"……Elf House?"

A beautiful purple-haired girl with a cat-ear bun, two long ponytails cascading down from the bun, a white and purple short robe, and long black stockings...

Keqing, this is the girl's name.

Don't be fooled by her young age and petite figure.

In fact, she is Yuheng Star of the Seven Stars of Liyue, and one of the big men in charge of the Liyue region.

Who said that maturity and cuteness can't coexist?

At this moment.

Keqing stood on the main street of Liyue and looked at a store on the side of the street. There was a little confusion on her face, but more of doubt.

Not long ago...

Walking on the streets of Liyue, she accidentally witnessed two mysterious creatures that she had never seen or heard of before.

One of the creatures One looked stupid, a bit like a yellow duck.

The other one, even the knowledgeable Keqing, could not recognize what species it was.

At that time, there were two children following behind the two mysterious creatures, and both of them were very excited.

Keqing did not think too much about it, and thought that it was a monster entering the city, and immediately drew the sword from her waist...

Unexpectedly, the two children hurriedly explained to Keqing that they were not monsters.

What else... they were elves, Pokémon. They were pets bought from a place called [Elf House] by their busy parents so that they could have friends to accompany them.

For this reason, Keqing learned the location of [Elf House] from the two children.

So... she found it.

"Elves? Pokémon? They are definitely not creatures from Teyvat."

Thinking of this, Keqing raised her eyebrows, looking at the strange shop in front of her, she was even more confused.

And... when was this shop opened?

Logically speaking, opening a shop in Liyue requires various procedures. Why has she never heard of a shop with an unknown origin like this?

And just as she was alert and her left foot had just stepped into the shop.



A pink figure suddenly jumped out from the side. Even though Keqing was alert, she was startled and quickly jumped out.

She raised her head and asked

"Who is it?"

However, when Keqing looked up and saw the pink little figure, she found that it was not anyone, but a……

"A pink hairless cat? It can fly?!"


That pink little figure floated in the air, with its arms folded in its hands.

Well, its mouth was puffy.

It seemed to be angry about being called a 'hairless cat'.

But judging from its appearance alone, Keqing was not wrong.

This creature does look like a cat, with a long tail swinging back and forth under its pink skin.

It is totally cute at first glance.

"Who is the hairless cat? My name is Dream’!!!"

Keqing didn't react just now, but when she heard the cat speak again, she was stunned.

"Cat, cat, actually speaks?!"

Although it looks so cute……


Soon, Keqing realized that the voice did not come from the creature in front of her, but from her own mind.

Her face changed in shock.

"Why do you, your voice appear in my mind?……"

""Huanhuan, don't scare the customers."

At this moment, a gentle voice came from the store.

Hearing this voice, Huanhuan pouted her lips immediately, and her arms relaxed.

""Okay, okay."

Then, under Keqing’s gaze, Menghuan slowly returned to the store.

At the same time… a tall and handsome boy slowly walked out of the room inside the store.

"Welcome to the Elf House. Hello, Miss Keqing. I am the boss Su Yan. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Su Yan's voice is not only gentle and pleasant, but also has delicate features and a calm and unique look between his eyebrows.

Whether it is auditory or visual, it seems to have the magic power to relax people's minds.

"You, you know me?"

After Su Yan walked out, Keqing was stunned for a moment.

But she quickly recovered, and at the same time was speechless about her own question.

How could someone who could open a shop in Liyue not know her?

Before Su Yan could speak, she changed the subject and talked about the encounter with the two children.……

"Boss, you sell monsters in your store... No, what are the origins of the pets you sell in your store? I have never seen or heard of them before, can you tell me something?"

After saying that, Keqing's eyes even glanced at Meng Huan.

"Of course no problem."

Su Yan smiled and nodded.


It’s not Miss Keqing’s fault for being unfamiliar with them, because they all come from the elf world, which is what you call the outside world.


Keqing's eyes widened immediately:"These monsters, no, these pets are from outside the world?!"

However, Su Yan seemed not to notice Keqing's surprise, and continued to talk without caring.

"Yes, Pokémon do exist outside of this world, but they are completely different from the monsters you imagine."

"Because Pokémon not only have powerful powers, but also emotions. As long as they establish a bond with humans, they will become the most reliable and loyal partners, and can even protect their masters from the invasion of Teyvat monsters."After the voice fell,

Keqing immediately raised her eyebrows and looked at Meng Yun carefully again.

"With such a small body... can it fight off the monsters in Teyvat?"

There are many powerful monsters in Teyvat, some of which are difficult for even those with the Eye of God to deal with.

And Mew looks like a harmless little cat.

That's it?

Can it protect humans from monsters?

In Keqing's opinion, this little guy in front of her might not even be able to beat the Hillichuls.


Su Yan laughed after hearing this, and then said:"Ms. Keqing, the strength of Pokémon cannot be measured by their size. Moreover, each of them has extraordinary potential. Even if they are newborn cubs, once they are nurtured, the monsters of Teyvat are nothing to them."

At this point, he slowly stretched out a finger.

"Let's put it this way, if we can train the elves to their peak, a single strike would be enough to destroy the entire Liyue."


Su Yan's answer undoubtedly shocked Keqing.

Destroy Liyue with one strike.

The only gods in Teyvat who have this power are probably the gods at the top.

If it is true as Su Yan said... then doesn't it mean that those who get the elves have the power to fight against the gods?

Seeing Keqing stunned and holding a look of deep doubt, Su Yan smiled faintly.

"Of course, Miss Keqing doesn't need to think too much. Even in the elf world, only a few people can cultivate elves to that level."

"Regardless of how you view what I just said, the fact is that elves are more important than being the best partners of humans. I wonder if Miss Keqing is interested in trying to cultivate them?"


Gradually, Keqing came back to her senses from her shock, and immediately looked at Su Yan, and then at the dream floating beside her.

Although Keqing is one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, she is also a girl, and it is hard for her to resist having such a cute little thing around her.

"Then... can I have this cat?"

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