"Everyone... prepare for the battle!"

In the Jade Pavilion, the immortals and Ningguang were full of fighting spirit and were ready to fight at any time.

"If it really doesn't work, I won't hesitate to destroy the entire Jade Pavilion. I can't let Liyue be destroyed by this ancient demon god!"

At this time, Ningguang made a secret decision.

Everyone thought she only liked Mora, but in fact, she loved the city of Liyue.

But at this moment... a six-winged dragon suddenly flew up from under the Jade Pavilion, and then climbed up in front of everyone and the immortals.

"Hey, now everyone is here. I know you are anxious, but don't worry."

Looking behind the dragon, Wendy was sitting there, greeting us without any sign of nervousness.

After seeing the six-winged flying dragon and Wendy behind it, the immortals showed different expressions.

"Lord Barbatos?"

These immortals were old friends who had fought with the Rock King for many years, so they knew the Wind God of Mondstadt.

Although they didn't know why he suddenly appeared here and even stopped them from going out in groups...

But at this moment, Wendy continued to wave his hand towards them.

"I was asked by Morax to tell you that you don't need to worry about this matter, the owner of the Elf House will handle it." As soon as these words came out, all the immortals looked at each other.

Looking at Ningguang again, she was delighted. Finally, there was news about Su Yan, but there were so many people at the scene that she couldn't ask.

At this time, True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang nodded slightly to Wendy as a sign of respect, and then asked doubtfully:"Lord Barbatos, are you really asked by the Emperor?"

""Oh, I didn't want to come, but it's the truth."

Wendy, who was sitting on Tevarin, spread his hands.

He was helpless.

"In order to let the immortals know the possibility of the Elf House, I did not tell them about this in advance. When the Whirlpool Demon God breaks the seal, they will definitely come to Liyue. By then... Please stop them. This is also what Mr. Su Yan meant. It is not appropriate for me to appear in such an occasion."

This is what Zhongli told Wendy three days ago.

The two were good friends, so Wendy agreed to help him run an errand.

At this time, Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun came out.

"Since Lord Barbatos has said so, let's just wait and see what happens."

She looked into the distance...

At this time, a whirlpool had appeared on the sea, a waterspout was climbing up to the sky, and a tsunami had begun to rise on the sea.

The wind was whistling, and the sky was gloomy.

The clattering sound of the waves was like drumbeats, which was terrifying.

What a terrifying scene...

The immortals and people standing on the Qun Yu Pavilion were all tense.

They were not afraid of the demon god, at most they would fight to the death.

But now... they were more worried about whether this tsunami would submerge Liyue.

You know, this is the place they have guarded for thousands of years.

"Are we really not going to do anything?"

Master Liuyun Jiefeng's eyes froze, and He's pupils contracted, showing how nervous he was.

At the same time... at the port of Liyue, Ningguang's three secretaries rushed over with the Qianyan Army, and had begun to follow the orders to stop anyone who wanted to go out to sea, and under the evacuation of the Qianyan Army, they urgently evacuated ordinary people.

Then, the Qianyan Army witnessed the waves that were the same color as the sky and the water, advancing towards the Liyue Port at a rapid speed.

The waves connected the sky, and if they rushed towards Liyue, it would inevitably cause extremely serious consequences.

A leader of the Qianyan Army strode forward, approached the edge of the port alone, and shouted:"Qianyan Army, listen to my orders, to keep Liyue safe, we must stop the tsunami"

"Thousands of rocks are solid and heavy mountains are immovable!!!"

""Build a strong city with armor, pacify demons and eliminate evil!"

The Qianyan Army raised their weapons and shouted slogans.

That's right.

Liyue is their home, and their responsibility is to protect Liyue.

If it were in the past, most of the Qianyan Army were ordinary people without the power of the Eye of God.

Facing this tsunami, they were powerless and had no choice but to escape.

But now...

Ever since Su Yan opened the Pokémon House in Liyue, almost all the Qianyan Army bought Pokémon there.

Of course, Ningguang and Keqing were involved.

After all, what they wanted to do was to... It is to make Liyue stronger as a whole.

