Mondstadt, the kingdom of wind.

Just like Liyue, which worships the rock god Morax, the god the people here worship is the wind god Barbatos.

The difference is that Liyue's belief is contract, while Mondstadt's is... freedom!

The wind god Barbatos has been"fishing" for many years. Although he is called one of the seven rulers, he has never interfered with the development and construction of mankind.

Until a while ago... the East Wind Dragon that guarded Mondstadt was controlled by someone and attacked Mondstadt.

The wind god appeared in the form of the bard"Wendy", and together with a traveler, the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius, and the rich people of Mondstadt, he recalled the mind of the East Wind Dragon.

Only then was the dragon disaster resolved...

At this time.

In the office of the Knights of Favonius.

The capable blonde knight, who is now buried in the desk signing documents and reading various commissions one by one.

She is the current acting leader of the Knights of Favonius... Jean Gunnhild!

After all, the dragon disaster has just passed, and there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with.

This is the first day she has been busy!

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

Qintou didn't raise his head, still concentrating on his work.

As soon as the voice fell.

The door creaked open, and a mature woman in a purple magic hat and robe walked in.

The mature woman who walked in had light steps, perfect figure, and elegance everywhere.

If there is anything special... it should be the laziness that is always on her face.

Lisa, the librarian of the Knights of Favonius.

Compared with the capable acting leader Qin, the two have completely opposite attitudes towards work.

At this moment, until Lisa walked to the desk and sat down, Qin raised her head and nodded with a smile:"Lisa, you are here."

Looking at the haggardness on Qin's face, Lisa pouted.

"Jean, you've been busy for several days. It's time to take a break. You're the hardest worker in the entire Knights. You should know that there is always work to be done. Don't push yourself too hard."

""Ahahaha... You know, there are all kinds of things to deal with after the dragon disaster. I feel uncomfortable when I see that there is work that is not done."

Qin just laughed perfunctorily and changed the subject:"By the way, have you heard about Liyue?"

Lisa's mind was immediately diverted when the word"Liyue" was mentioned, and interest suddenly appeared on her lazy face.

"You mean...Pokémon?"

Qin was a little surprised:"So you heard the news too?"

"While drinking tea at the Deer Hunter Restaurant, I happened to meet a few merchants from Liyue who were talking about a store in Liyue that taught people about Pokémon and whose power was comparable to that of the owner of the Eye of God."

At this time, Lisa supported half of her face with her hands, looked at Qin and asked,"How credible do you think this rumor is?" As soon as the words fell,

Qin said without hesitation,"Very credible"


Lisa stretched out her words, with a look of surprise on her face.

But she didn't ask any questions, because Lisa knew that Qin would continue to talk.

"Pokémon do appear in Liyue. They are creatures from outside the world. You said that their power is comparable to that of the owner of the Eye of God, but in fact, some people have seen with their own eyes that the potential of Pokémon can not only surpass the immortals of Liyue, but even... be close to God."

Just when Qin's voice fell, Lisa suddenly stood up.

"How is this possible?!"

Let's not talk about the gods.

But all the immortals in Liyue know something about it.

Even since the seven rulers of the mortal world took charge of the seven kingdoms, there have always been disasters of varying sizes.

But Liyue has remained stable over the years. In addition to the presence of the Rock Emperor, it is also because of the protection of those immortals.

It is conceivable how powerful those immortals are.

Lisa knows this even more, so after listening to Qin's words, she had such a big reaction.

She frowned and asked,"Where did the news come from?"

However, Qin only slowly said a name.


"No wonder……"

Lisa was stunned at first, then she slowly sat down again.

Chang Tingqin said that she and Ningguang had correspondence. Since the news came from this Tianquan Star, it was no wonder that Qin was so sure just now.

Then, Qin said

"According to Ningguang's letter, the descender will hold a competition. Anyone who has Pokémon can participate. The prize is a legendary Pokémon with potential comparable to that of a fairy."

Lisa is so smart that she guessed what the other party was thinking as soon as Qin said this.

"So, you want me to go to Liyue to learn about Pokémon and participate in the competition?"

"Yes, since the Knights went on an expedition, Mondstadt is seriously short of manpower, and there are even fewer people with the Eye of God. If it is true as Ningguang said in the letter, Pokémon may be able to fill the shortage of manpower."

I can only say that the two are worthy of being good girlfriends. It is convenient to talk to each other.

"Our traveler... no, our honorary knight is about to set off for Liyue, right? You can go with her. Also... let Klee come out of the confinement room and take her with you. There are too many things going on recently, and I really can't take care of her here."

When Jyn mentioned the name 'Klee', her forehead began to ache.

Lisa even laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, I'll just take her out to relax. I've heard from merchants that Pokémon are all very cute, I'm sure Klee will like them when she sees them."


Qin nodded, and then added with concern:

"Remember, don't be like Mond outside, don't let Klee get close to the kitchen or the fish pond."

After hearing this, Lisa's smile suddenly froze and finally turned into a sigh.

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep a close eye on her.���I don't want to cause trouble."

"at last……"

When Qin said these two words, a bitter look suddenly crossed her lips.

"Remember to bring enough Mora. Ningguang said that she recently bought a Pokémon called Roundland Shark for... 1 billion Mora!"

1 billion, as soon as the two words were spoken,

Lisa's pupils dilated, and her originally carefree expression suddenly became no longer carefree.

"Duo Shao?!"

"One billion?!!"

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