"What, what should we do? A demon of this level is still alive. What should we do now?"

"Where are the Liyue Seven Stars? As the seven stars that rule Liyue, why didn't they show up?"

"Lady Ningguang and the others must have been delayed by something, otherwise they wouldn't have shown up."

"But let's not talk about whether they were held back or not. Facing such a demon god, it was useless for the seven stars of Liyue to come. Now... the only ones who can keep us alive are probably the Rock King and Mr. Su Yan's martial arts bear master."

Even from the Liyue Port, people can clearly see the sea and sky on the other side.

The oppressive feeling and breath of the nine-headed demon god are enough to scare countless people.

Many people even had an idea in their minds. Is the demon war thousands of years ago about to start again?

Fortunately, the super-giant martial arts bear master stood in front of everyone, just like another mighty demon god guarding Liyue Port.

This made people feel much more at ease.

"Please, Mr. Su Yan, save Liyue."

As people pleaded, more and more people in Liyue Harbor shouted out.

At this moment,

Su Yan was like another god in the hearts of the people of Liyue.

However, Su Yan did not respond.

Under people's prayers, what responded to these people were the dimensional cracks above, and... a shocking pressure.

Countless pairs of eyes suddenly saw two paper-like wings coming out from the dark dimensional cracks.

At this moment!

Wendy on the Qun Yu Pavilion and Zhongli on the roof of a building somewhere, their pupils swelled at almost the same time. They were horrified at the same time.……

"What, what is this?!!"

After feeling this breath, the two 'gods' began to tremble uncontrollably.

You know, when the martial arts bear master became super giant, they were not afraid.

But now they were afraid from the bottom of their hearts, afraid of the power in the crack.

Because they could feel that it was already far beyond the concept of 'god'.

At the same time


The immortals and the people in the Jade Pavilion also showed painful expressions at this time.

""Such a strong, powerful pressure. I, I am a little breathless."

Ningguang and Beidou were struggling in pain.

The Demon-Subduing Great Sage and the immortals beside them also bent their knees, as if an invisible force was pressing on their backs.

"A power stronger than...stronger than the Emperor. Something is about to appear in that crack.……"

Even the immortals were like this, not to mention the people in the port.

At this moment.

The people in Liyue Port were all as pale as paper, and beads of sweat appeared on everyone's forehead.

Everyone knew that this feeling of suffocation came from the dark crack.

Even the nine heads of the vortex demon on the sea were floating up and down. Even though it had turned into a beast, it couldn't stop panicking...

At this moment!

Click, click!

The dimensional crack was forcibly expanded several times or even ten times under the pulling of the two mysterious wings.

Then... a whistle of the stabilizing demon came from the dimensional crack and impacted the hearts of countless people in Liyue.

"Are you worthy of being called... the Whirlpool Demon God?"

With the domineering words, the dimensional cracks swelled, and a majestic pure white figure flapped its wings out from it.

As soon as it appeared, the sky and the earth seemed to lose color in an instant.

The white clouds quickly hid.

Instead, it was replaced by... endless black cloud pressure.

Lightning arcs danced in the clouds, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder.



Thunder and lightning fell continuously, turning into thousands of lightning snakes that continued to fall on the sea.

Every time there was thunder, there was an explosion of thunder on the sea as a response, and the bombing continued.

Such a scene was many times more terrifying than the birth of the demon god.

It seemed that the world was trembling.

Fortunately, when that figure After coming out of the crack, the extremely suppressed divine power gradually became peaceful, and people seemed to feel less uncomfortable.

However, at this time, people's hearts were beating even harder.

Because everyone really witnessed the giant beast that broke free from the crack...

It was pure white, with a light blue lower abdomen and a dorsal fin made up of dark blue pieces. The overall feeling was very sacred.

But its size was even more exaggerated...

You should know that the super-giant martial arts bear master was about 30 meters long, like a giant, like a mountain.

However, this mysterious creature was almost twice as big as the super-giant martial arts bear master!

"Oh, my god... this is also a Pokémon?!"

Since a while ago, people's mouths have never closed.

Now seeing this sudden giant beast, the changes on their faces are even more exciting.

Until someone saw……

"Look, that, that Pokémon's head, isn't it... Boss Su Yan?!"

At this moment, countless eyes looked up and fell on the Pokémon's head.

There was a person and two familiar little guys standing there.

Because the monster was so big, everyone could only vaguely see someone on it.

But the two Pokémons, Mew and Celebi, were so special that they were easy to identify.

"Boss Su Yan, it is indeed Boss Su Yan!"

For some reason, when people saw Su Yan's appearance, their hearts, which had been tense countless times, finally showed signs of relaxation. It was as if Su Yan's appearance gave them infinite confidence.

Of course.

In the Qun Yu Pavilion, the immortals and Ning Guang and the others also saw Su Yan.

"It's him!"

"It's really Mr. Su Yan!"

Ningguang and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't help but smile at each other.

This was the first time they smiled after the Lonely Cloud Pavilion changed.

On the other hand, Beidou and others……

"Hey, this is too much, don't tell me... that's also a Pokémon��"

As soon as Beidou screamed, Ningguang immediately recalled the conversation she had with Su Yan.

‘Is the quasi-god the most powerful existence in Pokémon?

At that time, Su Yan did not answer.

Now... the answer is right in front of us.

Just when we thought of this, Su Yan's voice suddenly rang in everyone's mind again.

"You must be very curious now, is my friend also a Pokémon?"

"Then let me explain it to you again."

"Yes, my partner is also a Pokémon"

"And it is……"

"Well, you will tell your friends in Liyue your name yourself."

Just as everyone was concentrating and looking at the extraordinary Pokémon... the pure white sacred Pokémon suddenly swung its wings in a straight line.

In an instant!

The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder disappeared in the blink of an eye as its wings flapped.

On the sea, the whirlpools and water tornadoes caused by the Vortex Demon also returned to the ocean in an instant.

At this moment.

The sea surface of the entire Liyue no longer had turbulent currents, and the waves flowed steadily...

The sea seemed to be listening to its call.

"My name is Sea God Lugia!"

"New World, Vortex Demon……?"

"You should be trembling!"

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