The first draw failure did not affect Beidou's mentality...

She was eager to try and became even more excited.

"Boss, come on, let’s continue smoking!"


Su Yan would not refuse.

Since Beidou was a guest, he would respect his opinion.


At Su Yan's signal, Rotom's screen quickly swiped through various pictures again.

Ningguang and Keqing stood quietly behind Beidou. It was obvious that they were a little nervous.

Were they afraid that Beidou would draw a quasi-god?

They felt that if Beidou drew a quasi-god, they would be the ones who would suffer the same loss...

Ganyu, on the other hand, just watched calmly. She looked silly and cute, and no one knew what she was thinking.

At this moment, Rotom's screen flashed a series of pictures.……


With Beidou's signal,

Su Yan simply gave him a scientific explanation.……

"Miss Beidou, this time you drew Rattata (Alola form), which is a novice Pokémon. What are its characteristics?……"

"Newbie Pokémon? I don't like mice, draw again!"

"Ironpuff, a water-type Pokémon, is good at various beam attacks. Miss Beidou is the captain of the Death Star. This Pokémon is very suitable for the sea."

"Hum, although it sounds good, don't we have two more chances? I believe I can definitely draw a quasi-god, continue……"

Then... after the fourth and fifth draws


I saw Beidou leaning against the wall, his whole body limp on the ground.

Compared with the high spirits when he first came in, Beidou now looked decadent, and even took a sip from the wine pot in his hand.

Then he yelled like a child

"I can't accept it!!! I said it with confidence……"

Su Yan laughed in silence.

Beidou in front of him was like most of the players who spent money to draw cards. He was full of confidence before drawing cards, but he became unwilling when he got the cards he didn't win. If it happened to me, I would definitely feel depressed. But Ningguang and Keqing, who were bystanders, were very happy.

Look, their earlier nervousness has completely disappeared, and they are trying hard to hold back their laughter...

They look even happier than if they had drawn a quasi-god.


I can only say that human joys and sorrows are not the same.

Of course, Su Yan had reminded Beidou before, that it depends purely on luck to draw a quasi-god elf.

Although there are hundreds or thousands of customers who have come recently, only two people have drawn a quasi-god, and one of them gave up because he couldn't afford the price.

At this moment, Su Yan asked

"Miss Beidou, the last Snow Boy you drew is a pretty good ice Pokémon. Do you have any interest in it? Or should we wait until tomorrow?"


Beidou thought about it, and immediately gritted his teeth and decided:"Tomorrow, I will come again tomorrow!"

Since the first draw was free, Beidou drew four more times, and the cost of the draw alone cost 1.5 million Mora.

Although she was heartbroken, she seemed to have made up her mind and would not give up until she drew a quasi-god.

Su Yan naturally had no objection


As soon as the words fell,

Beidou suddenly stood up and ran out the door, leaving a……

"I'm going to beat up that fortune teller!!!" After a while, Beidou disappeared. At this moment, Su Yan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the three beautiful women in the store who were all unique.

"Aren't you here with Miss Beidou? Why don't you chase her? She looks like she's in trouble."

"Ah, actually we just happened to meet Miss Beidou on the road. I know her character very well, nothing will happen to her, and we came here today for something.……"

After that, Ningguang and Keqing looked at each other.

Then Ningguang gestured to Keqing and said,"You should ask the boss first."


Keqing had no objection and looked at Su Yan.

"Boss, I have been practicing with Tan Xiaoshi these days, and he has made rapid progress and is now at level 9. But yesterday I saw someone's Caterpillar, which was obviously not as strong as Tan Xiaoshi, but was able to evolve into Metapod. I would like to ask you how to evolve it into Blue Flame Blade Demon?"


When Keqing asked this question, Su Yan frowned.

"Ms. Keqing, let me answer your previous question first. The evolution conditions of many Pokémon are different, and Caterpillar is a Pokémon that is very suitable for novices to cultivate, because its evolution speed is almost the fastest among all Pokémon."

"As for the charcoal waiter……"

Su Yan knew very well that in order for Tan to evolve into a Blade Blade, a special item 'Armor of Curse', also known as 'Cursed Armor', was needed.

Only when Tan wears this armor can it evolve.

So the question is... this is not the world of elves, but the world of Genshin Impact.

Where can I get the Cursed Armor?

It's true that Su Yan can get it easily, but in the future, more and more people will own Pokémon, so he naturally can't help.

Everything depends on themselves.

Fortunately... the world of Genshin Impact and the world of elves are very similar in some aspects.

Elements, ghosts, curses, etc., the continent of Teyvat also has these concepts, which can be said to be similar.

Seeing that Su Yan didn't speak at this time, Keqing immediately asked:"What level does Tan need to be in before he can evolve?"

Looking at the other party's impatient expression, Su Yan continued.

"Ms. Keqing, Tanshi is a special elf. Raising its level does not allow it to evolve. Instead, it needs a piece of armor. It needs to be equipped with a cursed armor."

After hearing this, Keqing's fair face suddenly flashed with surprise:"Cursed armor?!"

"That's right."

Su Yan took over the conversation and explained:"Pokemon don't all evolve based on levels. Some require special items or specific conditions."

"So that's it... Cursed armor. Now I have a better idea and roughly know where to find it."

As expected, after Su Yan's explanation, Keqing immediately had an idea in her mind.

At this time, Ningguang, who was standing next to them, also asked hurriedly after listening to the conversation between the two:"Boss Su Yan, what about my round land shark? Does it also have any conditions for evolution?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yan shook his head.

"No, it's just that Quasi-God Pokémon are extremely difficult to cultivate. The Round Land Shark will evolve at level 24 and level 48."

"Level 24 and 48?!"

When Ningguang heard these two numbers, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Like Keqing, she had been working hard to cultivate the round land shark these days.

However, after a few days, the level of the round land shark was only level 9. Moreover, Ningguang could clearly feel that the higher the level, the longer and more difficult it would take to cultivate.

This 24th level... could it be in time for the competition next month?

She was determined to win the prize of the legendary elf.

At this time, Ningguang's eyes moved to Keqing.

Coincidentally, Keqing also fell on Ningguang's side.

The two looked at each other, and their palms were secretly clenched.


"Ningguang is probably my biggest opponent. I have to find the cursed armor quickly to have a chance of winning."

"Keqing's charcoal servant should not be underestimated. No matter what, if you want to defeat her, you must evolve the round land shark."

Neither of them spoke, but just stared at each other.

At this moment, a spark of competition appeared in the store...

However, just as this spark was aroused, Su Yan suddenly spoke up.

"You two, since your questions have been answered, I also have something I hope you can help me with, and it will also be of great benefit to Liyue."

After that

, Ningguang and Keqing turned around in surprise and saw Su Yan gesture to Menghuan.

"Huanhuan, please take out the things I prepared from the room inside."

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