed energy on the tentacles, and then tapped Chuanshanwang.

Immediately, a wave of energy poured into Chuanshanwang's body, and began to relax his body through acupoints, and greatly increased a certain energy of Chuanshanwang.

After using acupuncture points once, the tentacles on Huhu's body condensed energy and tapped out one after another, turning all his physical strength into energy and passing it into Chuanshan King's body.

After bless Chuanshan King with acupuncture and help skills, he saw that Huhu was lying on the ground exhausted and gasping for breath.

Seeing this, Luo Chen didn't take the pot back, but let it lie on his shoulders. After all, the pot's defense ability is very strong, and it can be used as a shield at critical times.

Kettle: (,,.,,)?


Feeling the energy emerging from all over his body, Chuanshan King yelled loudly, and his figure spun quickly, about to use a spinning sandstorm!

On the opposite side, after feeling the soaring energy fluctuations in Chuanshan King's body, the Night Demon Spirit's eyes froze, and his figure rushed up quickly, the flames condensed between his fists, and he used the Flame Fist!

"Meltan, Cannon Light Cannon!"

Luo Chen immediately directed Meltan to attack to buy time for Chuanshan King to use the sandstorm.


The night demon used the flame fist to shatter the cannon light cannon, but taking this opportunity, the mountain king's rotating sandstorm was also used, and the billowing dust filled the dark space!

Immediately, the billowing sand and dust forced the Night Demon Spirit back, and the energy-enveloped dust hit him, causing little ripples to appear on the latter's body, being bombarded by the dust!

"Good job!"

Luo Chen's figure stood in the dust-proof light of the big tongue shell, looking at the night demon opposite, and immediately commanded a few elves to attack.


The figure of Chuanshan King was moving under the sandstorm, and the powerful sand blow was activated, and the figure instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Chuanshan King had already appeared behind the Night Demon Spirit, and his metal claws ruthlessly cut across the Night Demon Spirit's body!


After being attacked one after another, the Night Demon Spirit roared again and again, but when it turned around, the figure of Chuanshan King who was under the sway of sand had disappeared.

The Night Demon Spirit, who was originally slow, had no way to keep up with the Chuanshan King who was under the personality of Chuanshan King, and was attacked by Chuanshan King one after another!

And when Chuanshan King restrained the night demon spirit, the mandible ant also used the wind blowing skill, directly forming a tornado in the field, sweeping towards the night demon spirit!


Facing the oncoming tornado, Night Demon's subordinates forcefully pushed Chuanshan King away, and punched him with a lightning fist.

But just as he swung his fist, he saw two roots emitting green light coming out of the ground. This time, under the blessing of those green lights, the roots actually grabbed the hand of the Night Demon Spirit, making him There is no way to swing the fist.

This root that shone with emerald light was naturally the magic root that Meng Ge Naia had trained for a long time!

Thanks to the special evolution process, Mengge Naia learned the skills of cultivating land, and also mastered the skill of condensing the energy of the ground attribute on the roots, and her cultivating skills are displayed through the roots!

Therefore, after learning to use the roots to display the land cultivation skills, Meng Ge Naia learned from one example, and at this time also very smoothly mastered the method of condensing the energy of the magic leaf in the roots, thus displaying this magic root !

And after buffing the energy of the magic leaf, the roots finally changed from a normal attribute skill to a grass attribute skill, so it was able to smoothly entangle the fist-wielding hand of the Night Demon Spirit!

py a black fantasy of elves, the author's update is very powerful

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