"No, no, the tsunami can't be stopped at all"

"Damn it, if I had my little sea lion for another year... No, just half a year, I would definitely be able to stop this tsunami."

"Brothers, don’t give up, we are Liyue’s last defense!"

"Yes, guys, let’s try harder!"

"That's right, we have our families behind us, and we will do our best to prevent Liyue from being flooded."

As Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun saw, the hundreds of Pokémon in the port were still unable to resist the incoming waves.

Seeing that the huge waves were less than a kilometer away from the port, the whistling and exploding sounded terrifying.

However... there were not many people escaping from the Liyue port.

They all seemed to be united in the belief of living and dying together.

Even so, many people's eyes had begun to reveal despair.

At this moment……


"Friends of Liyue, I have spent the past half month teaching you about Pokemon. Today, you really impressed me."

"Don't worry, Liyue will be fine.……"

"Let me tell you about another form of Pokémon on the spot."

A voice, a voice that no one knew where it came from, suddenly rose in the minds of everyone in Liyue.

Those who were struggling just now were all stunned.

On the Jade Pavilion, whether it was the immortals, Ningguang, or even Venti, they could hear the voice clearly.

"It's Mr. Su Yan!"

Ningguang was the first to react. This voice was too familiar to her.


Master Liuyunjiefeng and Beidou also reacted.

"It's him, for sure."

The others had never met Su Yan before, so this voice sounded strange to them.

"Is this the man?!"


Almost everyone who is still in Liyue Port owns Pokémon.

Some people recognized the voice instantly.

Some people could also think of the owner of the Pokémon House from the words just now.

After all, they all bought Pokémon there.

At this time, the leader of the Thousand Rocks Army shouted loudly facing the coast:"Is it Boss Su Yan?!"

But he did not get any response.

What responded to him was...

Boom! Boom!


Liyue suddenly had a violent earthquake, the earth shook, and houses creaked.

However, someone suddenly pointed to the front and shouted:"Look, the sky above our heads has cracked!!!"

""Overhead? The sky? Cracked?"

People quickly steadied themselves and looked up.

Sure enough... right above Liyue Harbor, there was a dark crack, like a hole in the sky, surrounded by dense, spider-web-like cracks.

But the crack was so dark that it was impossible to tell what was inside.

"How is this going?!"

"Why is the sky cracked? Where is the boss of the Elf House?"

At the same time... on the upper floor of a certain building, Zhongli stood there and witnessed the crack in the sky with his own eyes.

"This... is the dimension?"

"He really has the ability to open up dimensions!"

Zhongli was trembling all over. Although Su Yan had told him before that he had the ability to open up dimensions, he still couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

"This person is probably more powerful than the law of nature. No wonder he was so sure and dared to say that."

Just as Zhongli came to this conclusion... people looked up, their eyes all focused on the dimensional crack, their eyes full of doubts.

The next second!

A Poké Ball that almost everyone was familiar with was thrown out from the crack.

The location where the Poké Ball landed was right in the middle of the Thousand Rocks Army.

Boom, boom, boom...

The Thousand Rocks Army subconsciously stepped back and let the Poké Ball roll until it was about to fall on the edge of the port.


The Pokémon opened up, turned into a beam of red light, and turned into a Pokémon that many people were familiar with.

"Yes, it was that bear that forced back two seven-star bears last time."

"That’s right, that’s the Martial Arts Bear Master of the Elf House owner!"

Most of the people here have seen the battle between Ningguang and Keqing’s elves half a month ago, and have also seen the scene where the Martial Arts Bear Master forced two Seven Stars to retreat in one fell swoop.

But… seeing that the huge waves were less than a hundred meters away from the port, overwhelming

""Oops, oops!!!"

For the people at the port, the huge waves had covered their heads, just like the night had fallen, and there was no light in the sky.

However, at this moment, they saw that Wudao Bear Master, who was standing at the port, had his arms folded, and was calm in front of the terrifying huge waves.

The huge waves seemed to be just a wave to it, a wave that could not be turned up.

At the same time...

Su Yan's voice sounded again in everyone's mind.

"Everyone, don't blink, let Master Wudao Bear show you... what... Super Gigantamaxing is!"

""Super gigantic?!"

This word was absolutely unfamiliar to the people of Liyue.

Even Ningguang had never heard of it.

At this moment, their minds were attracted by Su Yan's words, and all their eyes were on Master Wudao Xiong.

For a moment, they even forgot that the huge wave was less than 50 meters high and could sink Liyue at any time.

However, Su Yan would never let Liyue be destroyed.

""Let's get started, Master Wudao Bear!"

As Su Yan's voice fell, Master Wudao Bear finally moved.

It opened its hands, and its whole body was instantly filled with purple-red light.

However, the real horror was behind this...

When the purple-red light spread all over Master Wudao Bear's body, its size was actually increasing rapidly.

Five meters, ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters... and it was still growing.

Twenty-five meters, thirty meters!!!

In just two or three blinks of an eye, Master Wudao Bear had grown to about thirty meters.

Standing at the port, it looked like a giant at the moment, and even its form had changed dramatically.


As Master Wudao Bear roared, its originally gray fur had turned bright red, and its crisp and bright eyes were like a berserker, as if it had fallen into madness.

The visual impact and the invisible sense of oppression all over the body were no worse than those of the ancient demon god.

""Elves, Pokémon have this kind of power?!"

At this moment, everyone stared at Master Wudao Xiong's mind-shaking physique, their mouths opened and could not close for a long time.

They were even unaware that the tsunami had already rushed down.

Of course...

Su Yan spoke at this time.

"Let's do it, Master Wudao Xiong, it's time to find that vortex demon."

"One-hit flow, super giant fatal blow!"

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