"Mr. Su Yan's shop is still closed?"

In the Qun Yu Pavilion, Ningguang sat in the office, looking a little uneasy.

The secretary beside him, Bai Xiao, quickly answered

"Yes, the Elf House has been closed since the Hall Master Hutao and Miss Beidou of the Wangsheng Hall bought Pokémon there at noon three days ago."

Of course, the Qun Yu Pavilion did not send anyone to monitor the Elf House.

Ningguang would not do so either.

It's just that the Elf House is too famous now. They only need to ask a little bit to get the answer.

"It's strange, where did Mr. Su Yan go?"

After hearing the report, Ningguang frowned immediately.

She has been busy with factory affairs these days. After all, the energy cubes will be available in major chambers of commerce in a few days.

She was originally free in the afternoon three days ago, but when she was about to go to the Elf House, she saw Beidou rushing to show off that he had drawn a quasi-god. He also insisted on fighting with her.

She had no choice but to accept it.

As a result, there was no surprise. Ningguang easily defeated Beidou's newly acquired baby dragon.

Then she waited until today to have time to see Su Yan...

As a result, as soon as she arrived at the door, she saw the words [Closed] hanging on it from a distance.

In the past half month, Su Yan has never left the Elf House, nor has he left quietly like this.

Ningguang was anxious, and quickly asked her secretary to find out the situation.

Unfortunately, this is all Baixiao found out.

Ningguang immediately ordered:"Baixiao, please help me invite Miss Beidou over."

"Okay, I'll do it right away.

Bai Xiao had never seen Ning Guang so panicked before, so he nodded and turned around to go find Bei Dou.

However, by chance... at this moment, another temporary secretary, Bai Wen, led Bei Dou to run over anxiously.

""Hey, Ningguang, something big happened!"

Seeing Beidou coming over at this time, with a nervous and anxious look on his face,

Ningguang quickly stood up and asked,"Beidou? Why are you here? Did something happen to Mr. Su Yan?"

"Su Yan? Oh, you mean the owner of the Pokemon Shop? I wanted to find him yesterday to learn more about Pokemon, but I heard that he hadn't opened the shop for two or three days."

Beidou said, and suddenly waved his hand.

"Wait, now is not the time to talk about this. Have you seen the changes in Guyun Pavilion?"

"Guoyun Pavilion?"

From Beidou's words, she seemed to be unaware of Su Yan's situation. Ningguang quickly calmed down and asked,"What happened to Guoyun Pavilion?"

"You, go out and have a look yourself. Just now, the weather there has become a mess. I have not been at sea these days, otherwise I could have informed you a few days in advance before this abnormality occurred."

At this point, Beidou sighed:"I have a bad feeling, I just hope nothing big will happen."

At this time, Ningguang could hear Beidou's nervousness. He immediately realized that something might happen. After a while , the two ran out of the Qunyu Pavilion.

Because the Qunyu Pavilion is high in the sky of Liyue, you only need to stand on the edge of the pavilion to see the location of the Guyun Pavilion.

At this time, Ningguang's face suddenly changed.

"This is……"

From afar, above the location of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, dark clouds covered the sky, thunder and lightning flashed.

There were dozens of waterspouts connecting the sky and the earth, and the sea was in chaos. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Ningguang immediately shouted:"Bai Xiao, Bai Zhi, Bai Wen, immediately take the Qianyan Army to the port, notify everyone not to go out to sea, and work together to evacuate the people!"

"I, we will do it right away."

The three secretaries turned around and left in a hurry to carry out Ningguang's order.

"How could this happen!"

However, this did not make Ningguang feel at ease.

In fact, half an hour ago, she was still standing in front of the stage of Qunyu Pavilion, and even glanced at Guyun Pavilion. At that time, everything was calm.

How could Guyun Pavilion have changed so much in just half an hour?

Speaking of Guyun Pavilion...

Ningguang suddenly raised her head.


Could it be that... the ancient vortex demon god in the legend broke through the emperor's seal?

"Humph, I'm afraid you're right."

I saw several streams of light sliding down from the sky, and the voice just now was very familiar.

"Stay Cloud and Borrow Wind"

"True Lord Xue Yue Zhu Yang!"

"The True Lord of Water and Mountain Management!"

""Great Sage who conquers demons!"

Four streams of light descended from the sky, a green-headed brown-haired deer, a handsome young man, a white-feathered brown-feathered crane, and Ganyu.……

"It seems that you have sensed it too."

An old woman slowly approached the platform of the Jade Pavilion. No one knew when she appeared.

"Grandma Ping, no...Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun, why are you here too?"

Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun walked slowly. She was different from other immortals. She had been hanging around in Liyue for many years. In fact, she was also an immortal and had accepted some disciples in Liyue.

"Since that ancient demon god has awakened, I have to come here naturally. By the way, have you received any instructions from the Emperor?"

"Not at all."

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng shook his head.

The changes in Guyun Pavilion today can be described as sudden. These immortals all felt a breath of the demon god not long ago, and then they all came out of the mountains to Qunyu Pavilion.

But logically speaking, when such a big event is about to happen, Emperor Yanwang should not have no expression.

It's very strange.

At this moment, Zhenjun Xueyue Zhuyang, who is also the deer, suddenly said:"Recently, I heard that creatures from outside the world have emerged in Liyue. People have seen that they have the potential to be with us immortals and regard them as partners. Now the demon god seems to be reviving. I wonder if you have any corresponding strategies?" After the voice fell, Ningguang raised his eyebrows.

"True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang, you are too kind."

She could hear that True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang's words were directed at���Self.

No, it should be said that it is aimed at the Seven Stars of Liyue.

It is true that the emergence of Pokémon has shaken the status of the immortals.

But in fact, the people of Liyue have not forgotten the efforts of the immortals. People just hope to get the power to protect Liyue.

It’s a pity that Pokémon has only appeared for a short time. If facing the ancient demon god, they have no ability to fight.

What is rare is...

After Zhenjun Xueyue Zhuyang expressed his dissatisfaction, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng suddenly asked Ningguang:"Where is Su Yan, is he here?"

Since Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng witnessed the power of 'Celebi' that is comparable to 'God', she is more convinced than other immortals.

Although she doesn't know why the Whirlpool Demon God broke through the seal, and Emperor Rock King did not give any instructions.

In fact, she really hopes that Su Yan is here.

With him, she should be able to feel at ease.

However, the answer she got from Ningguang was……

"No, Mr. Su Yan hasn't opened the shop for three days."

Master Liuyunjiefeng's expression suddenly changed:"What? Did he leave Liyue?!"

"This... I don't know, maybe he has something important to deal with."

Ningguang shook her head. She was the one who wanted to know Su Yan's whereabouts the most.

And Keqing was not in Liyue recently. It was said that she went to Inazuma in person to help Tan Xiaoshi find the"Cursed Armor".

Now in the entire Qun Yu Pavilion, in terms of"people", only Ningguang and Beidou have combat power.

Just thinking of this...


Suddenly, in the distant sea, the terrifying roar of the demon god came from the deep sea of Guyun Pavilion, and suddenly rushed like a wave.

At this moment.

The faces of the people and immortals standing in the Qun Yu Pavilion changed in shock.

"It really is the ancient demon god!"

"Everyone... get ready for the battle!"

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