""Round Land Shark, use Quicksand Abyss on Tan-sama!"

Before the battle, Ningguang memorized all of the Round Land Shark's moves in the illustrated book.

As she expected, Quicksand Abyss is a ground-type move that can indeed cause double damage to fire-type moves.

As Ningguang's order was issued, Round Land Shark began to counterattack!


The round land shark roared, and then pressed its two short hands to the ground.

In an instant, the stone ground under Tan Xiaoshi's feet suddenly turned into quicksand.


Keqing had never expected that the round land shark actually had the ability to change the ground.

By the time she reacted, Tan Xiaoshi's feet were already deeply stuck in the quicksand and couldn't be pulled out.

Not only that... the sandstorm blew across the street, gradually forming a small tornado, and the sand and gravel in the wind kept hitting Tan Xiaoshi.

"Woo woo woo……"

Tan Shi's feet were restrained, so he couldn't dodge and could only raise his hands to block the attack of gravel.

This made Keqing anxious... but she didn't know what to do.

After all, Tan Shi only had a few moves now, and staring and scaring were useless.

There was no way...

Keqing immediately shouted:"Can Tan Shi use sparks to blow up the tornado?"


The little charcoal servant endured the pain of being attacked by gravel and blasted several sparks from his mouth.

Bang, bang, bang...

At this moment, the sand roll was still stirring, but under the bombardment of several fireballs, it began to loosen and the gravel gradually weakened.

But how could Ningguang just sit there and wait for the other party to break free?

"Round Land Shark attacks Tan-sama with its metal claws!"

""Swish, swish!"

While the tan servant's feet were still tied, the round land shark immediately rolled from the ground.

In just two or three breaths, it rolled in front of the tan servant.

Then, it opened its bright claws and chopped at the tan servant's body, and the heavy blow knocked it out of the restraints.

"Keqing, it's not over yet."

Ningguang, who had won another victory, was confident that since ground-based skills were very effective against Tan Xiaoshi, she would continue to follow through.

"Round Land Shark, use Quicksand Abyss again!"

"You still want to use this trick? It's not that easy!"

At this time, Keqing saw Tan Xiaoshi being beaten and was also angry.

""Tan Xiaoshi, jump up!"

Just as the ground was about to turn into mud and sand again, Tan Xiaoshi received the order and quickly jumped up, narrowly avoiding the attack of the round land shark.

"No, this Quicksand Abyss is too harmful to Tan Shi. I have to think of a way.……"

Keqing's mind was spinning rapidly.

When she first faced Ningguang, she didn't know that there was such a thing as attribute restraint.

Now the fire-attributed Tan Xiaoshi was completely restrained by [Quicksand Abyss].

The only way for Tan Xiaoshi to win was to prevent the opponent from using this move.……

"Oh, I remember that in the illustrations, Tan Shifu has a move called [Immobilization], which seems to be able to seal the opponent's moves."

Just as the thought came to her mind, Ningguang seemed to be about to launch another attack.

Seeing that Tan Shifu was still jumping in the air, Keqing hurriedly ordered:"Tan Shifu, use the Immobilization!"

Last night, Keqing did not let Tan Shifu use this move.

After all, she had seen the two moves of [Stare] and [Scare], and she was really unsure, so she kept using the powerful [Spark] at the beginning.

Now, she can only give it a try...

Fortunately, Tan Shifu did not disappoint Keqing.

As soon as Keqing gave the order, Tan Shifu's eyes showed the same dreamy light purple light as before.

Then, it pointed its fist at the round land shark.

The faint purple light instantly enveloped the round land shark.

""Immobilization technique? What kind of move is this?"

Ningguang frowned.

She was familiar with the moves of Round Land Shark, but not Tan Xiaoshi's.

But after the opponent used this move, Round Land Shark was not hurt at all.

She was relieved.

Just when Tan Xiaoshi was about to land, Ningguang immediately shouted:"Round Land Shark, use Quicksand Abyss again, this time we will not let the opponent run away!"


Round Land Shark followed suit again, pressing the ground with his short hands...

What was the result?

When Tan Xiaoshi landed steadily, the ground he was standing on was still a stone slab, unlike before when it was swallowed by quicksand.

In this scene, Ningguang and Keqing showed different expressions.


""It worked!"

That's right.

Although the immobilization technique can't cause damage to the opponent, it can seal the opponent's last move.

In other words... now the advantage of the round land shark has been sealed!

""Tan Xiaoshi, it's our turn to attack!"

Keqing was overjoyed and immediately pointed at the round land shark whose skill failed.

"Spark attack!"

Although the effect of sparks on the round land shark is halved, Keqing is helpless.

After all, in Keqing's cognition, only this attack of Tan Xiaoshi is powerful.

As for the fright...

At this time, Menghuan, who was floating next to Su Yan, asked puzzledly:"Su Yan, Miss Keqing knew that she was restrained, why did she use sparks from beginning to end? If I remember correctly, Tan Xiaoshi should also have the fright trick, right?"

Su Yan thought about it carefully, and then smiled:"Haha, it seems that Keqing should have tried that trick after returning home yesterday. Maybe in her opinion, the fright trick can't cause any substantial damage to the opponent. It can only be said that the road to popular science is still long and arduous."

However, Menghuan nodded as if she understood.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Su Yan smiled and said,"Let these two novices experience the passion of fighting for now.……"

On the street, Tan Xiaoshi spit out [Sparks] one after another to attack.

Of course.

Although the Quicksand Abyss was sealed, Ningguang was not vague.

"Round Land Shark, use Sacrifice Charge to attack Tanshi!"

The two Pokémon fought back and forth.

Although they were still far inferior to those who possessed the [Eye of God], the battle was���It is becoming more and more intense. For ordinary people, it is already an eye-opener.

"What a great pet!"

"Not only can they spit fire and use sandstorms, they are also very obedient. Where did Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing get these two pets?"

"Could it be that elf house?!"

"I, I want one too. No, I will buy one soon. With this kind of pet by my side, I won't be afraid of wild animals when I encounter them in the wild."

"You are right."

As Ningguang and Keqing fought, people saw the Pokémon obeying them.

Look, the 'monsters' people had called at the beginning have now become 'pets'.

And just as people were sighing in disbelief... suddenly, someone shouted:

"Eh… Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing seem to be getting angry."

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