"That's right, this Pokémon is called Land Shark, and it's a quasi-god Pokémon."

When Su Yan saw Ningguang draw Land Shark, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Did

Ningguang use up all her luck from the previous two times here?

Su Yan asked again in a teasing tone:"How about it, Miss Ningguang, are you sure you want to continue drawing?"

"No, no, no……"

Ningguang shook her head like a rattle.

According to what Su Yan said before, if a quasi-god is cultivated to a powerful level, one strike will be enough to destroy the entire Liyue.

How could she give up a Pokémon with such power?

Keqing, on the other hand, was puzzled when she heard that Ningguang had drawn a quasi-god.

She then smiled playfully.

"Ningguang, didn’t you just say that this shark is round and fierce, not cute?

Ningguang looked at the round land shark in the picture again, and her eyes were curved into crescents.

"Who says it doesn't look cute? Keqing, think about it, there are sharks in Teyvat, but sharks with legs are unique now, not to mention that it is round, so it must be very convenient to hold."

From Ningguang's eyes, it can be seen that she likes it more and more.

Of course, the premise is that she knows that this is a quasi-god...

Keqing shook her head speechlessly.

"……You're really a businessman, you change your attitude so quickly"

"Haha, Keqing, I know what you are thinking, but I won’t be angry now.

Ningguang immediately turned her head away and ignored her. In her opinion, Keqing was jealous.

"Mr. Su Yan, I want this round land shark"


Su Yan said, with his ten fingers spread out,"One billion Mora."

As soon as he said this,

Keqing and Ningguang shouted at the same time,"Mr. Duo?"

However, in response to their surprise, Su Yan said frankly with a blank expression.

"The reason why I opened this Pokémon House is not for business, but for popular science. But everything has a price. If you are not willing to pay even this little Mora for Pokémon,……"

"Why should I think that you will treat them well? How can you get their power?"

The words are rough but the truth is true.

As soon as Su Yan said this, Ningguang and Keqing were silent.


Pokémon are not just pets. They have seen this in Mew.

As far as the world of Teyvat is concerned, the Eye of God is hard to come by, and there are only a handful of people who can obtain that power.

With Ningguang's intelligence, she must have thought that Pokémon will become mainstream in the future.

She is an amazing businessman.

How important it is to know how to seize opportunities!

Only a moment later, Ningguang said in an apologetic tone:"Mr. Su Yan is teaching me that I paid 1 billion Mora."

"Well, you guys wait here."

Su Yan nodded, then turned back and walked into the room deep inside.

At this moment, the shop became very quiet.

Ningguang and Keqing did not talk.

A billion?

A lot.

It is a sky-high price.

Even for Ningguang, a rich woman in Liyue, it is not a small amount.

But when she thought about getting a 'quasi-god' level Pokémon, Ningguang thought about it carefully and didn't think it was expensive at all.

The reason why the two were surprised just now was because they still lacked the concept of Pokémon.

"Sorry for the long wait."

At this moment, Su Yan had already walked out of the room.

Unlike when he left, he was holding a shark with light blue skin in his arms. It looked almost the same as in the picture.

It was a shark with short legs and arms.

However, Ningguang was excited at this moment.

Until Su Yan put the round land shark on the counter, he smiled and pointed at Ningguang:"Round land shark, this one will be your master from now on."


The round land shark turned around and saw Ningguang, whom Su Yan pointed at. The shark's mouth opened wide and its round eyes blinked.

To be honest, the round land shark looked a little dumb.

However, after Ningguang saw the real thing, she liked it even more.

She stretched out her precious hand and placed it in front of the round land shark.

"Hello, round land shark, you will be my companion from now on. Please give me your guidance."

""Sha, sha!"

Lusha quickly stretched out his short hand and touched Ningguang's palm.

This action seemed to move Ningguang's gentle heart. Although Lusha's palm felt a little tingling, it did not affect her love at all.

She turned her head happily and looked in the direction of Keqing.

"Did you see that? The round land shark shook my hand."

"I see."

Keqing curled her lips and rolled her eyes.

What are you bragging about...

Ningguang did get a quasi-god, but she also has Tan Xiaoshi.

In Keqing's opinion, Tan Xiaoshi's appearance is much better than that of the round land shark.

Besides, who knows what this shark will look like in the future?

At least Ningguang has no idea, but Tan Xiaoshi's heroic appearance is a foregone conclusion.

And after Tan Xiaoshi evolves into a blue flame blade ghost, with the demonstration before the dream, she believes that she will not be much worse than the quasi-god.

However, when Keqing just thought of this... At this moment, Su Yan's words rang out.

"Miss Ningguang, although Land Shark is a quasi-god Pokémon, I need to tell you clearly that the degree to which a Pokémon can eventually grow depends entirely on the person who cultivates it."

As soon as these words came out

, before Ningguang could speak, Keqing's originally unhappy face suddenly brightened up.

"I knew it!"

Ningguang glanced at Keqing speechlessly, and then asked Su Yan:"Mr. Su Yan, how should we cultivate Pokémon?"

"Good question."

None of the three guests, including Keqing, had asked this question before.

This was understandable.

After all, if it weren't for Menghuan showing off her skills, Ningguang might just treat the round land shark as a pet at this moment, so how could she think of the word"cultivation"?

Su Yan slowly extended his index finger

"Proper battles, feeding them the right energy cubes, and cultivating emotional bonds with them. Pokémon are very special creatures. The deeper the bond between them and their masters, the more they can exert their true power."

After the words fell, Ningguang and Keqing looked at each other.

Then, it was Keqing who asked,"Fighting? In that case, won't the Pokémon get hurt?""

"I am very pleased that Miss Keqing can think of this."

Su Yan once again popularized the science:"In battle, injuries are inevitable, but most elves love to fight by nature, because they are eager to grow, so when they are injured, they need their masters to treat them in time and give them care."

"So that's how it is."

After listening, Ningguang and Keqing both kept every word of Su Yan in their hearts.

"That being the case……"

At this moment, Ningguang suddenly looked at Keqing

"Keqing, are you interested in a Pokémon battle?"


Keqing was not surprised by Ningguang's sudden challenge, but smiled in response.

"Just what I wanted!"

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