After Keqing decided to buy the charcoal servant, Su Yan returned to the room deep inside the store.

Keqing standing outside couldn't see the room at all.

However, in just two or three minutes,……

"Sorry for the wait."

Su Yan walked out of the room, holding a Pokémon in his arms.

Yes, it was the 'Tan Xiaoshi' that Keqing had drawn.

You know, when it comes to Pokémon, pictures can't compare to the real thing.

"Wow... so cute!"

When Keqing saw the little charcoal servant, her face immediately melted with joy.

Su Yan saw this and immediately put the little charcoal servant gently on the counter.

"Little guy, Miss Keqing will be your master from now on."


Tan Shi nodded to Su Yan, then turned to look at Keqing.

""Tan, Tan!"

Although Keqing didn't understand what the Pokémon said, from the expression of Tan, it seemed to be saying... Please give me more guidance in the future, my master!

"Please give me your guidance, Tan Xiaoshi."

At this moment, Keqing excitedly stretched out her hand to touch Tan Xiaoshi, but just as she approached, her hand froze in mid-air.

After all, Tan Xiaoshi's body was burning with flames.

While she was hesitating, Su Yan explained:

"Miss Keqing, please rest assured that these flames are the characteristics of Tan Xiaoshi. Now you are its master. The flames on Tan Xiaoshi will only make you feel warm, but will not hurt you."

"So magical?!"

Keqing half-believed and half-doubtedly put her hand close to Tan Xiaoshi.

Instantly, she was surprised.

As Su Yan said, the flames seemed to be burning, but they were not hot at all. On the contrary, they were very warm.

So comfortable...

I saw that Keqing had completely let go, rubbing Tan Xiaoshi's little head with her delicate hands, a smile all over her face, and her eyes were full of doting.

""Tan Xiaoshi, my name is Keqing, we will be good friends from now on."

Tan Xiaoshi nodded excitedly in response and rubbed Keqing's little hand.

"It, it's so cute!!!"

Keqing was so excited.

Teyvat has the concept of monsters, and there are cute monsters, such as slimes...

But they will attack humans as soon as they see them.

Unlike the little charcoal servant in front of her, she actually showed her intimacy.

What's more, the little charcoal servant is many times cuter than the slime. No wonder Keqing smiled like a crescent moon.

As Su Yan said before, the biggest difference between elves and monsters is that they have emotions for humans.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Su Yan suddenly said at this inappropriate time:

"Ms. Keqing, from now on, Tan Shi will belong to you. But I have to remind you here, don't do anything to abuse the elves, otherwise I will personally take it back, and in serious cases... I will kill the abuser on the spot"


Keqing immediately picked up the little servant Tan, and then glared at Su Yan unhappily.

"Who would abuse such cute elves? If there is anyone, I will be the first one to not let them go!"


At this time, Keqing had completely forgotten that the reason she walked into this store was to investigate.

In fact, it was mainly because Su Yan had already revealed his identity before she had even tried to test him, which caught Keqing off guard.

As a result, she was fooled by Su Ye.

Now, seeing Tan Xiaoshi's likable personality and his handsome and cute appearance, she has been addicted to it.

So when Su Yan mentioned the word"abuse", Keqing showed some anger.


Su Yan did not avoid Keqing's eyes, but said:"Miss Keqing, there is no need to be angry. My words are not directed at you. I am just giving you a warning as usual. I personally believe that Tan Xiaoshi will be happy with you."

"Of course."

Keqing felt comfortable with this.

Su Yan smiled gently, then took out some items from the cabinet next to him and placed them on the counter.

"This is Ms. Keqing's first time shopping in our store. Here are some gifts, including three days of fire energy cubes for cultivating Tan-sama, a portable Poké Ball, and a Pokémon illustrated book."

"By the way, I suggest you take some time to read the elf encyclopedia carefully, so that you can understand the elves' abilities, skills, lifestyles, and ways of evolution as soon as possible."

As Su Yan explained, Keqing realized that she didn't know anything about elves.

For example, what to eat, what to pay attention to in daily life, whether she would get sick or have a cold, etc.

Now that Su Yan gave her the elf encyclopedia... it was a great help.


Su Yan even taught Keqing some ways to use the elf encyclopedia.

It wasn't until Keqing paid 50 million Mora... that she left Su Yan's shop.

At this time.

Su Yan stood in the shop, watching the back of the departing figure.……

"I didn't expect that on the third day after arriving in Teyvat, I had already done business with Yuhengxing of the Liyue Seven Stars. Well, with Yuhengxing's promotion, more and more people will come to me."After the words fell, Menghuan suddenly turned to Su Yan, his eyes full of respect.

"Lord Arceus……"

But before he could finish his words, Su Yan interrupted his dream.

"No, although I have recovered most of my strength, I have no memory of my past life. Now I only have the name 'Su Yan'."

A few months ago.

Su Yan was just an ordinary person living on the blue planet, no different from others.

But he never thought...

Just a few months ago, he turned on his computer for the first time and prepared to check out the daily routine of"Genshin Impact".

Unexpectedly, not long after entering the game... the monitor in front of him suddenly tore open a crack, as if the entire screen was broken.

At this moment.

A certain elf tore open the crack of the monitor and squeezed out. After seeing Su Yan, it actually called him with reverence.……

"Lord Arceus."

Su Yan, who lives on Blue Star, naturally knows the meaning of this 'name'.

Later, he learned from the elf that... the elf world is a real dimension.

Su Yan... is the reincarnation of Arceus, but he has no memory of this, so he naturally remains skeptical.

However, what is more troublesome is... when the elf saw that the dimensional cracks on the computer screen of the original god had not dissipated and still remained, its face suddenly changed.

"Oh no, Lord Arceus, the dimensional channel I just tore open seems to be connected to your computer... It's the world on your screen."


How could Su Yan understand this?

If he had not lived in Blue Star for many years, he would have known that the creature in front of him was indeed an Elf, otherwise he would have thought that the other party was planning a new way of deception.

Later, Su Yan, who had read too many time-travel novels, agreed to go to the Elf World to take a look.

Not to mention... not long after arriving in the Elf World, he really recovered most of the power of the 'God of Creation'.

Only then did Su Yan dare to be sure... maybe he was really the reincarnation of Arceus.

But because the coordinates of the space torn by the elf happened to connect with Su Yan's computer, it also caused the dimensions between the Elf and the Genshin Impact to connect.

So he came to this continent of Teyvat.

And after being corrected by Su Yan's name……


Menghuan quickly covered her mouth and then asked in confusion.

"Su Yan, there is only one month left before the two worlds meet for the first time. In order to prevent the people of this world from treating us as monsters, you choose to come here in advance to educate the people of this world. But why do we use this method? Is this too slow?……"

At this moment, Su Yan looked at the sky outside the store and said

"It doesn't matter. Only by giving can people cherish what they get more. After all, I have read a lot of"Popular Science Pokémon Novels" before.》……And the reason why I collected Mora was to prepare for what will happen in a month."

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