""They are coming out! Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are coming out!"

It must be said.

The people outside the Elf House are really patient.

Since Ningguang and Keqing entered the Elf House, they have been isolated outside and have no idea what happened inside.

Even though the sword energy of the Jade Pavilion was surging, causing a doomsday scene above Liyue... there are still many people who are still guarding here.

At this moment, Ningguang and Keqing walked out from inside, and they immediately noticed

"What happened in the Jade Pavilion just now, it is impossible for Lady Ningguang not to know, but they still did not show their faces, they must be discussing some big business."

"I think so too. Hey, who is that person behind Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing? Do you know him?"

"A strange face, not like a Liyue person"

"Hey, look, that person has a strange pet beside him, a pink hairless cat? Can it fly?!"

People were whispering.

It was extremely rare for two of the Liyue Seven Stars to visit a store at the same time.

What's more, there was something unusual in the sky above Liyue just now, and it came from the Jade Pavilion.

People speculated whether the earlier strange phenomenon was related to Ningguang and the others' sudden visit here.

Of course, because the store was isolated before, no one knew that Su Yan and Ningguang had left for a period of time.

However... the most angry person at this time was Meng Huan.

"Wow!!! Su Yan, these people actually thought I was a cat!!!"


Su Yan lovingly touched Menghuan's little head.

"Aren't we here for science? When these people understand what Pokémon is, they won't think of you as a cat anymore. Besides... there is someone similar to you in this world, and she is used as emergency food."


Menghuan was sulking, obviously still unable to accept it.

"Don't be angry, let's enjoy the battle between Miss Ningguang and Miss Keqing."

After that, Su Yan immediately signaled to the two of them:"Although you two elves are still very weak, my shop can't stand it. Why don't you fight on this street?"

Inside the shop, after Ningguang and Keqing each got an elf, they wanted to fight.

At this moment, Ningguang's eyes moved to Su Yan's face and said with a smile:"Mr. Su Yan, do you want to use us two Liyue Seven Stars to promote your store for free?"

As the most powerful businessman in Liyue, Ningguang naturally understood the meaning of Su Yan's words in an instant.

Su Yan shrugged and did not refute. Instead, he said as a matter of course:"But I don't think you will refuse."

Ningguang was stunned for a moment, and then the smile reappeared

"That's right, I won't refuse."

Keqing also nodded and agreed:"I have no objection either."

If Liyue wants to move towards the era of human rule, it needs strength. Pokemon is the hope that Ningguang and Keqing see.

And now is a good opportunity to let more people know about Pokemon!

With the consent of the two, Su Yan will continue to say

"I have just explained the battle rules to you. Fortunately, both of you are newborn elves and do not know many skills and moves. You have already learned this from the illustrations. Now it depends on your own understanding."


""I understand."

The two nodded in agreement.

However, in the eyes of others, although they did not understand the conversation of the three people at all, two of the seven stars of Liyue behaved like students in front of Su Yan and obeyed his orders.

This alone was enough to shock and make everyone present curious.

Who is this stranger?

Why can he give orders to the seven stars of Liyue?

With deep doubts, Ningguang, who was standing at the door, suddenly said to everyone

"Everyone, can you make some room for me and Miss Keqing?"

"Make room?"

Everyone realized that Liyue Street was already crowded.

Of course, although everyone didn't know what Ningguang wanted to do, after she said that, people couldn't help but make room for a large area.

In just a short while, a large area of open space appeared on Liyue Street.

"Miss Ningguang, do you need us to step back further?"

"That's enough. Thank you very much."

Ningguang nodded to everyone with gratitude, then looked at Keqing.

"Then...Keqing, let's fight it out."

"I won’t lose to you!"

Although Ningguang had been leading everything from the beginning, this was her charm.

But in terms of courage, Keqing was not inferior to Ningguang at all.

The two of them only looked at each other and then walked in the opposite direction of the open space.

But their actions stunned everyone who saw them.

"what's the situation?"

"Is there a conflict between Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing?"

"No, no way, Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are both the best of God's Eye. If they fight here, can Liyue Street be saved?!"

There is no doubt.

The postures of Ningguang and Keqing made people look like they were ready to fight.

At the same time, a woman wearing a tight red and black cheongsam and with an impeccable figure was slowly walking from a distance.

From her appearance alone, it can be seen that this woman has a very cheerful personality, and the red eye patch on her left eye makes her look even more special.

And everyone who knows her knows that this is the captain of the Southern Cross Fleet, the Death Star... Beidou!

As soon as she heard the horrified voices of the audience in the distance, she licked her lips immediately.

"Oh, Ningguang and Keqing are going to fight? Wow, how can I miss such a good show!"


In a blink of an eye, the woman inserted into the crowd.

At this moment

, Ningguang and Keqing had already stood on both sides, facing each other from a distance.

However, Beidou, who had squeezed to the front, had a questioning look on his face after seeing the two.……

"Weird, why do they look a little nervous?"

Beidou is very familiar with Ningguang and Keqing, and knows what kind of people they are.

Although he doesn't know why they suddenly started fighting, this nervousness shouldn't appear on their faces.

"do not care……"

Unable to figure out the reason, Beidou simply stopped thinking about it and shouted with the wine jug in his hand:

"Fight, fight!!!"

This is what is called watching the fun...

But at this moment, Ningguang and Keqing had no intention of drawing their swords against each other.

Ningguang just smiled and said,"Keqing, after all, the partner I got is a quasi-god. Do you think you can defeat my Round Land Shark?"

"Mr. Su Yan said that the performance of Pokémon depends entirely on the trainer. Besides, my Tanshi will definitely not be weak in the future. Didn’t you see it with your own eyes?"

Faced with Ningguang's provocation, Keqing did not show any weakness.

As soon as the two were ready……

"Then let’s fight it out and see whose partner is more powerful, you or me!"


After saying that, Ningguang and Keqing each took out a red and white Poké Ball.

"Go ahead, round land shark!"

""Please, Tan Xiaoshi!!"


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