"Quasi-god? Round land shark?"


Before Ningguang and Keqing took action, their conversation naturally fell into the ears of the people around them.

However, these words sounded completely unfamiliar to everyone, including Beidou.

Only when Ningguang and Keqing took out their Poké Balls,……

"What are those red and white balls?"

"I don’t know. I’ve never seen it before. Could this be the business that Lord Ningguang just discussed in secret?"

"Look, look again, it's definitely not that simple."

Everyone stared intently, afraid of missing anything.

At this time...

Ningguang and Keqing had both thrown the Poké Balls in their hands.

They did it at the same time.

Even the time when the Poké Balls landed was almost exactly the same.

Boom, boom, boom...!

The moment the Poké Balls landed, a shining red light suddenly burst out from the sphere.

"Wow, it's so dazzling, the red and white ball seems to have been opened!"

The red light was dazzling, but people still tried not to blink.

Just when the sphere was opened... whoosh! whoosh!

Two red lights suddenly turned into two small figures and appeared in front of everyone.

What appeared from the sphere thrown by Ningguang was a short-armed and short-legged, round like a small shark, with fangs and a big mouth. What kind of fierce"shark" appeared in front of Keqing? What appeared in front of Keqing looked like a seven or eight-year-old child, with flames swaying on his body. How to say it, it looked a bit like red-hot"charcoal"?

There is no doubt.

To the people of Teyvat, these two creatures are unfamiliar.

Even Beidou, who usually makes friends in the vast sea of Teyvat, couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Oh, this is a creature that even I have never seen before!"

Let alone others.

"Strange, monster?!!!"

"Nonsense, monsters can't be so cute. Besides, when the two of them stand in front of Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing, do you think they look more like guardians?"

"That’s right, these are completely different from the monsters we usually see. What exactly are they?"

"This... I don't know either. Let's wait and see what Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are going to do."

When the round land shark and the charcoal servant appeared, the street, which had been quiet for a moment, suddenly aroused heated discussions.

However, Ningguang and Keqing were not affected by the surroundings...

They both focused on each other.

When they were in the store, Su Yan had already taught Ningguang how to use the elf illustrations, and also roughly explained the battle mode to the two of them.

【Round land shark】

【Gender: Female】

【Attributes: Dragon, Ground】

【Features: Sand Hiding】

【Level: 5】

【Skills: Crash, Quicksand Abyss, Rumble (Inherited), Metal Claw (Inherited), Self-Sacrifice Charge (Inherited), Tornado (Inherited)]

At that time, Ningguang had already engraved the information of the Round Land Shark in her mind.

Only at this moment, Ningguang suddenly pointed ahead.

""Roundland Shark, charge at Tan-sama!"

Beidou noticed the two's nervousness before, and it was not an illusion.

After all, this was the first time that Ningguang and Keqing commanded a Pokémon battle, so they were naturally nervous, even more nervous than if they were on the field themselves.

But soon, their nervousness gradually dissipated as the battle began.

When Ningguang gave the first order...

Roundland Shark immediately rushed towards Tan-sama at a sprint speed.

Keqing was already ready.……

"Tan Xiaoshi, use"Spark" to stop the round land shark from approaching"


After receiving the order, the flames on the whole body of Tan Shi suddenly became strong.

When the round land shark just ran half the distance, Tan Shi spit out a fireball from his mouth.

The speed of the fireball was very fast...

Ningguang was commanding for the first time, and she had no time to react to the fireball.


So she could only watch the round land shark that was about to approach Tan Shi take the hit of the fireball.

The fiery red smoke filled the air immediately.

Although the sparks of Tan Shi were far less than the dreamy and vast momentum before, for ordinary people, it was already a real fireball.

This scene of you and me made everyone around stunned.

What's going on?

"Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are actually controlling monsters to fight each other?"

"How can she, they command the monsters? And the most incredible thing is that these two monsters seem to be very obedient……"

"The little guy here with Miss Keqing just now spit out a fireball from his mouth, right?"

"You read that right. Although the fireball was not as powerful as that of a person with the Eye of God, it was enough to kill a wild boar."

Yes, the audience was stunned.

Compared to the crowd watching the excitement, Keqing, who had won the first attack, clenched her fist and immediately gave Tan Xiaoshi an encouragement.

"Great! Well done, Tanshi!"

Ningguang asked with concern:"Round Land Shark, are you okay?"

The next second


The round land shark tore through the red smoke with its claws, and its originally dull eyes became more ferocious.

Looking at its state again, the fireball just now was just tickling it, and it didn't cause much damage to it at all.

Seeing this, Ningguang breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Keqing, who thought she had gained an advantage, blinked in disbelief.

"How is this possible? It was clearly hit just now."

You know, last night, the charcoal servant burned a tree with a single strike of fire.

However, after the round land shark was hit, it seemed to be fine...

Could this be the gold content of the quasi-god?

At this moment, Su Yan saw Keqing's doubts, and he immediately explained while standing in front of the store:

"Ms. Keqing, Pokémon have restraining relationships in attributes. The Dragon Attribute of the Round Land Shark will reduce the effect of Tan Xiaoshi's fire-type moves by half."

As soon as Su Yan finished speaking, Keqing immediately understood.

"Restraint? Like water can put out fire, right?"

He smiled and nodded.

"That's right.

Ningguang also listened to Su Yan's explanation to Keqing.

It was true that her round land shark was at a disadvantage in the first confrontation, but the battle had just begun.……

"So, earth can also put out fire.

Ningguang immediately remembered that the Round Land Shark had a ground-based skill.

If she was right, it could be used to restrain Keqing's Charcoal Maiden!

"Round Land Shark, use Quicksand Abyss on Tan Xiaoshi!"

When Ningguang shouted this...

Su Yan was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Ningguang to be able to understand the essence of attribute restraint from just one sentence.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being Teyvat, and it also has the concept of elements. This will make it much easier to popularize science in the future...

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