When Su Yan's voice sounded from Master Wudao Xiong's mind


After the roar of a berserker, it put away its fists and clenched them at its waist.

At this moment, whether in Liyue Port or Qun Yu Pavilion, people could feel a strange elemental energy, which was instantly drained away by the Martial Arts Bear Master.

The next moment!

The Martial Arts Bear Master swung the fists tightly tied at his waist forward, unstoppable!

""Super Giant Fatal Blow!"

As the fist was swung out, the red energy from the martial arts bear master's fist turned into a beam of light and hit the tsunami falling from the sky.


At this moment.

In everyone's eyes, the tsunami that hundreds of Pokémon could not stop was like a piece of paper stained with dark blue, and the beam of light released by the martial arts bear master was like a blazing flame...

Fire, burning the entire piece of paper.

In just a breath, the tsunami that covered the entire sky was actually evaporated completely.

This scene.

Everyone in Liyue saw it clearly.


There was no word at this moment, only the sound of swallowing, which continued to sound all the time.

Until the sky cleared and the sun shone on Liyue again.……

""So, so strong, so, so awesome!!!"

Someone couldn't hold it in any longer and shouted at a volume that spread throughout the entire Liyue Harbor.

"Too powerful, Boss Su Yan's martial arts bear master is so powerful that it looks like a demon god now!!!"

In the Jade Pavilion, the immortals and Ningguang and the others were all stunned.……

"How could a tsunami evaporate with just one punch?"

Zhu Yue Zhu Yang Zhen Jun's face was filled with shock.

As for the power of the tsunami just now, for immortals, they could also find ways to resist it, or even make it disappear.

After all, immortals are the top combat power in Teyvat.

But to be able to wipe out a huge wave so easily with just one punch, at least no one present could do it.

What's more...

After being surprised, Zhen Jun Liu Yun Jie Feng said with a sigh:"The bear hasn't shown its true ability yet."

""That's right."

The other immortals all nodded, fully agreeing with Master Liuyunjifeng's statement.

Ningguang was silently recalling the name of the form that Su Yan had just said.

"Super, level, giant, transformation"

"We still know too little about Pokémon."

Just when everyone was relieved,

Beidou suddenly pointed in the direction of Liyue Port.

"Don't be too happy yet, look, the demon behind the huge wave has appeared!"

All the immortals looked at him.

As expected ,……

"What is that? Was it the one that caused the tsunami just now?"

The people of Liyue Harbor had seen the demon god hiding behind the tsunami before, but now that the tsunami has disappeared, they have also seen the demon god hiding behind the tsunami.

"I, I've seen the illustrations, that's the ancient vortex demon god Osel!!!"

"Oh my god, if that's the case, the tsunami just now was caused by it?"

People were just immersed in the strength of Wudao Bear Master, but now they were awakened. They realized that the disaster was far from gone, but had just arrived.

In the distance, on the sea level, five transparent dragon heads appeared on the sea surface, surrounded by whirlpools, and swirling water tornadoes connected to the sky.

Now... the people of Liyue understood what caused the disaster just now.

"It's actually the ancient demon god?!"


On the sea, the five dragons of the vortex demon god Osel roared to the sky. He was worthy of the name of the vortex demon god. As soon as his voice sounded, the whole sea surface was in chaos again.

The tide was rising wildly, and coupled with its huge size, the vortex and waterspouts were vast, enough to make everyone who saw this scene tremble.

This... is the former demon god.

On the Qunyu Pavilion.

When Osel appeared, the immortals were all moved.

After all, this was the demon god they had fought against before, and they knew best how powerful the other party was.

"The demon has appeared, he is immortal, I want to see how he can defeat him"

"The Emperor had tried to destroy it but failed. In the end, he could only use his rock spear to suppress it. Although the bear was strong, it was impossible to completely kill the demon."

"That's right, but since the Emperor asked us to watch, I think the owner of the Elf House must have some ideas."

"Let's wait and see!"

When Liyue united to resist the huge waves, although some of the immortals were still stubborn, they actually gave high praise to the Pokémon in their hearts.

Now that the martial arts bear master has grown super giant, he has saved Liyue with his own strength, and there is no complaint.

But at this moment!


The sea surface was turbulent again.

The Orsay, which originally had only five heads, actually grew another one.


It's not over yet.

Bang, bang, bang!!!

With three consecutive loud noises on the sea surface, the demon god Orsay, which originally had only five heads, actually grew four more heads...

At this moment, it has nine heads!

"This this……"

Seeing this scene, all the immortals showed disbelief.

"This is impossible!"

"It was sealed by the Emperor in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion. Even if it could break the seal, its strength should be much weaker than before. Why does it have nine heads?!"

"Could it be that all the seals have been destroyed?"

"How is it possible? The Emperor's seal is not so easy to break, unless someone destroys it from the outside, but who has the ability to destroy it from the outside?"

The immortals are starting to get nervous.

Now that Osel has recovered all his strength, is Liyue going to face the Demon God War thousands of years ago again?

At the same time……

"No wonder Zhongli has been praised for thousands of years after suppressing Osel. Although he is poor, he is quite capable."

In the dimensional crack, when he saw Osel's true form in a dreamy way, he did not hesitate to give Zhongli a little affirmation.

Well, no more.

Su Yan smiled and said,"You still underestimate Zhongli. You destroyed the seal of Osel. Although there is���The body of the head, but the wear and tear of its soul made it crazy. Now it is like an unconscious beast, with only hatred for Liyue and Zhongli left. Compared to its heyday... it now has only 70% to 80% of its strength left."


Huanhuan nodded, Su Yan's words were always correct, and then it asked:"Su Yan, how are you going to subdue it?"

"Haha, Osel is immortal. In fact, as long as I use some tricks, I can even let Master Wudao Bear kill it."

"But this time I want to try whether the newly modified Poké Ball can subdue the demon god. In the past three days, in addition to modifying the Poké Ball, I also reconstructed a new dimensional channel, just to allow the super beasts of Tianguan Mountain to enter and exit freely."

Three days ago, Su Yan already had an idea in his mind. He didn't let Master Wudao Bear attack until the last moment, just to see how the Liyue people would react before facing the disaster.

As a result, the mutual trust between the Liyue people and Pokémon in the face of disasters not only did not disappoint Su Yan, but greatly exceeded his expectations.

It was worth his efforts to popularize science for the Liyue people these days.

Because of this, he can be sure that even if the arrival of Pokémon is accelerated, the Liyue people can already accept it.

Then... it doesn't matter if the super beasts come out.

Su Yan asked leisurely:"I have taught you the laws of this world, now you should have mastered it completely, right?"

Behind the dimensional crack, there were faint white and blue mountains flashing, and a low whistle whistled in response.

"……Lord Su Yan!"

"I am ready and can come to the new world at any time!"

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