"Well…now that Mora has it, it’s time to take action."

In the shop, Su Yan was counting the Mora he had earned recently.

He had sold a lot of elves in the past few days, but the only quasi-god-level elf so far was Ningguang's Round Land Shark.

Of course, it's not that no one has drawn the quasi-god elves, but that no one can afford them.

Even so, as the saying goes, the sand of the tower city gathers, he still sold nearly 2 billion in total. He also saw a lot of familiar faces among the customers.

Xingqiu, the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, drew a [Single Sword Sheath] from him.

Xiangling of Wanmin Hall drew a [Fire Red Tumbler].

There were also Yanfei, Yunjin and others.

They also drew their own elves.

It's just that all the people who came to the door these days were from Liyue, but no one from other countries was seen.

However, this is not surprising.

Information in Teyvat is not as convenient as in the Blue Star or the Elf World. Even if people from other countries receive the news, it will probably take a few more days to rush to Liyue.

It is worth mentioning that...

Zhongli really didn't bring Mora with him yesterday, and was immediately driven out by Su Yan.

Before leaving, he said something like……

"Boss, I'll go prepare Mora now." It's already the second day, and there's still no sign of Zhongli.

This makes Menghuan complain.

"Su Yan, can that guy be considered the god of Liyue? Isn't it said that he created the currency of this world? How can he be so poor?!"


Su Yan did not answer Huanhuan's question.

That's right, all Mora in the world are made by Morax, that is, Zhongli.

However, making Mora is not without cost. It not only consumes divine power, but also wears out the soul.

Besides, Zhongli is now determined to step down from the throne...

I guess he is very conflicted now.

As for whether he wants to make it or raise money, that is not a problem that Su Yan needs to worry about.

"Soul wear and tear? Hmm... I seem to have a way to solve the most troublesome and unsolvable problems for these"gods"."

Su Yan touched his chin, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Since he obtained the"power of creation", many knowledge that he had never touched before, somehow, always had answers.

But soon he shook his head.

"Forget it, let's wait until the situation stabilizes first, and then it will be necessary to make a lot of money from them."

So far...

Keqing, Ningguang and others.

Maybe they all think that Su Yan's strength comes from the various mysterious and powerful elves around him.

However, in fact, he is the strongest one now, but he has never taken action himself.

There is no need!

Of course, if there is a chance... he doesn't mind showing off his skills.

At this moment……


Suddenly, a heroic female voice came from the door.

Su Yan looked up.

Four women just stepped on the edge of the door and slowly walked towards the counter.

Su Yan recognized the owner of the heroic voice just now, it was... Beidou.

When Ningguang was fighting Keqing a few days ago, Beidou was also in the crowd to watch the excitement, and Su Yan naturally observed it at that time.

It's just strange that Su Yan has seen many familiar faces in the past few days, but Beidou has never come...

This is completely inconsistent with her character that loves excitement.

Today, she finally came.

Ningguang, Keqing, and the general secretary of Qixing, Ganyu, also came with her.

Ningguang nodded politely:"Mr. Su Yan, we are here to disturb you again, Menghuan, how are you too."

Keqing smiled and said,"I see you are too busy every day recently. It seems that you can take a breath today."

Ganyu, with professionalism, stroked her heart and bowed, saying,"It's our first meeting. Sorry to bother you."

The four women greeted Su Yan one after another


Su Yan nodded to the four people, and then responded to Keqing.

"I have been a bit too busy these days, but luckily I have already bought most of the things I should buy. I am probably still trying to find the ones I haven't bought yet, so I won't be able to buy them in a short time."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Beidou burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Boss, the second type of person you are referring to should be me. In order to avoid not being able to pay for the quasi-god, I have been desperately raising money these days.

At this time, Ningguang took over Beidou's words.

"Hehe, a few days ago, when Keqing and I just left your place, Beidou came to us and learned a lot about Pokemon from us. When she knew that I bought a quasi-god from you, she said that she would get 1 billion and come back, and then she would win a legendary Pokemon from the competition."


Su Yan smiled slightly and said,"It's a good thing that Miss Beidou has this confidence, but apart from Mora, it depends on whether you can draw a quasi-god elf with your luck."

"Okay, I had my fortune told before coming here today, and it said that I would definitely get what I want. Let's get started, boss!"

At this moment, Beidou was already rubbing his hands, his face full of impatience.

"Since Miss Ningguang and Miss Keqing have already told you the rules, I will not explain any more."

After that, Su Yan waved for Rotom to come over.

Only after all preparations were made...

Beidou bumped his fists together and shouted,"The destined moment is coming!"

The next second.

The Rotom Atlas began to rapidly scan through thousands of pictures.

According to what Ningguang learned, Beidou knew very well that it was impossible to find pictures of quasi-god elves in the Rotom Atlas.

Moreover, the types of elves were scarce for people like them, and they could not recognize them even if they saw them.

Everything depended on luck.


Beidou shouted loudly.

At the same time, the Rotom Illustrated Book suddenly stopped scrolling through the pictures.

Only four beautiful girls, seven eyes staring at the Illustrated Book, could see the picture.……

"Crocodile, crocodile?"

Compared to the other three people who were puzzled, Beidou asked Su Yan a little excitedly:"Oh oh oh, Ningguang's shark is a quasi-god, then is this crocodile also very powerful?"

"Let me see."

Su Yan glanced at Rotom and immediately explained to Beidou:

"This is Black-Eyed Crocodile, a ground and evil Pokémon. How should I put it... Although it is not a quasi-god, after it finally evolved into a rogue crocodile, its strength is quite good."


As Su Yan explained, Ningguang, Keqing, and Ganyu glanced at Beidou almost at the same time.

For some reason... they always felt that this crocodile was quite suitable for Beidou.

Su Yan rubbed his nose lightly, and he could understand the thoughts of Ningguang and the other three.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Beidou glared at the three of them unhappily, then shook his head at Su Yan.

"Boss, I choose to continue drawing. Everything is ready. I only have one goal today!"

"I won't give up until I draw a quasi-god!"

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