Elves Come To the World

Chapter 189 The Subdued Ghost


Just when the Night Demon was under the control of magical roots.

The tornado engulfed in sand and dust had already arrived in front of the Night Demon Spirit, and its strong body was directly involved, making it continue to suffer double damage from the storm and the dust!

However, this night demon spirit is also really strong. Relying on its own powerful body, it forcibly smashed the mandible ant's wind blowing ability.

But as soon as he broke free from the mandible ant's wind blowing ability, he saw another tornado hit him head-on.

And, one after another magic roots danced in the air, and then the roots turned, all aimed at the Night Demon Spirit, and the green light twinkled upwards!

Faced with these annoying roots, the night demon immediately set the will-o'-the-wisps around his body to resist the energy of the magic leaves on the roots, and burned the roots to death.

But it was unavoidable that he was involved in the rotating sand splash of King Chuanshan, and the strength of King Chuanshan was much stronger than that of the mandible ant. The salon roll he brought up directly rolled the Night Demon Spirit into the air !

Then I saw Chuanshan King use the sand whip on the spot, smashing the night demon to the ground heavily, and there was a roar!

At the same time, the water cannon of the big tongue shell and the 100,000 volts of Meltan also arrived at the same time, and the two energies were intertwined. When the power was superimposed, they blasted heavily on the body of the night demon, and directly exploded on the spot. A big pit!


A sound like broken glass suddenly sounded, and I saw a series of spider web-like cracks suddenly appearing in the surrounding pitch-black space, and then I saw that the darkness covering this area began to dissipate, revealing the sky. A bright moon.

"Come out?"

Looking at the Night Demon Spirit that fell into the big pit, the surrounding environment that was already in a mess and the sandstorm that was still howling in the field, Luo Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Ho ho ho."

After feeling the shattering of the entrance to the spirit world, the figure of the Night Demon Spirit stood up, fixed his eyes on Luo Chen, and let out a low growl.

"Hmph, keep attacking!"

Seeing the Night Demon Spirit roaring at him, Luo Chen snorted coldly.

Then I saw several magic roots stretching out from the ground again.

This time, the angry night demon reacted very quickly, and his figure floated up quickly, flying into the sky against the sandstorm.

However, the energy of the magic leaf is condensed in the magic roots, and its tracking ability is also inherited by the roots. At this time, seeing the night demon flying up, it also chased away roaringly, and once again bound the night demon. hands!

Seeing this, Big Tongue Shell and Melutan condensed energy from their bodies, and the water cannon and 100,000 volts intertwined and blasted out again, hitting the Night Demon Spirit in the midair.

At this time, under the attack of the five little elves, the Night Demon Spirit was obviously exhausted. After enduring the combined attack of water cannon and 100,000 volts, his figure became unstable and fell directly from the sky.

The Mandaw Ant and the King Chuanshan had already been waiting on the ground, and after the night demon fell, their figures rushed up quickly.

The evil attribute ability in the mandible ant's mouth was condensed, and it directly used the bite skill that was extremely effective against the night demon.

And Chuanshan Wang used the technique of high-speed rotation to store power, the figure turned quickly, and then the metal claws were used, just like a fighting top, the claws glowing with metal luster, grabbed the night monster. A few deep scars!

"The last blow, Meng Ge Naia, use the suction!"

"Na Nana!"

Following Mengge Naia's loud shout, countless roots emitting green light grew out from under the ground, directly wrapping the seriously injured Night Demon Spirit.

With the activation of the absorption skills, the struggle of the Night Demon Spirit became more and more powerless, and in the end it directly lost its fighting ability and could not move.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

After the roots loosened their entanglement with the Night Demon Spirit, Luo Chen took out the elf ball and threw it out.

The elf ball hit the Night Demon Spirit, and absorbed the latter's huge body into it. After a few weak struggles, the Elf Ball locked, indicating that Luo Chen had successfully subdued the Night Demon Spirit.

"Huh, it's finally done!"

Luo Chen saw that he gathered the power of the six little elves, and finally subdued the defeated Night Demon Spirit. He also heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried over, picked up the elf ball, and directly adjusted it to a locked state .

"In this way, you shouldn't be able to get out, right?"

Luo Chen remembered the dangerous encounter before, and wiped a trace of cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

Seeing this, several elves also gathered together, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

This night demon is really too strong. The six little elves combined their efforts, and with the addition of the sandstorm, they managed to defeat this night demon reluctantly.

In terms of strength, this night demon spirit probably won't be much weaker than that big steel snake, right? !

"Everyone has worked hard, come and drink some nutritious juice to restore your strength."

Luo Chen looked at the tired little elves, and quickly took out the nutritious juice from the space backpack for the little elves to eat.

Afterwards, he took the elf ball of the night demon and fell into deep thought.

"There were so many people in the quarry at that time, why did this night demon come to me?"

Luo Chen frowned slightly, he could feel that this night demon spirit was coming for him!

So what is the purpose of the Night Demon Spirit doing this?

"Wait a minute, it is said that the night demon can go back and forth between this world and the next world..."

"Could it be that the night demon has sensed the peculiarity of my soul?"

"After all, my soul can be said to come from another world!"

A guess suddenly appeared in Luo Chen's heart, which immediately made his expression change slightly.

Needless to say, this may really be the main reason why the night demons are following him, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence.

In addition, this place was his crossing point, and there might be a reason why the Night Demon appeared here!

Thinking carefully and terrified, Luo Chen couldn't help but gasped when he thought of this, and almost threw the night demon elf ball in his hand.

"Perhaps handing it over to the Elven Scholars Guild is also a good choice."

"After all, the evolution of night spirits is also very special. Only wandering night spirits can evolve through connection and exchange after carrying the "cloth of the spirit world". From the perspective of evolution, they are actually of the same species as the big steel snake. Type of!"

Luo Chen thought of the value of the Night Demon Spirit, his eyes lit up, but then he became frowning again.

If this night demon can really discover the abnormality of his soul, then handing it over to the Elven Scholars Guild seems to be very dangerous for him!

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