As the defense force of Liyue, the Qianyan Army naturally needs a Pokémon for each person.

At this moment, the Qianyan officer, as the leader, set an example by taking out a Poké Ball from his arms and opening it.

With a flash of red light.

An ice-type and a grass-type Pokémon ran out of it.

Then, he shouted to the soldiers:"Qianyan soldiers listen to my order. If you have Pokémon that are afraid of water or do not have long-range attacks, then retreat immediately. The rest of you will resist the huge waves with me and my companion 'Snow Hat Monster'"

""The Thousand Rocks are solid, and the mountains are immovable!"

This time, the Thousand Rocks raised not their spears, but their Poké Balls.

Even those Thousand Rocks who only had fire and rock-type weapons that were afraid of water, raised their spears high even though they did not release their Pokémon.

They were willing to stand together with their comrades.

At this moment... the huge waves were overwhelming, and the Thousand Rocks were mentally prepared and opened their Poké Balls.

"Please, little pig, I'm counting on you to help me protect Liyue. Please blow out the 'fine snow' to help me freeze the tsunami!"

"Mini Ice, blow the icy wind towards the sea. I entrust Liyue and I to you!"

"Dandan... builds a reflective wall to protect Liyue"

"I beg you, sedge, blow your fairy wind!"

"Masha, use telekinesis skills……"


At this moment,

Liyue's Thousand Rocks Army and Pokémon worked together to face the coming tsunami. The scene of hundreds of soldiers and Pokémon working together moved countless people.

Some Pokémon blew cold wind across the sea, trying to freeze the tsunami.

Some Pokémon emitted beams to break through the tsunami.

Many also set up telekinetic barriers to protect the port and Liyue.

This scene was seen not only by the immortals of the Qun Yu Pavilion, but also by many ordinary people in Liyue.

"I'm here to help too, I have Pokémon too!"

"You are all working so hard, how can you leave me out!"

"Come out, buzz bats, and use the wind to make this sea area sound!"

"I'll do it too, Bobo, use the skill 'Wind'!"

People came one after another and released the Pokémon in their Poké Balls.

Seeing this scene……

"This... is Liyue now.……?"

In the Jade Pavilion, all the immortals were stunned.

They had never thought that the mortals who once needed their protection would be willing to guard at the forefront of Liyue once they had the ability to fight against this power.

Ningguang's eyes were even more excited.

That's right.

This is the Liyue they want, and this is the prototype of the future.

Everyone worked together in the face of disaster because they all have the power to protect.

Many familiar figures can be seen vaguely.

Hu Tao from Wangsheng Hall, Xiangling from Wanmin Hall, Xingqiu from Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, and even 'Mr. Yun' and other people with God's Eyes and Pokémon have all rushed to the port.

"Hey, now I finally understand why the Emperor asked us to wait and see. Pokemon can indeed bring new changes to Liyue. What a pity... What a pity."

At this time, Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun was full of emotion.

But even after seeing such a scene, the worry in her eyes never dissipated.

"It's too early now. To resist the tsunami raised by the Whirlpool Demon, they and the Pokémon alone are not enough."

It is just as Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun said. At present, the people and the elves in the port have released various attacks.

Snow, light beams, telekinesis, barriers, and all kinds of strange moves are frequent.

However, the tsunami rushing towards Liyue Port did not stop at all...

After all, Pokémon have only appeared for less than half a month, and they are still too weak.

If there are more years...

When these people and Pokémon work together, a mere tsunami is not a concern at all.

But the tsunami did not stop at the moment, and it was getting closer and closer to Liyue Port.

The immortals, Ningguang and Beidou were sweating on their foreheads. Until now, they have hesitated several times, thinking about rushing down and advancing and retreating together with the people of Liyue Port.

Or choose to believe what Barbatos said?!

And just when they were so nervous that their fingertips were about to bleed...

Wendy, who was sitting behind Tevarin, suddenly changed her face and stood up abruptly.

"Come, come!!!"

"Did this guy have to wait until the last minute to show up?!"

"Could it be... intentional?"

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